info Overview
Name - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s full name?

Luiza Selene Lacroix

Gender - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Luiza Selene Lacroix go by?

Lu, if you're a close friend (she'd punch you otherwise. Only certain people can give her pet names.)

Role - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s role in your story?

Main Protaganist

Age - How old is Luiza Selene Lacroix?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?


Hair Style - How does Luiza Selene Lacroix style their hair?

Generally loose, falls in waves to her waist, covers her left eye. If she's working its in an over the shoulder braid.

Hair Color - What color is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s hair?

Dark Auburn Brown

Weight - How much does Luiza Selene Lacroix weigh?


Height - How tall is Luiza Selene Lacroix?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Scars. In multiple places. Each one has a different story behind it. The main one on her face goes from the top of her right eye to just under her lips.

Body Type

Slender, not obviously muscled, but you can feel them if you touch her. She has a larger chest, she's curvy but not overly.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s race?


Eye Color - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s eye color?

Jade Green Hazel

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Singing. She excels, but refuses to sing in front of people, no matter who.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Bites her nails. Calls people 'genius' sarcastically. If she's upset she'll push everyone away and insist on being alone. Introverted, but she loves to be fashionable.

Motivations - What motivates Luiza Selene Lacroix most?

Staying alive. (Not getting killed for a murder she didn't commit.) Finding her parents' murderers.

Flaws - What flaws does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Terrified of failure. Can't stand the thought of it. (Due to how she was raised.)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Prejudice against her old assassin guild where she was raised.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Luiza Selene Lacroix have?

Reading. Riding horses if she has the chance. Luiza enjoys writing her own stories as well.

Personality type - What personality type is Luiza Selene Lacroix?

Kind of sassy. Makes puns occasionally, sarcastic when scared/freaked out. Most people who have met her would call her calm, but that's a mask. On the inside, she fights with a lot of insecurities you only hear in her head. She doesn't talk about her feelings. If you catch her in a good mood, you'll find that she's a fairly chill person, and she'll crack some pretty good jokes. (Make sure you remember them!)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s favorite color?

Luiza loves all cool colours, but her signature colour is dark red, usually paired with black.

Favorite animal - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s favorite animal?

Snakes. She owns a wristband that looks like a coiled snake.

Favorite weapon - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s favorite weapon?

Her favourite weapon is her Twist dagger, which is known as Nyght's Edge.

Favorite possession - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s favorite possession?

Her only possession from before she was adopted. A sapphyre teardrop pendant on a copper chain.

Favorite food - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s favorite food?

Croissants. If she can find them, she'll buy at least ten. She often brings a few with her to meet clients.

Occupation - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s occupation?

Assassin for hire. If you can pay the fee.

info History
Birthday - When is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s birthday?

December 14
776 (Its now 795)

Background - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s background?

Luiza spent ten years of her life from the age of four in the harshest assassin guild in Rendale. She was taken in by the guild's master after her parents were killed. Luiza prefers not to go into her past, as its rather painful for her.

Education - What is Luiza Selene Lacroix’s level of education?

Luiza speaks multiple different languages. She can also kill someone ten separate ways with a spoon. Her knowledge is rather vast and varied.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Luiza doesn't have Willow right away, she obtains her during the story.

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This character was created by Phoenix Taylor on

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