grade Overview
Name - What is Вайере Веро’s full name?

Вайере Веро

Role - What is Вайере Веро’s role in your story?

"Destiny"'s navigator

Gender - What is Вайере Веро’s gender?


Age - How old is Вайере Веро?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Вайере Веро’s hair?

black naturally but depending on air humidity it gets greener and then blue in water. as he sails often or is at seashores it's black in the roots with green ends

Eye Color - What is Вайере Веро’s eye color?


Race - What is Вайере Веро’s race?

1/4 mavka, 3/4 skadian of colossi descent

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Вайере Веро have?

after the journey he claims to lose his eyesight in the right eye, so he wears a eye patch.

ac_unit Nature

comes from mavka descent so doesn't have the full amount of power pure blooded mavkas (like Tiare) hold. still, can sense pretty big water ponds' borders and bottoms precisely. understands sea creatures. it's unknown yet if he suffers from bloodthirst like pure mavkas do—Ráka theorizes he doesn't as he can consume human food. probably can breathe underwater but never checked it. also a good spearwielder


after the fire at 'Destiny' suffers a head injury that results in him having blindsight in his right eye and left-side hemiparesis

groups Social
Name meaning

Vaihere consists of two words meaning "water" and "being loved" in aboriginal Susanoo languages that mavkas also use. Wero is also a word in aboriginal Susanoo language meaning "to strike with a spear"


has been best friends with June since forever. became friends with Kaya after working in the same tavern for few months.

Occupation - What is Вайере Веро’s occupation?


Favorite possession - What is Вайере Веро’s favorite possession?

"y'all love your accessories.. i love my island, that's my favorite possession. get on my level"

Favorite weapon - What is Вайере Веро’s favorite weapon?


casino History
Birthday - When is Вайере Веро’s birthday?

девятое зарева

Education - What is Вайере Веро’s level of education?

middle-school level. very smart despite his goofy behavior

Background - What is Вайере Веро’s background?

he is also from Skadi as June, but he already had lived in the village since his birth. one of Vaihere's grandparents, apparently, was a true mavka. even if they generally are considered to be a myth, it's hard to deny as his hair changes its color in the water. he's been learning to fight with a spear since young age because this weapon is traditionally was wielded by true mavkas. Vaihere though wasn't aware of being a mavka before late teens, as his parents weren't aware themselves. even their reasoning for teaching him to fight with a spear was "just in case the rebels come here too, learn it just like your father does"
he was offered to move to the capitol with June; lucky for him his position here was more stable, he was working for a fish market owner—since he can sense sea creatures, he was great at fishing.
one time a pirate captain who was staying in Skadi heard from the merchant about Vaihere's amazing fishing skills, realized he's a mavka and offered him to join the ship. this is when Vaihere completely discovered his extraordinary skills with being able to sense sea bottom and finding an island that wasn't on any map. he isn't taken seriously mostly anyway, but when leaving the tavern asked Kaya to promote him as a skilled navigator.

favorite_border Family
flash_on Inventory
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