info Overview
Name - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s full name?

Naomi Analisia Hansen

Gender - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Naomi Analisia Hansen go by?

Her brother can call her Omi. But no one else gets to call her by anything other than Naomi. However, her alias is Macie Petruchio.

Role - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s role in your story?

First Supportee

Age - How old is Naomi Analisia Hansen?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?


Hair Style - How does Naomi Analisia Hansen style their hair?

Ringlets. Her hair just brushes her shoulders when curled. She ends up chopping most of it of into an uneven slash from jawbone to chin.

Hair Color - What color is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s hair?

Golden Blonde. She ends up dying it chestnut brown, with a Fuschia streak in her fringe.

Height - How tall is Naomi Analisia Hansen?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Eye colour.

Body Type

Small, very curvaceous. She's got highly generous breasts, and her hips are decidedly prominent.

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s eye color?

Dark violet. Royal family trait. Uses contacts to make her eyes navy blue.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Plays the violin.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Cracks her knuckles. All. The. Time. She likes to have something to do with her hands. (Plus, it drove her mother insane and it became a regular habit.) She loved to chew on the ends of her hair when it was long, but after she cut her hair and she no longer had the ability, she resorted to grinding her teeth instead.

Motivations - What motivates Naomi Analisia Hansen most?

Disinterest in being princess, determined to start a new life elsewhere.

Flaws - What flaws does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Doesn't realize that she isn't as capable as she believes.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Hates her mother with a fiery passion because she was pressured to be the 'perfect little princess'.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Drawing. Not much else, due to her sheltered life.

Personality type - What personality type is Naomi Analisia Hansen?

Naomi"s a pretty bubbly person, if you get the chance to talk to her, but she gets extremely insulted whenever someone tries to tell her that she can't do something.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s favorite color?

Bright, sky blue. It makes her think of freedom.

Favorite animal - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s favorite animal?

Naomi loves foxes. She once spotted one through the window in her room, and fell in love with the little creature. She knows everything there is to know about the critters.

Favorite weapon - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s favorite weapon?

Her crown-shaped shurikens.

Favorite possession - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s favorite possession?

Naomi didn't take anything but some clothes, cash, and shurikens with her when she became Macie, so she currently doesn't have a favourite possession.

Favorite food - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s favorite food?

Naomi took a liking to soured herring the first time she tried it. She enjoyed the bitter taste. The rest of her family hates it. Which is another reason for her to like it.

Occupation - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s occupation?

She was Princess. Now, she doesn't have a job, as she's on the run.

Politics - What politics does Naomi Analisia Hansen have?

Her country's politics. She was the princess.

info History
Birthday - When is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s birthday?

May 15 776
(Now 795)

Background - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s background?

Naomi grew up in the castle, with an overly sheltered life. She hated it. Her mother forced her to take lessons in activities she had no interest in. Naomi became quite good at them, although she led her mother to believe she had not improved at all. One night, she visited one of the guards in secret, and convinced him to give her lessons with shurikens. Two months later, Naomi slipped out of the castle at midnight. She carefully faked her death to look like the infamous assassin's work. Meanwhile, she went on the run, taking up the name of Macie Petruchio.

Education - What is Naomi Analisia Hansen’s level of education?

Well educated in world history, etiquette, and different types of fabric. Is capable of using shurikens. (Crown shaped)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Sexuality: lesbian

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This character was created by Phoenix Taylor on

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