grade Overview
Name - What is Раака Наранья’s full name?

Раака Наранья

Role - What is Раака Наранья’s role in your story?

"Destiny"'s surgeon

Gender - What is Раака Наранья’s gender?


Age - How old is Раака Наранья?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Раака Наранья’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Раака Наранья’s eye color?

light grey

Race - What is Раака Наранья’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Раака Наранья have?

has a birthmark on his left temple—called 'Dana's touch'

ac_unit Nature

Zahri describes him as being a good doctor ("he kept feeding birds. there were more birds than injured in the infirmary. less injured also because of him."). avoids participating in battles and is usually protected by teammates due to his important role but can fight with a short sword himself. knows card tricks and possesses big knowledge of legends and religions. knowledgeable in general.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Раака Наранья have?


groups Social
Name meaning

Raaka means "full moon" in north Hvergelmir dialects, referring to him being born during full moon. Naranga means "orange tree"


has met Zahri long ago and despite always denying it, deep inside considers him a close friend of his. rumors all around the sea say they used to date each other. even though he was basically forced to join the ship because of his shitty luck, later grows on his teammates and makes friends. became close friends with Itri and Ursa.

Religion - What religion does Раака Наранья practice?

might seem almost obsessed with spirituality and religion at first but actually isn't much of a religious person even though he grew up in a monastery.

Occupation - What is Раака Наранья’s occupation?

pirate ship surgeon, ex-insomnia

casino History
Birthday - When is Раака Наранья’s birthday?

пятнадцатое хлебороста

Education - What is Раака Наранья’s level of education?

might be the most educated of the team as he was studying at a prestigious place due to his new position. even though he was studying since 12 until 16, he still has uni student level education

Background - What is Раака Наранья’s background?

born in one of Brigid's, Hvergelmir's largest island, cities, he might have probably had to live the most boring life of a villager spending the rest of his days in the field. but when he was twelve, he decided to risk it all and lied to his mother he has been seeing dreams. southerners take dreamers seriously, every dreamer is welcome to join the church as a priest called Insomnia, which would benefit the whole family a lot in different ways. so, Ráka was taken to the monastery to be trained as an insomnia, where he was learning how to interpret dreams and tend wounds. for some reason he was never caught on his lies—apparently, his made-up dreams and prophesies were convincing enough, combined with him having Dana's touch and being born at full moon. when he was sixteen, he was sent with other members of their monastery to Skadi for a help in the civil war that happened here. here he had met a mercenary who persuaded him into joining his gang and running away as Ráka got bored of his lifestyle again. they were in the same team for few years and got separated later as their old crew disbanded. Ráka was living at Beira as a doctor in the city (because one of the mercenaries, Lamia, encouraged him to do so) and when he decided to join a pirate crew for the first time in two years, he got in trouble again.

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