whatshot Overview
Name - What is Anubis Levin’s full name?

Anubis Levin

merry christmas aloe

SO, this is a bit of a selfish gift because it's partly for my benefit, but I know you've been really wanting a page for Anubis, so here it is! As fleshed out it could possibly be - with one person critiquing that is - and probably my most detailed character, I present to you Olliver Levin
Read through every page ❤

Age - How old is Anubis Levin?


Gender - What is Anubis Levin’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Anubis Levin go by?

Olliver (old name, family name)
Olli (used by Samantha, his sister)
Meow (Translates to Anu, used by Prince)

Role - What is Anubis Levin’s role in your story?

hacker assassin dark web dweeb

Name Origin

Olliver: 'Peaceful' | Of Latin Origins
Levin: 'Dear friend' | Of German Origins
Anubis: 'God of the Dead' | Of Egyptian Origins - As a kid, he had always been interested in mythologies and the concept of death within those beliefs, he particularly thought Anubis looked badass

cloud_queue Looks
Race - What is Anubis Levin’s race?

german, danish, swedish, russian potentially more but like daddy issues

Hair Style - How does Anubis Levin style their hair?

Short on the sides, gradually gets longer on top and is spiked up messily - about an inch and a half is his longest hair most of the time
sometimes it might get too long though to where the spiked up hair starts falling to the side

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Anubis Levin have?

usually clean shaven but if he gets lazy, there'll be some scruff around the jaw

Eye Color - What is Anubis Levin’s eye color?

An arctic blue with dark rims

Skin Tone

pretty pale, kinda yellow pink ish

Body Type

so he aint built for muscles at all,,,, lean very lean,,,..... ectomorph... but he built some muscles over time and theyre pretty average but its definitely lacking in some areas like his arms haha

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Anubis Levin have?

got freckles over his upper cheeks and the bridge of his nose, but nowhere else
a scar on his forehead (perhaps from the first fight with Jean)
some burn scars on his legs, arms, and various other places
also has slightly crooked teeth. his smile is his most important feature because 1. he does the creepy smile when he murders, 2. if you catch him with a genuine smile, :').


He'll suspiciously smell of a campfire or gasoline when he's particularly stressed. Hmmmmmmmmmm
Naturally, Anubis will smell like books or cinnamon (from soap or his candles). If he uses cologne, it'll be something similar to the chill almost scentless soap, but he never pays attention to the name yes that my excuse for not findin a ufkcing brand get off m y dick
When Anubis is around Jean or his roommates, he'll smell of cigarettes and marijuana. After a day at work as a mechanic, Anubis would smell strongly of oil. when he worled at the coffee shop, he'd smell like. gou guessed it. coffee


basically dylan o'brien,,,,, (or heh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eddie,,,,,,,,,,,, from sneaky pete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when hes emotional but a lower) kinda deep but not too deep its just kinda normal idk man his tone resembles that of a tired, but happy-go-lucky character
He talks casually, swearing every so often, but he has the ability to speak formally due to his large vocabulary. He has a normal mid-western american accent.

Piercings/ Tattoos

Both ears are pierced

Weight - How much does Anubis Levin weigh?

155 lbs

Height - How tall is Anubis Levin?


Hair Color - What color is Anubis Levin’s hair?

A bright bleach blond (it's natural though)

local_bar Nature



This guy, despises the smell of marijuana, so he doesn't like to smoke it or be around his roommates. Although he used to smoke, he began to get tired of it. Eventually, he got sick of getting the smell stuck on him after spending time in the apartment, so he made a deal with his roommates that they must have some type of air freshener after a smoke session. They don't complain due to enjoying Anubis's honest personality and the fact that he pays part of the rent despite barely living at the apartment.

Alcohol makes him anxious, but Anubis seems to drink anyways if he's in too much pain. Drunk Anubis can be either giggly and happy, or an anxious, paranoid wreck. It is one or the other, 50/50 chance
it's like a process, first he drinks, then he gets anxious, then there's the possibility of staying anxious or becoming giggly. if in the rare case he stays anxious, he'll probably black out from drinking too much to try to achieve the happy-go-lucky state. does that make sense.

Anubis is extremely healthy physically - this includes his diet, his hygiene, his sleep and anything else in between. Why he's so intent on being healthy, I have concluded it is due to his perfectionist attitude and the underlying desire to be okay. He isn't obsessed per se, Anubis won't be bothered if he skips leg day or eats something bad, but he tries to avoid that. That means Anubis rarely gets colds or sicknesses in general.


