info Overview
Name - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s full name?

Carlisle Albert Hansen

Gender - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Carlisle Albert Hansen go by?

Naomi always called him Carl. If he had more friends than her, they could have called him that too. He's open to having nicknames.

Role - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s role in your story?

Second Supportee
Minor enemy
MP love interest

Age - How old is Carlisle Albert Hansen?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

Actually fairly clean shaven. Grows a bit of stubble if he hasn't shaved in a while.

Hair Style - How does Carlisle Albert Hansen style their hair?

Combed to the side

Hair Color - What color is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s hair?

Sandy blond

Height - How tall is Carlisle Albert Hansen?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

Eye colour.

Body Type

Tall, very obviously muscled. Bulky.

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s eye color?

Dark violet. Royal family trait.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

Martial arts training, can use a katana, estoc/tuck.

Motivations - What motivates Carlisle Albert Hansen most?

Finding his sister's 'killer'

Flaws - What flaws does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

Holds a grudge. For a long time.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

He has a fairly large grudge against Luiza, due to his sister's 'murder'.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

Fencing. Horse back riding.

Personality type - What personality type is Carlisle Albert Hansen?

Generally pretty serious. Will occasionally make a pun, especially if the situation is tense.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s favorite color?

Carlisle's favourite colour is burnt orange. He doesn't really have a reason, it just leaves him with a good feeling. Almost like a memory he can't quite recall.....

Favorite animal - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s favorite animal?

Carlisle's favourite animal is the hawk. He loves watching them hunt in the summer, when he has the chance to go outside.

Favorite weapon - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s favorite weapon?

Carlisle loves his katana. He's always been excellent at using it. The sword's name is Carver. It was passed down to him from his father.

Favorite possession - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s favorite possession?

His scarf with the royal insignia stitched into the fabric. Naomi made it for him.

Favorite food - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s favorite food?

Carlisle enjoys sarmales (cabbage rolls stuffed with spiced pork and rice) The royal chef always makes sure to prepare them on Carlisle's birthday.

Occupation - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s occupation?

Future ruler. Currently also an assassin hunter.

Politics - What politics does Carlisle Albert Hansen have?

He knows all about his countries politics. All about them.

info History
Birthday - When is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s birthday?

March 4 774
(Now 795)

Background - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s background?

Carlisle grew up knowing he would rule one day. He spent most of his year inside, but in the summer he would spend so much time outside that he would tan a fabulous golden brown. However, most of the noble children hated him, and those who didn't were too scared of the other children to befriend him, so Carlisle's only friend was his sister.

Education - What is Carlisle Albert Hansen’s level of education?

Well educated in how to rule a kingdom, dictatorship, politics. And just about everything else that has to do with being king. Carlisle actually excels at math, although not many people know.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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