info Overview
Name - What is Claire Lillian’s full name?

Claire Lillian

Age - How old is Claire Lillian?


Birthday - When is Claire Lillian’s birthday?

Jan 1


Calla Lily



Gender - What is Claire Lillian’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Claire Lillian go by?

Angel of the School

face Looks
Height - How tall is Claire Lillian?


Weight - How much does Claire Lillian weigh?

Average weight a bit on the petite side

Race & Ethnicity




Skin Tone


Body Type

Narrow-shoulder, Petite frame, Average waist, legs, and arms

Eye Color - What is Claire Lillian’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Claire Lillian style their hair?

Long, Straight, Tied in pigtails, Three parted bangs

Hair Color - What color is Claire Lillian’s hair?



Has a soft-spoken and gentle voice

Facial features

Has big close-set eyes with a button nose and oval head

fingerprint Nature

Loyal, Reserved, Refined, Ignorant, Docile, Manplutive

Her personality is as sweet as a doll. She usually speaks last, but when she does speak, it is usually a well-thought-out and rational statement. It has always been a bit awkward for her to call attention to the talents of others, but she has never been bold enough to do so.

Her friends hold her in high esteem and she would do anything for them, but she can be a bit jealous and ruthless when it comes to the status quo and keeping the family in charge. Her behavior is unquestionably uncritical and she goes along with whatever is done without question.

As a follower, she does whatever her parents and older brother tell her. All the others seem like stepping stones to her.
Mostly a homebody, she likes to read and draw.

With her sharp sense of empathy, she helps defuse tense situations. Her gentle nature often compels others to protect her, as her "friendships" are built through power and influence rather than transparency and honesty. She will obtain aid through influence tactics to get what she needs.

Moral Alignment

Lawful Evil/ Neutral

Motivations - What motivates Claire Lillian most?

Keeping her brother's reputation clean
Keeping things in place


Being hated
Being alone

sentiment_satisfied Mannerisms
General mannerisms

Having good posture
Being meticulous about certain things
Having good hygiene
Avoiding conflict
Not liking surprises
Not doing anything that will make others feel uncomfortable
Doing anything to avoid a scene
Maintaining the status quo
Preferring quieter environments
Having a non-threatening demeanor
Speaking thoughtfully
Rarely raising one’s voice
Indulging in daydreams
Showing an appreciation of beauty and art
Reserving one’s opinion until it is requested
Listening to gossip
Spreading rumors
Exhibiting strong listening skills

Happy mannerisms

Eyes that are soft, filled with an inner glow
Clasping another’s hand or forearm
Tapping a loose fist against the heart
Placing a hand on the chest
Tearing up
Laying a hand on one’s heart then gesturing to a person or group
Pressing fingers to smiling lips
Repeating one’s thanks and appreciation
Holding onto someone’s hand for longer than necessary
Hugging, showing affection
Desiring to repay another’s kindness and support
Feeling overwhelmed in a good way
Wanting to drink in the moment, to remember this feeling forever

Angry mannerisms

Being snarky or rude, seemingly without cause
Shoving one’s hands into pockets
Twitching hands
Hands tightening into fists
Muscles bunching
Turning away
Ribs squeezing tight
Rising body temperature
A pulling sensation in the gut
Dry throat
Sucking in breath through clenched teet

Sad mannerisms

Difficulty making decisions
Over-thinking problems or choices
Obsessing over one’s own flaws and shortcomings
Alert to others, to see how they react and what they do
Agreeing only to avoid a confrontation
Fixating on the talents and strengths of others
Comparing oneself to others and finding oneself lacking
Decreased coordination and clumsiness
A distant or empty stare
A flat, monotone voice
Downturned facial features
Covering the hands with the face
Arms hang at the sides, slack

Scared mannerisms

Heightened senses
Muscles that are always tense, ready to fight or run
Sensitivity to touch and sound
Uncontrollable whimpering
Pleading, talking to oneself
Rocking back and forth
Closing the eyes
Inappropriate responses (laughing, screaming)
Flinching at noises

Traumatized mannerisms

Clock-watching (or door-watching, text-watching, etc.)
Taking shallow, rapid breaths or gulping at the air
Rubbing the arms repetitively as if one is cold (a self-soothing gesture)
Gripping one wrist with the other hand and squeezing, using pain to focus
The posture collapsing, being unable to support one’s weight
Clasping hands over one’s head and bringing the elbows in tight
Pressing a fist against trembling lips
Slamming a hand into a wall; kicking, hitting, or destroying something for release
Wringing or dry washing one’s hands
Gripping a symbol for comfort (holding a son’s bear while waiting for news about the child’s surgery outcome)
Running one’s hands through the hair repeatedly

groups Social

Average- She is the sister of Elijah Lillian, so some people befriend her as a means to get close to him and due to her gentle nature she isn't hard to approach. Some people find her boring and plain or assume her to be as fake as her brother