Anubis's biggest fear is idk probably something related to Jean, or dying (but he doesn't like to show it, he just disguises his fear by tempting death). He also has an irrational fear of flying, but will get over it quickly if he's distracted.
He also fears being mentally unstable which is ironic to say the least.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Anubis Levin have?

Silent at first, Anubis stays away from crowds. He hides in the shadows and is the guy you don't notice until he talks, except you may never hear him talk for he is highly unapproachable. Anubis must come to you. He likes to stick his hands in his pockets. He fidgets a lot whenever extremely anxious - which happens often. Some nervous ticks would include biting his nails, messing with a zipper or a button, or even just tapping on a table. At around 21, he developed a habit to h i de h,is hands,,,, behind his back....... hmm. When you get to know him, he'll open up and seem more energetic (he'll hum around u for sure).
If Anubis has no access to fire or Jean, he will result to rubbing his forehead scar, arm, or hands together (as if the friction will create fire). If his anxiety reaches its peak, this may cause harm to his skin.
He's also left handed!
apparently he sits criss cross apple sauce a lot according to aloe

ok moods:
When happy, Anubis fidgets less. He will wear a genuine smile and have a relaxed posture, and his speaking tone will be more gentle and light. Anubis will still stick his hands in his pockets and if he is standing idle, he'll look intimidating, but truly he is content. except hes never happy.
When actively angry., he'll clench his fists tightly, and his voice is The Anger One. He will say anything he can to try to win, and if he's really angry he'll attempt to start a fight. If passively angry, Anubis's shoulders will be tensed up and to his ears, and his eye will definitely be twitching. His hands will be in his pockets, mostly to grab his lighter so he can calm down. Anubis's face is hardly any different from his natural expression, but he might have his brows furrowed and a more intense look in his eyes.
When sad, you won't ever know. Anubis stays in his bedroom curled up with the blankets, and simply just thinks. The chance that he is sad out in public is low, but if he is, he doesn't show it. You might even mistake him for being happy because his tone is normal. When he has a chance to himself, he might cry, but his crying is silent and simply only tears running down his cheeks, but no more.
In states of confidence (usually regarding his current job), Anubis tends to walk with a sense of arrogance and intimidation. Anubis is never without his smile and always seems to have a murderous glint in his eyes. People often underestimate him, thinking he is only bluffing for whatever he says, but Anubis does not hesitate. That is what truly instills fears in his victims, if they live to feel fear anyways. basically 9 times outta 10 he kills them if they try to test him.
When scared, you'll hear it in Anubis's voice. It'll have a desperate, sort of sad tone. Except, Anubis is almost never scared. His eyes will probably be wide, and he'll be extra clumsy.
When anxious, ok is anxious the same as scared

Motivations - What motivates Anubis Levin most?

Before he met his best friend, Anubis only lived because he didn't know any better - he was a kid. Eventually, he found someone who he thought could understand him, so Anubis began to devote his life to his friend, who is known as Jean. Anubis likes to believe that Jean is some type of savior.
He kills Jean's family because Jean's family is awfully abusive - every single member. Anubis can't stand seeing Jean get hurt, so stemming from his psychopathic tendencies, Anubis believes murder is the only permanent way out.
After the incident, when Anubis believes Jean is dead, he continues to murder (and stay alive) for the twisted reason that he is 'avenging' Jean's death. It doesn't make sense to literally anyone else, but to Anubis it does. Also, he's already a criminal, so why not continue? He believes there are a lot of benefits, as long as he does not go to prison. The new job on the dark web hits a lot of Anubis's skills and strong points.
Soon, he realizes that his absent dad, who also had psychological tendencies, was another source of Anubis's murders. From passing on genetic tendencies to Anubis, to forcing him to live without a father figure, these things simply pushed Anubis further.
A small motivation is also gaining money. lol fuk bitches get MOOLA

Flaws - What flaws does Anubis Levin have?

