grade Overview
Name - What is Юнэ Мурава’s full name?

Юнэ Мурава

Gender - What is Юнэ Мурава’s gender?


Age - How old is Юнэ Мурава?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Юнэ Мурава?

VERY tall, which is typical for skadians

Hair Color - What color is Юнэ Мурава’s hair?


Race - What is Юнэ Мурава’s race?

skadian colossi

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Юнэ Мурава have?

has tattoos on the inside side of his left arm—a small swallow on the wrist, stylized hourglass and a compass right below the elbow

ac_unit Nature

amazing archer. naturally charming and is well at distracting people, so he is good with card tricks and stealing things, a good conman

groups Social
Name meaning

June means "youth" in Sowulo dialects. Murawa means "green" in Sowulo dialect too.


has been best friends with Vaihere since childhood as they grew in the same city, they moved to Skadi capitol together too. didn't really consider himself as a friend of Kaya as they didn't interact much before, but he had heard of him.

Religion - What religion does Юнэ Мурава practice?

Time God, even though he isn't much of a religious person

Occupation - What is Юнэ Мурава’s occupation?

worked different jobs before leaving with the pirate crew. currently a pirate

Job - What job does Юнэ Мурава have?

used to be a tavern employee, volunteered at few festivals and traveling circuses where he conned visitors, worked in a merchant shop, have hunted few times.

Favorite weapon - What is Юнэ Мурава’s favorite weapon?


casino History
Birthday - When is Юнэ Мурава’s birthday?

двадцать третье протальника

Education - What is Юнэ Мурава’s level of education?

middle school level as he left to the capitol at 16

Background - What is Юнэ Мурава’s background?

"no sad story. it just be like that sometimes."
June's family was unlucky enough—they had to move to the village from the capitol because of Skadi king's order. there was a positive aspect, because of this he was able to meet Vaihere, and this region also appeared to be a pretty peaceful place with all the rebellions far away from here. still, both him and Vaihere with other children and adults were trained to protect themselves just in case the rebellions would be started near them too.
when they were around 16, king gave up to his people and let everyone come back to their homes that belonged them by right. June's parents though got used to live here so they decided to stay and encouraged him to move, as he did, together with Vaihere, because he wasn't about to leave his bestie behind.
life in the capitol was hard—he had to work a lot of different jobs, sometimes forced to join illegal activities, though he didn't seem to mind so. when Vaihere was offered a place on a pirate ship, he asked June to join them. prior to being recruited by Hara he was taking a break after an attack on a merchant's ship.

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flash_on Inventory
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