info Overview
Name - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s full name?

Taryn Dominyk Revie

Gender - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Taryn Dominyk Revie go by?

Ryn, if you feel like it. He doesn't really care.

Role - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s role in your story?

Love Interest
Supporting Character

Age - How old is Taryn Dominyk Revie?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Taryn Dominyk Revie style their hair?

Spiky, short, refuses to settle down, no matter how much he combs it, probably because he's always running his hand through his hair.

Hair Color - What color is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s hair?

Dark brown/ Black
(No one can ever quite tell)

Height - How tall is Taryn Dominyk Revie?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

Multi-weapon trained, although he truly loves his chakram and his nunchuks.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

Running his hands through his hair. Stress, frustration, embarrassment, you name it, he'll be running his hand through his hair.

Motivations - What motivates Taryn Dominyk Revie most?

The hope of having a mundane life. He's tired of being a con artist. The truth is, Taryn wants to own a wild pet emporium.

Flaws - What flaws does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

Placing his trust in the wrong people. He can often be a bit blunt in dire situations. He's not the greatest liar.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

Against the assassin guild all the way. He hates them with a passion.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

Drawing. Even just in the dirt on the ground with the end of a nunchuk or his finger.

Personality type - What personality type is Taryn Dominyk Revie?

Taryn is a goofball. Always cracking jokes or making puns, and occasionally busting out in random little tunes. At first glance, he doesn't look like the kind of guy who would smile all that often, but as soon as he does, you can tell that it's normal.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s favorite color?

Taryn loves white, as it represents a clean slate to start over on.

Favorite animal - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s favorite animal?

Taryn loves peacocks. He loves all crazy creatures, but the flashy peacock has always been his favourite.

Favorite weapon - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s favorite weapon?

His chakram, Beheader.

Favorite possession - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s favorite possession?

He doesn't own much, due to the necessity of having to be able to pack up and vanish in minutes, but his favourite possession is the little journal his father figure gave to him before he passed away.

Favorite food - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s favorite food?

Taryn travels a lot due to his job, and found that he had a soft spot for gazpacho.

Occupation - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s occupation?

Con artist

Politics - What politics does Taryn Dominyk Revie have?

He's actually fairly up to date as to know how to get around laws as a con artist.

info History
Background - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s background?

Taryn was raised in the same assassin guild as Luiza, although Luiza doesn't know him, as he ran away after his first assignment. His first assignment, at the age of ten, was to hunt down the Lacroix family and dispose of them. However, he wasn't informed that they had a daughter. Taryn brought Luiza back to the guild, as he wasn't willing to kill her. The guild master was initially furious, although as she calmed down she realized that she could train Luiza, and therefore did not punish Taryn. Taryn, however, couldn't bear the thought of having to kill more children, so he ran away a week later. He lived on the streets, stealing food and sleeping in door frames. During this time, he mainly stayed in the shadows and out of the way, almost never speaking unless he was begging. Because of this, he never really learned the art of lying, which he was alright at thanks to being trained as an assassin, although Taryn ran away before he could become more accustomed to the act. In addition to this, Taryn never really learned much in the street smarts department, as he simply avoided human contact of any kind as best he could. Eventually, at the age of thirteen, an older man offered him a home and a job, which he accepted. Thus began his life as a con artist, scamming people into buying fake potions and talismans, although he was never very good at it, as he hated lying and didn't want to trick people.

Education - What is Taryn Dominyk Revie’s level of education?

Assassin training, and fairly up to date with the politics as he felt the

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history Changelog
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This character was created by Phoenix Taylor on

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