info Overview
Name - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s full name?

Lord Drake Bellesa

Role - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s role in your story?

Nephew of High Prince Daylin

Gender - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s gender?


Age - How old is Lord Drake Bellesa?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Lord Drake Bellesa weigh?


Height - How tall is Lord Drake Bellesa?


Hair Color - What color is Lord Drake Bellesa’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Lord Drake Bellesa style their hair?

Short, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lord Drake Bellesa have?


Eye Color - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lord Drake Bellesa have?

A man of the people, love to be social, like knowing people

Motivations - What motivates Lord Drake Bellesa most?

Keep his kingdom independent and make High Prince Daylin king.

Flaws - What flaws does Lord Drake Bellesa have?

Lived a privileged life, knows little of struggle and has no experience in nature.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lord Drake Bellesa have?

has little patience for people who take pride in being uneducated.

Talents - What talents does Lord Drake Bellesa have?

excellent with swords, but has no battle experience, only royal contests.

Personality type - What personality type is Lord Drake Bellesa?

Has a natural charming personality and people are drawn to him. Outgoing and diplomatic. Likes to talk.


can read minds, but cannot read Queen Sabiya's mind.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Lord Drake Bellesa practice?

Doesn't visit temples to pray, rather to know the people in them.

Politics - What politics does Lord Drake Bellesa have?

equality, monarchy with elected governors.

Occupation - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s occupation?

Diplomat to visiting ambassadors.

Favorite color - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s favorite food?

pork, lamb, carrot, turnip pie and grape, orange, fig salad.

Favorite possession - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s favorite possession?

obsidian raven on a leather string, given to him by Izar Zuria on his twenty fifth birthday.

Favorite weapon - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s favorite weapon?

His ability to read minds

Favorite animal - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s favorite animal?

his black cat Midnight.

Job - What job does Lord Drake Bellesa have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Lord Drake Bellesa’s birthday?

twenty three days after winter solstice

Education - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s level of education?

Royally educated, speaks Zaj, Ribari and the old tongue.

Background - What is Lord Drake Bellesa’s background?

Has ability to read minds, but he has to really concentrate on it and cant do it on people more than 100 yards away. He lives in castle with Daylin, can't leave because enemy of Queen Sabiya, who killed his brother as a traitor to crown. Daylin wants him to be leader of the resistance. Has lived his life in a castle with servants, before king died he travelled to other kingdoms, never camped in wild with out guards and fancy tents. Prince Daylin and his family are his closest relative, only had the one brother. They were really close and despite his flippant attitude toward life, harbors deep resentment to the queen and her council. Like most high borns trained with sword, but has never had to use it to defend his life.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Lord Drake Bellesa appears in the following documents
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