info Overview
Name - What is Major Markus Brown ’s full name?

Major Markus Brown

Role - What is Major Markus Brown ’s role in your story?

Head of Southern Genocastra Base

Other names - What other aliases does Major Markus Brown go by?

"Major Brown" (Title)

"Sir" (By cadets)

“Twenty-Three” (ID is #10023)


Lawful neutral

Gender - What is Major Markus Brown ’s gender?


Age - How old is Major Markus Brown ?


face Physical
Weight - How much does Major Markus Brown weigh?

245 lbs

Height - How tall is Major Markus Brown ?


Hair Color - What color is Major Markus Brown ’s hair?

Dark steel-gray

Hair Style - How does Major Markus Brown style their hair?

Neat crew cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Major Markus Brown have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Major Markus Brown ’s eye color?

Striking pale blue

Race / species

Human, GEU (Genetically Enhanced Unit)

Skin Tone

Ashen olive

Body Type

Muscular, rectangular shape. He has kind of a rectangular face, too.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Major Markus Brown have?

Long scar that goes up from his chest, up the neck and nicks up the side of his right jaw. He got it in a vehicle accident when some Rebels tried to ambush the supply chain.

All GEU's have a protective black mask that covers their entire faces. They have glowing-white eyespots, too- Just to intimidate their enemies. Markus has a simple silver symbol on the side on his that means he's high ranking.

His uniform also has his ID number on the shoulders, and he wears a uniformal dogtag with his ID and basic medical information.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Major Markus Brown have?


My brain: dies

  • Okay, his walk is dominant and self-assured, his steps bold. He takes long strides.

  • He has a bad habit of starring at people- He doesn't care if it's rude. Ain't nobody gonna tell him what to do. He mostly stares at folks to scope em out and test how they react. He doesn't want anything happening under his nose, so he watches carefully for suspicious behavior.

  • He kinda subtly rubs his knuckles when he's angry or about to be angry.

  • He probably clenches his jaws too tight when he sleeps. Stop it, dude. You're gonna screw up your teeth.

Motivations - What motivates Major Markus Brown most?

-His career
-The lives of his fellow officers
-The safety of the country

(Note: This is 200 years into the future, and all the countries have united into a super-country(?) called United Nations (Yes, I know there's already a United Nations, it's based off the original concept, but it's different.) National cultures and different religions still exist. There's three main political parties that are kinda the social divisions in this world. All the problems have been pretty much solved except for overpopulation (Total population is nearly 14 Billion) and that's what the book is about. All you really need to know is Hollows are basically zombies, (Another really, really long story, lol) and GEU's (Genetically Enhanced Units) are basically super soldiers that were made in mass-production labs out of donated DNA)

Flaws - What flaws does Major Markus Brown have?

He's rough and strict, and definitely isn't caring or sensitive. His temper is his biggest flaw- His rage can control him, and he can bring a whole new meaning to cruel if he's angry enough. He's also very short on patience with people, especially with youngsters. he mostly gets impatient with them bc he's bad with kids, but he's also frustrated by their lack of comprehension and their wandering focus.

Markus is also cold and calculating, but he can be unpredictability reckless when angry. He's stubborn and fresh out of craps to give. His rules are strict and his punishments are merciless.

He's more respective and civil with people that share his rank, but he's also unafraid to utilize his authority on the lower ranks.

He's also very manipulative, especially when he needs something.

When it comes to his temper, he feels charged and energetic after an argument. Lingering anger makes him blow up at officers who even step one toe out of line. He feels justified by his point of view, so for his to think he went "to far" would be if he later decided his perspective was flawed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Major Markus Brown have?

He cares more about the community than the individual.

Quote: "A swift boot to the rear teaches more than an entire lecture- And in a fraction of the time, too."

Talents - What talents does Major Markus Brown have?

A long military career has made him multi-talented in the art of self-defense.

He knows a basic form of martial arts, can shoot anything from a crossbow to a cannon, and has a scary reputation with a knife.

Even for a GEU (Genetically Enhanced Unit), he's unusually strong. His leadership and strategic qualities, deft fighting skills, and lengthy military experience carried him high up the chain of command.

He speaks a little german, because that's one of the local languages. He knows morse code like the back of his hand.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Major Markus Brown have?

He's also known to carve branches and bones, in the rare moments when he has free-time. He's definitely not a carpenter, but he can whittle a decent fish hook.

Personality type - What personality type is Major Markus Brown ?

Markus is a natural leader. He's action-orientated, but he's also a patient hunter. He's not an enemy that you would want to have, and he's very hard to kill.

Among his good qualities, he's very good at keeping people safe. He served as the English Chairman's personal body guard for eight years before he was reassigned to oversee and train new soldiers at the Southern Genocastra Base. He's actually not bitter- He just does what he's told, mostly.