Anubis uses humor as an unhealthy coping mechanism, joking away in serious situations. Although he is rather intelligent, Anubis is not emotionally stable. He uses his intelligence illogically to act on his emotions for he does not know how to control them otherwise.
Because of his inability to successfully work out his feelings, Anubis is highly insensitive to others. He believes that he is the only one without a stoic exterior after being around strong or emotionless people for so long. This leads Anubis to be convinced that his rudeness and cold demeanor won't hurt other people. (basically,,,,,,,,, everyone else is fine on their own and they dont mtter to me and i dont matter to them so why should i put energy into caring abt them or being ncie) Anubis is also a bit of a narcissist. He will only talk to you if he either thinks he needs you, or in extremely rare occasions he actually cares about you, which has only truly happened once.
not really sure what category this falls under, but in times of stress, without Jean, Anubis will turn to his age-old coping mechanism - fire. If it gets really bad, he'll burn himself,,,,,,,,
Anubis is quite the perfectionist. Though this may seem like a valuable trait, it makes him much harder on himself when he makes mistakes. His need to be perfect often gets in the way of his friendship with Jean as well, as Anubis will feel overly bothered by Jean's flaws.

Personality type - What personality type is Anubis Levin?

The Architect (INTJ-A) alternatively,,, logistician,, (istj ?)
At first, Anubis may be reckless, doing things as he pleases, seemingly without second thought - however, truly he analyzes every factor and makes sure things goes down perfectly. He is quick-witted and determined in what he does, you can always count on him to do something for you. Anubis is confident in his job, but when it comes to maintaining a relationship - he'll fall apart. His over-analytical quality causes him to overthink situations and often pick the wrong choices within relationships - but this rarely happens as Anubis is an introvert. Anubis is cold-hearted and sticks to the walls. He is extremely contradicting in a sense that Anubis believes that the emotional are weak and quite illogical, but he himself is overemotional due to his inability to control his feelings.
Due to unknown reasons, however, Anubis seems to only care about himself and Jean. These days, he doesn't even seem to care about Jean either, almost as if he's using Jean.

In conclusion, Anubis Levin holds logic and himself higher than most other things. He's a perfectionist, he keeps to himself, and you'll never find him selflessly caring about a single soul. But, if you get to know him, or find him in a social situation, he'll be more outgoing than you'd think.

ok im gonna do a rewritw and see if i can make it make any more sense.
this is, his personality towards everyone except jean
ur boy, is an asshole. he doesnt care about you. he never will. he's incapable of sympathizing with you because he's like, well if they aren't affecting me in any way, why the hell should i care? he's super quiet. an introvert for sure. he wont't talk to anyone. ever. he's also a perfectionist. a nerd. truly, too logical. way too logical. forgets he has emotions. does he even have emotions? also he likes fire.

but, when he with jean
suddenly he is the Big Care

Physical Strengths

Anubis has an average amount of physical strength, but fast reflexes. He is best in hand to hand combat (which is saying a lot considering he isn't very good at it), but cannot work with any weapons. Although he can handle a gun, he chooses not to due to the incident. There are too many people who could overpower him, but with his strategic mind, he often tricks those with more strength. Or he runs away like the little pussy he is, it depends on the situation and possible outcomes. Anubis's emotions can cloud his intelligence and leave him vulnerable.
literally fuck you let me live with my op character
hey i made him less op ur welcome

Prejudices - What prejudices does Anubis Levin have?

Jean's abusive family and Anubis's absent/forceful family are Anubis's main prejudices. He hated the way his mom would attempt to convert him to her religion, and completely despised Jean's family and their physical and mental abuse. The reason Anubis only cares about those two families and not domestic abuse in general, is because if an issue does not directly relate to him or Jean, he does not care. He is also rather cold towards society in general, but this is mostly due to his apathy and selfishness.

Talents - What talents does Anubis Levin have?

One of the top hackers, Anubis can do most anything regarding technology. There are a few exceptions, however. If i could name those i would but i know literally nothing about hacking thank you. He's grown to be smart and strategic over the years.
He is also an expert at piano and often does jobs for schools and restaurants and plays. He started playing piano very young, and it's the one thing he started on his own that he continued to do to even now. He is a master at sight reading. Piano makes him happy, the only healthy emotional thing.
Anubis also developed his acting skills throughout high school and through studying others.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Anubis Levin have?

Anubis enjoys reading in his free time; he'll always have a new book every week. He has developed a love for fire and will mess around with it. You can bet he loves to prank Jean too. Anubis also likes to learn new piano songs. He is constantly striving to better his hacking programs as well.
Other mild things include fixing cars, making coffee, and watching T.V with Jean.

why does he like these things?
Anubis enjoys reading because he is a big nerd and loves to learn. Not only that, but sometimes he simply loves a good story - who wouldn't? Surprise, surprise, Anubis is somewhat a normal person.

things he does for fun wtih jean:
- movie night!
- cat cafe
- uh

beach_access Social
Favorite food - What is Anubis Levin’s favorite food?

