info Overview
Name - What is Aaron Phillett’s full name?

Aaron Phillett

Age - How old is Aaron Phillett?


Birthday - When is Aaron Phillett’s birthday?

Sept 5


Red Tulip



Gender - What is Aaron Phillett’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Aaron Phillett go by?

Fillet, Ron, A-aron, Demon in a football helmet

Role - What is Aaron Phillett’s role in your story?

Fragment, Antagonist

face Looks
Height - How tall is Aaron Phillett?

Tall (6.6 ft)

Weight - How much does Aaron Phillett weigh?


Race & Ethnicity




Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aaron Phillett have?

Always wears a Fairmallow High letterman jacket

Skin Tone


Body Type

Muscular frame, Toned stomach, Toned arm and legs

Eye Color - What is Aaron Phillett’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Hair Style - How does Aaron Phillett style their hair?

Short, Thin, Shaggy, Curtained bangs

Hair Color - What color is Aaron Phillett’s hair?



He has a raucous voice, He prone to swearing and using slang

Facial features

Has sharp, narrow eyes with a narrow nose and a chiseled chin

Voice Claim
fingerprint Nature

Naive, Carefree, Hot-blooded, Competitive, Idealistic, Stubborn

Despite his age, Aaron has an incredible amount of energy. He is often preoccupied with acting before thinking and can appear loud and intrusive. If he sees his friends being hurt or criticized, he can become very hot-blooded. In order to achieve his goals, he will do whatever it takes to achieve them.

As a football player, he's known as a classic jock. Exercise and football are his main hobbies. Additionally, he is the quarterback of the football team.

Almost all of his friends consist of popular types. He rarely bullies, but he can fall victim to peer pressure to comply. His carefree nature sometimes makes him look as if he is ignorant or stupid.

Competitive by nature, he is always trying to one-up someone or win something.
His family approval makes him anxious, and he often talks himself out of doing something to please them. His friends count on him for loyalty.

In dealing with his enemies, he is aggressive and will do everything in his power to harm them.
Success in life is simple for him. He wants to be a professional football player, move out of the small town and become a successful sports star.
He is remarkably good at geometric construction, often building models and using angles

Moral Alignment

Lawful Neutral

Motivations - What motivates Aaron Phillett most?

Being Popular
Pleasing his father
Stopping the hanahaki


Being seen as weak
Being victimized




To make father proud

sentiment_satisfied Mannerisms
General mannerisms

Competitiveness; having to be the best
Refusing to ask for help
Getting into fights and arguments
Taking excessive pride in one’s possessions
Chasing adrenaline rushes without considering the risks
Engaging in foolhardy actions (jumping off a roof, racing a train, etc.)
Participating in pranks
Speaking first, thinking second
Feeling bad if one’s thoughtless words caused unintentional hurt to a loved one or friend
Not respecting the wishes of others
Occasionally enjoying one’s ability to make others uncomfortable
Saying things that hurt people’s feelings
Telling offensive jokes
Interrupting others

Happy mannerisms

A relaxed appearance
Telling jokes, laughing frequently
Rapid speaking
Enjoying traveling and meeting new people
Going to parties and hosting events
Laughing and joking with others
Direct or intense eye contact
A booming laugh
Becoming talkative

Angry mannerisms

Shouting and yelling
An intense gaze
Rudeness and insults
Handling objects or people roughly
A high chin
A reddening of the face
Lips that flatten
Closed body posture (crossing the arms)

Sad mannerisms

Smiling along with jokes at one’s expense in hopes the situation will end quicker
Hidden hands (in pockets, behind one’s back, etc.) that fist and shake
Lashing out
Quivery smiles
Changing the subject
Checking one’s breath
Throat clearing
Visible blushing
Licking or biting the bottom lip
Petting or stroking one’s own hair (comfort gestures)
Covering up (pulling a jacket tighter, holding one’s elbows)

Scared mannerisms

Face turning ashen
Hair lifting on the nape and arms
Keeping silent
Denying fear through diversion
Masking fear with a reactive emotion (anger or frustration)
False bravado

Traumatized mannerisms

Taking a step or two back
Eyes widening or bulging
Body movements that freeze momentarily
Becoming speechless
Taking shaky breaths
Screaming for release
A gaunt appearance
Audible stress in one’s voice and tone
Picking at lips, skin, or nails
Clutching at oneself
Shivering, moaning
Repeating mantras
Withdrawing from others

groups Social

Popular- As his friend, Elijah, he's popular, but he's also seen as a social climber by some people, and his rudeness and insensitivity make people shy away from him.


Red Meat


Weak people (especially men)
Two faced people
Being lonely

Relationship Status


Job - What job does Aaron Phillett have?



Breaking into abandoned buildings to see what’s inside.
Repairing things

Favorite food - What is Aaron Phillett’s favorite food?