Fantasy novels
Card games
Indie music


Class clowns
Disappointing others
Sour foods

Relationship Status

Aaron Phillett- Relationship: Classmate and Elijah's friend
Claire isn't a fan of his obnoxious attitude, She seems to tolerate him and is somewhat apathetic towards him. She admittedly sees him as a shallow stepping stool for her brother to get closer to his status

Charlie Rōtasu- Relationship: Classmate
Claire is antiquated with Charlie, she does notice that Elijah may have a grudge against him, while she herself doesn't see much to him, she distances herself from him if Elijah has a problem with him

Cleo Kim- Relationship: Classmate and Friend
Claire and Cleo get along well due to being in the same friend group, Cleo enjoys looking out for her since she is more outgoing than her. Claire wishes she could have her carefree and funny personality

Darrell Greigii- Relationship: Classmate and Friend
Claire has known Darrell since elementary school when she befriended him when he was lonely, though she distanced herself from him when he was being bullied. They seemed to be on good terms in highschool

Dawn Lycra-Relationship: Hostile
Dawn insulted her older brother by rejecting him, she doesn't understand how she is still breathing. The fact that they take classes together only complicates matters, Claire can't understand why she still talks with that trash.

Emma Smith- Relationship: Classmate, Clubmate and Friend
She and Emma are in the same drama club and seem to share mutual interests. Emma is her brother's girlfriend, but for the life of her, she can't see why. Emma usually stand up for Claire

Kelly Smith- Relationship: Enemy, Fear
Claire fears her due to her violent behavior, She does wonder how Kelly and Emma are related for they just simply don't get along and they look nothing alike, however, Claire doesn't understand how that is possible.

Hunter Lillian- Relationship: Late Older Brother, Respect
Hunter was kind to her, she keeps his memory alive by believing in the following all of Hunter's traditions, such as Christmas, Valentine's day, and her brother's birthday.

Elijah Lillian- Relationship: Older Brother, Respect, Envy, Love
She adores and wants his approval, though at the same time she is a bit jealous that he gets all the attention
She tends to follow all his orders and wishes she could be popular like him

Lucas Bates- Relationship: Clubmate, Classmate, Curiosity
He is one of clubmates, he's quite odd to her

Matthew Thomas- Relationship: Classmate, Class Rep, Respect
He is the class representative and she seems to have basic respect for him, though she tends to find him a bit shifty.

Theo Kim- Relationship: Classmate
A student council member and Cleo's younger brother, he and Claire seem to be antiquated with each other

Terry Torrent- One of Elijah's friends, they seem to get along due to their similar temperaments, She is slightly jealous of how close he is to him

Sophie Kāne- Relationship: Clubmate, Classmate, Acquaintance
Sophie is a new student and they are in the same club. They don't interact much since Claire is a leader there and doesn't mingle with people much. She notices that Elijah seems to be a bit too friendly to her, but can't understand why.

William Crowworth- Relationship: Teacher, Respect, Neutral
She learned about his background and respects him as a teacher, along with the rest of her class. Her interactions with him are limited and their conversations are basic
Other than class, they don't have much in common.

Micheal Kāne- Relationship: Aquatiance, Schoolmate, Underclassman
They had some interaction, mainly based around her dolls

Tori Torrent- Relationship: Aquatiance, Schoolmate, Underclassman
Terry younger sister, That's all she knows Tori by

Job - What job does Claire Lillian have?




Favorite weapon - What is Claire Lillian’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Relationships Description


date_range History
Social Class


colorize Health

Throwing her voice

Immune system






















Mental state


flare Magic
adb Species
edit Notes

"I'm only doing what's right."

history Changelog
all_inclusive Arc
Starting Point

Starts off fanatic, ignorant and stubborn

Turning Point

Being tasked to keep Aaron and Darrell quiet

Ending Point

Learns to thinks for herself and to accept the issues in the system

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Claire Lillian

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Claire Lillian

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Claire Lillian

Character chevron_right Relationships Description link mentioned Claire Lillian

Character chevron_right Relationship Status link mentioned Claire Lillian

This character was created by Camilla on

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