info Overview
Name - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s full name?

Harvey Elnath Aldebrand

Role - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s gender?

Male (he/him)

Age - How old is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand?


Hair Color - What color is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s hair?

Chestnut Brown

Hair Style - How does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand style their hair?

Unkempt, unruly

Eye Color - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s race?


Body Type



Hoodie and sweatpants, usually grayscale colors.

chat_bubble Nature

He wasn't popular at school, perhaps because conversations with him are difficult to initiate. Given his social awkwardness, he's not one for small talk. He goes out of his way to avoid public attention. Many think he is a people-hater and a loner, to which he will agree. However, he actually enjoys being around people he likes. His problem is finding those people among strangers.

Among his few friends, he feels stronger and more encouraged to push his mental boundaries. He doesn't care about what people think of him nearly as much as what they think of his friends. Especially Tyler— he will kill for him.

His quiet and invisible aura inverts itself if push comes to shove. He is violent and vulgar to his enemies, but comfortable and laid-back around close friends.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand have?

  • Scratching the back of his head during awkward situations.

  • Fidgeting with hoodie strings when bored.

Flaws - What flaws does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand have?

His upbringing under parents with absurdly high expectations set as the standard has reduced his sense of self-worth. He believes nobody cares about above-average achievements unless said achievement is coming in first. Nobody remembers who comes in second place because that is still considered losing. He'll undermine most of his work because of this philosophy and disrespects himself. It has created a self-deprecating cycle when he tries harder, fails for reasons outside of his control, blames himself for not trying hard enough, and tries again with even higher expectations set for himself.

Apathy enraptured him during his college years when he became stuck in a major he hated. His stubbornness is the only thing that drove him forward. It also played against him, as he refuses to do anything and wastes his time doing nothing.

Motivations - What motivates Harvey Elnath Aldebrand most?

Finding the Verboten Lab to uncover the secrets surrounding his conception and to cure Tyler's condition. And if he survives, finding a reason to live.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand have?

Magicless are inherently useless.

Talents - What talents does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand have?

He's good at a sword and has almost perfect control over his fire magic. Besides that, he doesn't have much else going for him.

Personality type - What personality type is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand?

Neutral Good

groups Social
Relationship Details

  • He doesn't really consider many people his friends. However, he is really close to the people he does consider as friends.

  • He will literally die for Tyler.

  • William was a best friend during high school, but they were openly hostile toward each other after reuniting three years later. It takes a long while for them to rekindle their friendship.

  • Considers himself on good terms with Clara and Blair, but not friends.

  • Though he dislikes Lucas, he does not consider him an enemy.

Religion - What religion does Harvey Elnath Aldebrand practice?


Occupation - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s occupation?

College student -> Rebel Agent

Favorite color - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s favorite color?

Prefers dark and grayscale colors

Favorite food - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s favorite food?

Pasta - If there was one thing he liked about his mom, it was her homemade spaghetti.

Favorite possession - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s favorite possession?

His magic sword

Favorite weapon - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s favorite animal?


Languages Spoken


local_library History
Birthday - When is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s birthday?

May 2, 53 A.C.M. (Taurus)

Birth Place


Education - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s level of education?

College level — no degree
Don't get it wrong, he was an academic genius. He attended Amaranth, the most prestigious mage's high school in the nation, and enrolled in Alkae University, his world's equivalent of an Ivy League school.

He majored in economics, though not willingly. His parents pressured him to get a high-paying job. Harvey himself never had a dream career, and obliged to their demands partly because he didn't have a second choice. However, he first had to write an entire essay persuading them why law and medical school were an imperfect fit for him. Next, he attempted to enter Alkae U's engineering program, and wasn't accepted. In a last ditch effort, he chose a random major for himself, and had to stick with economics for the next three years. Needless to say, he loathed it.

Background - What is Harvey Elnath Aldebrand’s background?

TW: suicide

Harvey was a gifted child. It was a title he clung to up until his last year of college. He knew his parents' expectations were always high, but he never felt the pressure until entering high school. The day his performance started to dip, his anxiety spiked to new heights as his worst fears began to come true: he was no longer special.

His increased efforts went unnoticed. Monitoring his grades closer than they were their son, his parents only ever asked him why he wasn't trying hard enough. In turn, Harvey asked himself why he was disappointing them. Sleepless nights became more common in his attempts to improve himself, but all that time devoted to practice and schoolwork took a toll on him.

He didn't have time to figure out what he wanted to do, what he wanted to be in the future. To him, the future was meaningless compared to the present. What was the point in preparing for future problems if he couldn't solve the ones he had now?

Despite his efforts, he never won anything. There were still students who were academically superior. There were peers who won scholarships for their passions. His own roommates stood out more than him: Tyler competed in national math tournaments, and Will remained the school's undefeated champion in magical combat for all his four years. Harvey, on the other hand, made no name for himself.

Everything came to a head in senior year, when student rankings were released for the whole class to see. Out of 203 students, he came in 14. The only thing that went through his mind was how he wasn't in the top ten, and nobody pays attention to anyone who isn't in the top ten.

He wasn't special.

He wasn't even good.

He was worthless.

And while everyone in his grade was still clamoring over the rankings published on the school newspaper, Harvey quietly went back to his room to hang the noose he had prepared.

If Tyler hadn't noticed he was missing and didn't listen to his gut, he would not have been able to talk Harvey out of suicide.

brightness_7 Magic

Energy type — Fire magic (Mastery level)

Mana Manifestation

Wisps of flame


  • Able to cast spells quickly

  • Can create fire on any point of his body; has enough control so that it doesn't burn his clothes

  • Can control the power of his explosions, and the heat of his flames

  • Large mana pools are characteristic of all energy-type mages, but Harvey's pool is even larger than average

  • His flames do not produce smoke because they are not breaking apart matter like normal flames do.

Range of Power

  • One fireball at regular power is as strong as a grenade.

  • If he were to put all his mana into one explosion spell, he could decimate the foundations of an earthquake-proof skyscraper.

  • Access to pyrokinesis, which makes any object within his line of sight spontaneously combust excluding organisms.
    *Pyrokinesis is a high-level fire mage skill


  • Not immune to regular fire nor fire magic from other mages. Same thing with smoke.

  • If done wrong, pyrokinesis can set the wrong object(s) on fire and spread uncontrollably. Additionally, pyrokinesis takes a great deal of concentration to control, and the potential drawbacks are so catastrophic he normally doesn't do it.

  • Should an emotional breakdown occur, pyrokinesis may lose control and set his surroundings ablaze.

  • His power fluctuates; he is stronger in the summer, but weaker in winter.

  • Using fire magic temporarily elevates his body temperature, which may lead to heat stroke if he is not careful.

  • Mana exhaustion results in high fevers.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Amaranth Days: Despicable - grandson

Part 1: Gymnopedie No. 1 (Lent et Douloureux) - Satie

Part 3: Operation Blade - ???

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