info Overview
Name - What is Faryn of Doakly’s full name?

Faryn of Doakly

Role - What is Faryn of Doakly’s role in your story?

Works for High Prince Daylin in the underground resistance to Queen Sabiya. Is charged to take Lord Drake safely to Friar's Gate.

Gender - What is Faryn of Doakly’s gender?


Age - How old is Faryn of Doakly?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Faryn of Doakly weigh?


Height - How tall is Faryn of Doakly?


Hair Color - What color is Faryn of Doakly’s hair?

Dark brown with highlights of burgundy

Hair Style - How does Faryn of Doakly style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Faryn of Doakly’s eye color?


Race - What is Faryn of Doakly’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Faryn of Doakly have?

A 1/2" scar on her left bicep where she was accidentally shot by her sister when they were learning to track with their dad.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Faryn of Doakly have?

Keeps to herself, always sits with her back to the wall to observe a room, courteous but not overly friendly with strangers.

Motivations - What motivates Faryn of Doakly most?

Free her father from prison (if he's still alive) and kill Queen Sabiya

Flaws - What flaws does Faryn of Doakly have?

doesn't trust many people (only 4 actually), doesn't like upper class because of their wealth (jealous), moody.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Faryn of Doakly have?

doesn't like upper class because of their wealth (jealous)

Talents - What talents does Faryn of Doakly have?

excellent tracker

Hobbies - What hobbies does Faryn of Doakly have?

Ax throwing champion in Doakly.

Personality type - What personality type is Faryn of Doakly?

extrovert, but is marred by the events that lead to her father's arrest by Queen Sabiya. Doesn't hold to lady-like standards. Thinks women are far underrated.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Faryn of Doakly practice?

Worships the star gods and the night gods, but doesn't make it to temple often.

Politics - What politics does Faryn of Doakly have?

equality for all

Occupation - What is Faryn of Doakly’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Faryn of Doakly’s favorite color?

moss green

Favorite food - What is Faryn of Doakly’s favorite food?

venison and honeyed cheese.

Favorite possession - What is Faryn of Doakly’s favorite possession?

iron star with yellow amber on each of it's 5 points given to her by her father. There is a map on the back of it she has yet to decipher.

Favorite weapon - What is Faryn of Doakly’s favorite weapon?

Deer horn knives

Favorite animal - What is Faryn of Doakly’s favorite animal?

Giant Elk (misnomer of a name.)

Job - What job does Faryn of Doakly have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Faryn of Doakly’s birthday?

five days before harvest Equinox

Education - What is Faryn of Doakly’s level of education?

Can read and write Oxyrian, knows history and basic math.

Background - What is Faryn of Doakly’s background?

Born lower middle class, father the best tracker in Navin, took out hunting parties for lords. King Nilos knew he was the best tracker. Hired him to hunt game. Queen tried to arrange hunting accident, father warned King about bandits when he saw them, king survived attempt, but Guards 4 died. Queen blamed father for attempt. He was imprisoned on the queen's orders. After King's death Faryn tried to rescue her father, but failed. He was executed when queen found out she was planning a rescue. Her mother and 2 sisters still live in Doakly, her and 2 sisters live in Pallavicini. Bitter about her father's execution and carries a lot of guilt and sadness because of it. Hates Queen Sabiya. Inherited her father's tracking abilities, but makes a living that way, but fears queen will find her. Part of the resistance with her sisters. Very outdoorsy, knows the forest and can survive alone, athletic, trained with weaponry. Doesn't trust many people outside of her family and a few of the resistance members. Has been all through forests with father, only been in Forest of Myst twice, with her father. Volunteers to take Drake to Eastern Hollows. Is the only person Drake has ever met who knows when he reads her mind.

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edit Notes
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