info Overview
Name - What is Kash Johansen’s full name?

Kash Johansen

Role - What is Kash Johansen’s role in your story?

Leader of Rebel Caravan

Other names - What other aliases does Kash Johansen go by?

Sir, Kash, etc.

Gender - What is Kash Johansen’s gender?


Age - How old is Kash Johansen?


face Physical
Weight - How much does Kash Johansen weigh?


Height - How tall is Kash Johansen?


Hair Color - What color is Kash Johansen’s hair?

Pale silver with echos of dirty blond

Hair Style - How does Kash Johansen style their hair?

Long, wavy (Keeps it in a bro-flow- Think Kylo Ren? Kind?)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kash Johansen have?

Beard, short

Eye Color - What is Kash Johansen’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Race / species


Skin Tone

Suntanned light- A bit red from sunburn

Body Type

Athletic and tough, but also bony and thin

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kash Johansen have?

Cleft chin, thick eyebrows. Always wearing a bandanna. He has an American accent.

fingerprint Nature


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kash Johansen have?

Clumpy walk, but can be super stealthy.

Tendency to pull at his beard when he's listening to somebody talk

Grumpy-looking neutral face

Bad back in the mornings

Double-jointed thumbs

Motivations - What motivates Kash Johansen most?

Keeping everybody alive

blowing up the capital like a feral maniac

finding the Haven

Flaws - What flaws does Kash Johansen have?

A bit too strong-willed and extremely untrusting. He's rash and a bit cold. Maybe a bit harsh. It's his way or nothing, in the end. Very firm and stubborn.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kash Johansen have?

"Stick to the program if you wanna make it out alive."

Talents - What talents does Kash Johansen have?

Martial artist, former professional driver, grill-master, and a surprisingly good barber.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kash Johansen have?

Improving and fortifying vehicles, building stuff, tinkering around with tech- He's basically a handyman.

Personality type - What personality type is Kash Johansen?

Gruff and tough, but he'll keep you safe. Slapstick sense of humor, the type to pull a prank when you least expect it. Once you get to know him, he's a real firecracker- Very entertaining facial expressions and stories. If you're a stranger, he'll be more gruff and intimidating. Doesn’t give trust easily.

(I know this is brief, but he's just a side-character anyway)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kash Johansen practice?


Politics - What politics does Kash Johansen have?


Favorite color - What is Kash Johansen’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Kash Johansen’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Kash Johansen’s favorite possession?

He has a collection of GE Soldier dogtags.

Favorite weapon - What is Kash Johansen’s favorite weapon?

Bazooka- But he has a rifle instead.

Favorite animal - What is Kash Johansen’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Kash Johansen have?

Former boot-camp instructor, back in the days before GE Soldiers and plagues.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Kash Johansen’s birthday?

March 5th, 2165

Education - What is Kash Johansen’s level of education?

Full education, maybe slacked a bit on the science and chemisty.

Background - What is Kash Johansen’s background?

Grew up in Smalltown (Yes, that was it's name- And no, it actually wasn't that small) Scotland, but he's an American descendant. Went to school there and was in tenth grade when his family moved out of the city because of the Hollows. Lived in an RV most his life, in a group of rebels. After turning around 50-something, Kash suggested they break away from the group, because it was getting too large (144 RV's strong)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
flare Extra
Zodiac Sign


Hogwarts House

Slytherin or Gryffindor

Theme Song

Unstoppable by The Score (Theme song for all three Johansen siblings)

book Stories and Memories
Worst Memory

The day he saw his first Hollow. It started out as only whispered rumors, but it turned into stories on TV or the news. But the day he saw one, walking down his road, made it real. Just the way it staggered, expressionless and blank- was terrifying. He knew instantly what it was. He watched it stumble crookedly down his street, weaving in and out of yards. He was only twelve or thirteen at the time, so he ran and told his mom.

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