Overall- Harsh and intelligent, but can lose his cool when he's angry.

Personality type: ENTJ

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Major Markus Brown practice?


(He doesn't care about religion.)

Politics - What politics does Major Markus Brown have?


(Heyyy, it's me again: You have to understand that in this universe, the government is actually responsible for a kind of "zombie apocalypse" party that's been jamming for the past thirty-five years. They didn't mean for it to actually become a zombie apocalypse, but because of the overpopulation, they wanted to secretly release a bio-engineered plague into Beyonder territory (Basically, if you're not rich and you don't leave near the capital cities then you're a Beyonder, along with the other 74% of the world.) The government owns the military and they started deploying GEU's to protect Loyalist cities after hordes of Hollows and Beyonders started attacking.)

Occupation - What is Major Markus Brown ’s occupation?

Current occupation is head of Southern Genocastra Base, but has history as a military authority and a personal bodyguard.

Favorite color - What is Major Markus Brown ’s favorite color?

Black- the perfect color of the sky for stealth missions.

Favorite food - What is Major Markus Brown ’s favorite food?

Meat Loaf

Favorite possession - What is Major Markus Brown ’s favorite possession?

His trusty survival knife.

Favorite weapon - What is Major Markus Brown ’s favorite weapon?

FGM-284 Javelin

(Think one-shot rocket launcher)

Favorite animal - What is Major Markus Brown ’s favorite animal?

Bear or crocodile (Powerful animals that "defend their brood" well)

Job - What job does Major Markus Brown have?

Wow there's like three categories here for occupation lol- For job, please see: occupation, or role lol

date_range History
Birthday - When is Major Markus Brown ’s birthday?

March 26th

Education - What is Major Markus Brown ’s level of education?

Full education, plus gained experience

Background - What is Major Markus Brown ’s background?

Born and raised GEU- After the HC (zombie apocalypse) plague broke out, he became more battle-hardened and distant.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Major Markus Brown have?

Cat named Ducklips (briefly)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

After my protagonist joins the Beyonder's side (Long story), Markus becomes a dangerous enemy in kind of a Captian Phasma vs Finn kinda way. (Whoops, Star Wars reference 😬)

flare Extra
Zodiac Sign

Scorpio, Aries, or Leo. Take your pick. Idc.

Hogwarts House

Gryffindor 👌

book Stories and Memories
Childhood Memories

Met his real mother once- She's a Loyalist that lived in a city he was defending. They strongly resembled each other and the ages lined up, and she even requested to see his genes to double check. (Hey, she really wanted to know, okay?) She was proud of him.

(Note: The way that GUE's are made means that they never meet their parents, and in most cases, the parents don't even know each other. Theres DNA drives all over the fancy cities, and bargains like "Donate to the DNA drive, and get a free smoothie!")


One time he was fighting a rebel. The rebel had a rifle, Markus only had his hands. According to the story, Markus grabbed the barrel of the gun and bent it backwards. Long story short, the rebel died that day.

(GEU's are genetically enhanced to be faster and stronger, but even Markus is unusually strong for a GEU.)

Best Memory

When he was selected to be a private bodyguard for the English Chairman.

He also remembers his friends fondly- They were actually ranked #2 in the top five most disciplined squadrons in the armed forces. Later, he got reassigned after his squadron got depleted and he started to see friendship as a distraction to his duties. He's very passionate about his career- He sees it as his purpose. (Of course, it IS his purpose, because that's what he was created for, but he did rebel against that a little in his youth. Later he saw the honor and nobility in service though.)

Worst Memory

When he watched his entire squadron get mowed down by a Hollow horde. He was only like 19 at the time.

Random Memory

One time, a cat snuck into his bunkhouse and his squadron kept it as a pet. That cat survived three explosions, a bullet to the shoulder, swallowing a dogtag and a collision with a jeep. Markus often suggested that the only reason the cat was alive was out of "spite." They named it Ducklips because of a facial deformity.

(This is actually an inside joke irl, so sorry if this part is kinda odd lol)

Random Facts

Rumor has it, he has the ability to bend a coin in half between his thumb and his index finger.

Again, he's abnormally strong.

He also has an official name, which is peculiar for a GEU. He picked his own name when he was around sixteen, and he's gone by it among friends for years. He was officially awarded the name after the English Chairman found out about it and decided to make it official to reward him for his service.

He got the title "Major" after the English Chairman deemed him worthy and reassigned him to be the head of the Genocastra Base. (I don't actually know if Major would be the correct title tho- I've researched the crap out of the chain of command, but I still have no idea what you would call a military principal heheh...)

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