info Overview
Name - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s full name?

High Prince Daylin Bellesa

Role - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s role in your story?

Prince Regent and Lord of Pallavicini

Other names - What other aliases does High Prince Daylin Bellesa go by?

Uncle of Lord Drake

Gender - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s gender?


Age - How old is High Prince Daylin Bellesa?


face Looks
Weight - How much does High Prince Daylin Bellesa weigh?


Height - How tall is High Prince Daylin Bellesa?


Hair Color - What color is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does High Prince Daylin Bellesa style their hair?

Short, thin

Facial Hair - What facial hair does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

Beard, short

Eye Color - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s eye color?


Race - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

friendly, good natured, fairminded, likes to walk the market and see how his people are doing.

Motivations - What motivates High Prince Daylin Bellesa most?

prosperity for all his people. good relations with neighboring kingdoms.

Flaws - What flaws does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

can be too trusting, procrastinator

Prejudices - What prejudices does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

Doesn't trust Queen Sabiya or the people of the Dragon Isles.

Talents - What talents does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

war tactics

Hobbies - What hobbies does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?


Personality type - What personality type is High Prince Daylin Bellesa?

good natured, friendly, authoritative, quick and observant, brave, fair, diplomatic

groups Social
Religion - What religion does High Prince Daylin Bellesa practice?

visits Sea Temple regularly, goes on holidays to Night Temple and Star Temple

Politics - What politics does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

equality for all. Wants a Monarchy with governors elected by the people to advise him.

Occupation - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s occupation?

Governor of Pallavicini

Favorite color - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s favorite food?

roasted ocean fish with lemon and boiled barley, orange cream cake.

Favorite possession - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s favorite possession?

Longsword of steel and gold inlaid with pink pearls and fire pitchstone that belonged to his father and his father's father, etc.

Favorite weapon - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s birthday?

Three days before Festival of Candles.

Education - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s level of education?

Highly educated, as expected of royalty.

Background - What is High Prince Daylin Bellesa’s background?

Trained with the army, was a general until age 40 when his uncle, governor of Pallavicini, died and his brother King Nilos asked him to take up the role.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does High Prince Daylin Bellesa have?

no pets

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

The standard of Pallavicini, where he is governor, is a gold sea dragon with a large pink pearl in its mouth on an aqua field.

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