Anubis doesn't normally care about food (although he still eats three meals a day), but if he was forced to choose he would choose fruit tarts. He has a major sweet tooth, but tries to stay as healthy as possible for his strength. During training and dieting, Anubis's cheat treat would always be a fruit tart.

favorite fruit: persimmons
favorite candy: fuck i forogto
favorite chocolate: dark chocolate
favorite seafood: lobster!
favorite red meat: beef lol

Favorite Holiday

Christmas! Why? no fucking clue m8

Favorite Drink

Hot cocoa

His favorite alcoholic drink, however, is whiskey.



Religion - What religion does Anubis Levin practice?

His mom's heavy pressure on religion caused Anubis to stray away from it. He is an atheist.
- "god is for losers, if god exists, why would he create me to suffer? why would there be all this bad in the world if he existed? he can't exist, because if he did, I would be emotional okay"
- no soul humans are fucking stupid
- he dont know whats after death man he hasnt died
i dont know what belief this is
i have discvoered it nvm

Politics - What politics does Anubis Levin have?

Anubis is apolitical for the reason that he believes politics don't affect him. He is also a criminal, therefore going against the very reason for half of the existence of politics.

i learned in government that this is called political apathy

Occupation - What is Anubis Levin’s occupation?

In the past, Anubis has worked as a mechanic for three years. He's also been a part-time idk man best buy worker LOL and a some local coffee shop worker.
At the moment, he works as a someone who does acts of crime for others (things include being a hitman, hacking into something, selling equipment over the dark web, etc)

Favorite color - What is Anubis Levin’s favorite color?

He favors maroon and gold because of their royal outlook and how they complement his appearance. no he doesnt like blue because jeans sweater is blue lol fucking l053r

Favorite possession - What is Anubis Levin’s favorite possession?

Other than Jean, Anubis's favorite possession would be his candles. He likes to watch the flame, and also enjoys the atmosphere candle lights give at night - that dim, calming mood. Candles with a cinnamon scent are his favorite because of the holidays.

Favorite weapon - What is Anubis Levin’s favorite weapon?

Since Anubis can't handle any other weapon well, he likes brass knuckles as they improve his fighting skills. Throw a pair on, and his punches suddenly evolve without having to do anything.

Favorite animal - What is Anubis Levin’s favorite animal?

He loves echidnas because of their history (they are one of the oldest surviving species on Earth and one of the only mammals to lay eggs) and how they live. He also thinks they're absolutely adorable!:D Anubis is super passionate about how the long-beaked echidnas are endangered, or possibly already extinct. He could go on forever about echidnas.


(despite this fact, he is not a virgin)

hourglass_empty History
Birthday - When is Anubis Levin’s birthday?

October 24, 1993

Background - What is Anubis Levin’s background?

Born into a Christian family, Anubis was always taught to do good. However, he began to stray away from religion at a young age, feeling that it was too stupid and made no sense to him. He eventually developed pyromania, leaving his skin with burn marks. It wasn't because of insecurities, however, but because of his fascination with fire and the instant stress reliever the flames gave. Anubis developed other psychopathic tendencies as well (which is thought to have come from his father). Soon, his mother began to get worried of his well-being, believing Satan has possessed her child.
Instead of going to a psychiatrist, Anubis gets sent to a Christian camp at 12 years old. There, he is an outcast. Kids and counselors and leaders try to talk to him, but he is so introverted and stubborn, that they eventually give up and he hides away. However, there is one kid who seems to understand him. Anubis discovers a ten-year-old named Jean who seems to be just as apathetic as he, and they soon bond over hating the religion.
Eventually, they learn that they live near each other, only a town away, and that they are going to the same high school. The two become extremely close, hanging out nearly every day.
There was a night Jean and Anubis went to a party. Anubis witnesses a pair of girls trying to seduce and drug Jean, so he attempts to stop them. He succeeds in protecting Jean from rape, however Jean does not remember anything that happens. The two are banned from parties with the girls. Something weird occurred that night. Anubis could never place what.
Anubis graduates high school and rents out an apartment with a couple "friends" of his. He moves around jobs for a couple years.
One day, at 20 years old, Anubis planned to head over to Jean's (family's) house. At this point he knew where the house keys were hidden. But, when Anubis stepped inside, he witnesses Jean getting abused by his older brother Kristopher. Anubis begins to notice that Jean's entire family is dark and manipulative.
From that day, Anubis planned to murder his family, tired of Jean getting hurt. However, he keeps it a secret.
At one point, Jean gets a house in which Anubis takes care of Jean's cat, Prince. Anubis ends up living there for most of his time.
On the night of the murders, three years later, Jean gets high. He comes home to see Anubis with a gun in his hand and 4 dead bodies in the living room. Anubis sets a fire in the house and runs away from the crime scene, leaving Jean to the fire. Jean gets out safely, and also covers for Anubis, however Anubis believes Jean is dead. He never bothered checking up on the incident to confirm Jean's death, for fear it would affect him too much.
For a year, Anubis has been on the run. He took up becoming a full criminal and taking murder jobs for people. Then, he gets caught and thrown into prison. He stays there for a few months before going on trial. Being a good actor, Anubis convinces the judge that he is clinically insane. Anubis takes the road of extensive psychotherapy, only to realize he would still face time in prison. Although, he also discovers he may not be as sane and mentally healthy as he thought. He escapes and legally changes his name to Anubis, hacking into databases and removing Olliver and continues his job. Unfortunately, his hacking skills were not perfect, and he does not erase his old name completely.
Three years later, he is greeted with a job, however it asks to work with another hitman named Daniel Phillips. Anubis confirms the job, but when he shows up to the other criminal's door, Anubis is greeted with an old friend.