Red meat

Favorite animal - What is Aaron Phillett’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Aaron Phillett’s favorite weapon?


Relationships Description

Charlie Rōtasu - Relationship: Former Friend, Turned Enemy
The two of them used to be close, but Charlie stole his place on the soccer team and started bullying Darrell. Aaron still distrusts Charlie despite him being a timid and shy shell of himself.

Darnell Greigii - Relationship: Boyfriend/Childhood Friend
Darrell is one of Aaron's few loyal friends. At recess, he noticed Darrell alone. The two became fast friends, and he defended him from bullying as well. After they became friends, he asked him out and they've been together ever since. In general, Darrell tolerates Aaron joining a popular crowd as long as it makes him happy. Aaron protects him very fiercely

Claire Lillian - Relationship: Acquaintance, Friend's sister
They're on friendly terms because they're in the same grade for their respective classes. Their friends nickname her "The Housewife" or "Doll Girl" (as she always carries a doll and seems like a housewife of the 60s) Aaron teases her about this as well as her clingy nature.

Elijah Lillian - Relationship: Friend
Aaron and Elijah have been friends since middle school. Some people see him as a clout-chaser for hanging out with Elijah, but he truly respects and admires him. When they're not in class or hanging out with other friends, they usually play football together.

Cleo Kim - Relationship: Classmate, Aquicated
Despite belonging to the same group, Aaron and Cleo rarely interact. She appears to him just like any other girl. She's fine, but he doesn't really have anything to say to her.

Dawn Lycra : Enemy, Delinquent
He is seen by Dawn as just a regular jock douche, and Aaron sees her as an edgelord. Arguments between them are common. In addition to being a grade above him, she tends to hang out with the alternative crowd.

Emma Smith - Relationship: Elijah's girlfriend, Classmate
Emma is another person in their social circle. They are aware of each other's existence, but not much else.

Kelly Smith - Relationship: Enemy, Delinquent
She is Dawn's lackey, Emma's younger sister, and a classmate of his. She speaks down to him and tells him how stupid he is. The two of them often fight each other when he tries to get her in trouble

Terry Torrert - Relationship: Friend, Classmate
Their friendship began when they were young when Elijah's friends circled. Having been in the same grade for a while, they are getting along well despite being a bit nerdy and a sucker for his popular friends.

Tori Torrent - Relationship: Friend's stepsister, Underclassman
Terry's stepsister, she receives little attention from him since she's a sophomore. His view is that she is overly vocal about how some people are valued over others at the school

Valerie Withomery - Relationship: Friend, Classmate
Due to their similar backgrounds, Valerie and Aaron have a good relationship. They are both passionate about sport, competitiveness, and muscles. They play football together and are the best of friends.

Sophie Kāne - Relationship: Aquicatance, Classmate
Every now and then, she hangs out with them. Although he suspects she might be working with Charlie, he doesn't know enough about her to be certain. Apart from acting and gaming, she appears average at most things.

Lucas Bates - Relationship: Enemy
Seeing Lucas as just an oddball with a fairytale obsession he sees him as a stuck-up rich oddball. In response to Lucas' pick-ons, Lucas insults his intelligence.

Jaxon "Jax" Shuǐguǒ Jax is an emotionless weirdo in his eyes

Hunter Lillian - Relationship: Role model
Hunter represented everything a perfect man should be: strong, tough, and rough. He attended his funeral.

Unnamed Father- Relationship: Concern/Pity, Respect/Sympathy
Despite his illness and weak frame, his father's dream was to be a professional football player. The father of Aaron lives through Aaron's vocation. When his son needs him, he will take care of him for the day by using his personal break-in. He works as a medic and is usually overworked. He is guilt-tripped by his father by using his health to push the football on Aaron, but he does not have the strength to yell back.

Unnamed Mother- Relationship: Love/Respect
They have a normal mother-son relationship. She does wish her husband didn't push Aaron so hard but doesn't yell at him for it. She is overjoyed that their son has a role model to look up to.

William Crowworth- Relationship: Teacher, Annoyance, Neutral
Aaron hates this teacher. Nevertheless, Mr. Crowworth appears not to mind. He lectures him about proper grammar and punctuation.

Elliott Centauri- Mocking
Due to Elliott's weight, he sees him as unhealthy and bothers him about it

device_hub Family

Other relatives

Unnamed Father
Unnamed Mother

date_range History

A fear of failure

Social Class

Lower Middle Class

colorize Health
Conditions - What physical, mental, or other conditions does Aaron Phillett have?

Get an Hanahaki infection


High Pain Tolerance

Immune system






















Mental state


flare Magic
adb Species
edit Notes
history Changelog
all_inclusive Arc
Starting Point

Starts off rude, naive, and stubborn

Turning Point

Being attacked by the wolf by witnessing it

Ending Point

To not follow the crowd so easily

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This character was created by Camilla on

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