grade Overview
Name - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s full name?

Урса Вальдфогель

Gender - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s gender?


Age - How old is Урса Вальдфогель?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Урса Вальдфогель’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s eye color?


Race - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s race?


Body Type

very buff. mans built like a mini fridge

ac_unit Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Урса Вальдфогель have?

doesn't realize the amount of strength he has. might accidentally shove people too far or breaks things


yeah, he's just naturally very strong.

groups Social
Name meaning

Ursa is a scientific name for a bear. Waldvogel means "bird of the forest" in nifl


became close with his team pretty fast as he's charming, even though is shy a bit. apart of them doesn't have any. met Zahri when the latter was in Argemonia for unknown reason. considers Ráka his best friend

Occupation - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s occupation?


Favorite weapon - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s favorite weapon?

short battleaxe

casino History
Birthday - When is Урса Вальдфогель’s birthday?

двенадцатое листобоя

Education - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s level of education?

it's obvious it's lower than Ráka's or June's and Vaihere's, but he is pretty smart and reads a lot.

Background - What is Урса Вальдфогель’s background?

he hasn't told about himself much—apparently, is an orphan and has been working since teen years. at some point was recruited by mercenary group as their leader noticed his exquisite strength. he has been guarding trade caravans and small merchant ships over Argemonia with that group, with the profit off this he had became pretty wealthy despite his background and the young age. during that time he met Zahri who temporally joined their group.

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flash_on Inventory
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