Las Vegas, Nevada

Education - What is Anubis Levin’s level of education?

graduated high school
IQ is 136
not emotionally intelligent though


English I Honors
Honors Algebra 2/Trig
Honors Biology
World History
Piano I (Second semester - Piano II)
Theater I (Second semester - Intro to Computer Science)
Graphic Design I (Second semester - Graphic Design II)

English II Honors
Honors Pre-Calc/Calc A
Honors Chemistry
AP Government
AP Computer Science
Theater II (Second semester - Strength and Conditioning I)
Multimedia I (Second semester - Multimedia II - Game Programming)

--- OFF PERIOD ---
AP Language
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics
AP Macro and Microeconomics
Strength and Conditioning II (Second semester - Forensic Science)
Theater III

AP Literature
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics II
Multimedia III (Second semester - Human Anatomy and Physiology)
Engineering (Second semester - Tech Theater I)

*never failed a class

airplanemode_active Family
Family Background

Anubis's father has always been a mystery to him. He has never seen his dad, not even a picture. Anubis's mom refuses to talk about his dad, nor how she managed to create two babies with his dad, yet have him be absent for both kids. It's certain Samantha was an accident - Anubis might be too :)
Anubis's mother is an extreme Christian. She isn't too overprotective, however she does try to enforce the religion upon Anubis. She truly cares about her son and only worries for him, but Anubis never learns to appreciate his mom.
Samantha, his sister, is the stereotypical little sister. However, their relationship is nearly nonexistent as they never truly bonded or spoke. Samantha realizes this as she gets older.
In conclusion, Anubis, who has clear psychopathic tendencies, does not love his family. He never forms an emotional connection with any of them and any encounter is fake.

Pets - What pets does Anubis Levin have?

is prince his cat too
update: yes he is

gesture Inventory

Anubis always carries a lighter in his pocket just in case he gets anxious or stressed. In his backpack there is ALWAYS a pocket knife, his car keys, his wallet, a small lock pick set, his several phones, a flash drive, a USB cable, plastic gloves, a pen, and hand sanitizer. Most of these are for impromptu murders.
Sometimes he will carry a phone charger, his laptop, or a book.

history Changelog
toys Notes

"...and freckles spilled upon his cheeks like a bundle of stars, faded and forever shining"

headset Music Playlist

ok tgis is the biggest mistake

Play with Fire
He, likes fire. Pyromaniac. Lmao.

Anubis was born with an anxiety disorder, which is what the song is about.

Chop Suey!
Anubis strayed away from Christianity at an early age, and already started contemplating his life.

I think this was something to do with Anubis wondering about death? And he eventually finds his alias of 'Anubis'

Saint Bernard
listen, ok

The Only Exception
Anubis never had friends nor did he care about anyone until he met Jean.

Im Yr Dog
Why is this so early on in his playlist, um anyways it's supposed to be like, Anubis would do anything for Jean.

its b,,,,eginning to look a lot like christmas isnt it
This is kind of a joke, but also he loves Christmas! A lot!

