info Overview
Name - What is Blair Auliffe’s full name?

Blair Auliffe

Role - What is Blair Auliffe’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Blair Auliffe’s gender?

Female (she/her)

Age - How old is Blair Auliffe?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Blair Auliffe?


Hair Color - What color is Blair Auliffe’s hair?

Ginger (dyed)
Real hair is brown

Hair Style - How does Blair Auliffe style their hair?

Medium length hair that's a bit frizzy. She sometimes braids it.

Eye Color - What is Blair Auliffe’s eye color?

Aluminum Grey

Skin Tone


Race - What is Blair Auliffe’s race?


Body Type


chat_bubble Nature

Quiet, but determined.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Blair Auliffe have?

Frequently washes her hands or applies hand sanitizer. She is very aware of what she touches and tries not to use her hands if she can, ex. using her arms or elbows to open doors if the handles are long enough.

She speaks quietly, but not at a whisper, to conserve her breath. She stopped bothering to apologize for her coughs when they interrupt her own or others talking.

Motivations - What motivates Blair Auliffe most?

Ending Caelua's eugenics program, even if it means her death. She was determined to end the genocide against magicless ever since she was separated from her birth family.

Talents - What talents does Blair Auliffe have?

Illegal hacking - her intense understanding of computer science and programming makes her one of the insurgency's most valuable members.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Blair Auliffe have?

Drawing theories from her favorite TV shows and yoga.

Personality type - What personality type is Blair Auliffe?

Neutral Good


Genetic disease

groups Social
Relationship Details

  • Incredibly loyal to Mira for being the first person besides her family to accept her

  • Watches TV shows with Clara and has fan discussions with her

Occupation - What is Blair Auliffe’s occupation?

Hacker agent

Favorite color - What is Blair Auliffe’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Blair Auliffe’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Blair Auliffe’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Blair Auliffe’s favorite weapon?

Liquid mercury

Favorite animal - What is Blair Auliffe’s favorite animal?


Languages Spoken


local_library History
Birthday - When is Blair Auliffe’s birthday?

January 5, 50 ACM (Capricorn)

Birth Place

Southern Caelua

Education - What is Blair Auliffe’s level of education?


Background - What is Blair Auliffe’s background?

At 9 years old, the Arelese Revolutionary Party came for Blair’s hometown in southern Caelua.

Soldiers disguised as terrorists opened fire at any person they came across, whether they be man, woman, or child.

brightness_7 Magic

Physical - Metal Magic (Weak)

Mana Manifestation



  • Solid metal manipulation allows her to transform its shape into whatever she wants it to be

  • For every 1 ft3 of metal it takes one second longer for her to transform its shape

  • Liquid metal is easier to manipulate and doesn't have the same time constraint as solid metal does

Range of Power

  • She could destroy the structure of a two-story house

  • No, she cannot manipulate the metals in a human body. The concentration of metal in a human is so tiny that only the most skilled metal mages can begin to sense the molecules, never mind manipulate them.


  • She can only manipulate metal from her environment. She cannot conjure any metal to her out of thin air

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Everyone in her home town was fated to die, except for her.

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