Keep Me From You
Anubis really loves Jean

High Enough
ok he loves Jean a little too much, this is where he realizes Jean is like fire to him

This song has so many mixed messages, the first song is himself, the second part is kind of an @ to his parents? I think, I'm too lazy to fucking look at the lyrics, anyways, the third part is @ Jean

Anubis discovers his dad had psychopathic tendencies, and he doesn't want to be like him. Wow, look how that turned out.

See You Bleed
I forgot the lyrics but its probably another tribute to JEan

I Don't Exist
This is kind of about an existential crisis, but also how Anubis feels to his stoner roommates when he hangs out with them

Best Friends
Another song about his stoner roommates, but I think it could be a little bit @ Jean but I can't remember i think its mostly his stoner roommates

Everybody Gets High
Also,,,, about his roommates but also like @ himself if that makes sense

Something To Hold On To
Jean gets addicted to smoking and drugs, and Anubis is the big sad. These songs are not in the right order and I just realized that.

hes starting to hate Jean but he also is like shit I love Jean and hes like fuck

Save Me
things Seem chill, but they are not because Jean is fighting with him

thankful for jean! piano boy

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh he reaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly loves jean, but this relationship is getting super toxic

River Flows In You
idk u made me put this in here

Evil Presence
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm he wants to murder! intersting

What Should I Do
This song is about Anubis's fear that Jean will leave him

This is Home
About a fight, but also expresses his feelings towards himself and Jean

Elastic Heart
Anubis realizes he's very fucking sensitive when it comes to JEan

Drop the Game
i frogot the lyircs

Anubis is starting to get this intimidating energy and it's kind of scaring him because he's like fuck i wanna murder! on ohoh ohnononononoonon

he anxiety

Wow anubis realllyyy hates himself

He is driving himsefl insane with these murderous thoughts and anxiety and other intrusive shit

Arsonist's lullabye
big fire boy

If I Killed Someone For You
wow! he's planning to Kill Jean's fam, and is wondering how Jean would react

big surprise he killed jean's fam and burned down the house lmao

he's kinda feeling bad about killing jean's fam and (he thinks) killing Jean lol

Leave the City
end of jean arch 1, anubis escapes and no longer lives in Ohio.

The Run and Go
Anubis gets drunk for the first time after the incident. He's at a bar, and he's in his giggly drunk. He meets a girl, and whoopsy doo they do the sexy fun times haha and shes like why are u crying and hes like nah i wont tell u. alternatively it could be at Jean abt how hes like yo im fucking dying here but jean u dont need to know hahahahahahflds;akrughi;e;fhe i dont know naymore

Jesus Christ
lets not forget he was once living with a christian family

i actually dont knwo why i added this idk what it means it just gave me anubis vibes.

this is about Jean and their relationship and also kind of anubis's views on life i dont know the lyrics hold up

Fold I
what are teh words

Maxwell's Silver Hammer
he's a murderer

oh no hes a murderer hardcore

Mad Hatter
OH FUCK! murderer

about jean and how he thinks jeans dead and he can only see jean in his dreams even tho he cant remember his dreams

Alright, this is during his time in psychotherapy and he's like realizing he's fucking crazy and he's kind of scaring himelf and yeah

damn he a good hacker and an exceptional killer and really famous in the dark web now and people are starting to hate him
but he dont care hehe

ok these songs are seriosuly out of order anyways, this is about his time in prison before his trial

wow! murderer

By Myself
fuck he's going crazy by himself,,,,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm also @ his anxiety

nobody knows
fucking around with a girl but she doesnt realize how much she doesnt knwo anubis but like no one knows haha this is mostly about himself

i think this is about jean i dont know

Boulevard of Broken Dreams
i walk a lonely road, the only road that i have ever known
anubis is alone

The Only
wow another song about anubis being alone

dang he's super depressed

Dead or Alive
oh ya he has enemies and he's a murderer lmaoooo

Blood in the Cut
he's going crazy! thanks

King of the Clouds
im better than all of you also sometimes im high

i canr remember the lyrics

anubis is like, wow my life kinda sucks but it's also kinda great, damn

Glitter & Gold
whatever the words are

Black Out Days
im starting to think anubis is bipolar anyways uh fuck i need to loook up the lyrycsi to all of these

Where We Go
aloe you added this and i cant remember why

maybe i should be doing this another time

ok yeah i m done

local_laundry_service Wardrobe
Everyday wear


  • black t-shirt

  • maroon jacket, kinda

  • maroon t-shirt

  • yellow jacket, kinda,,

  • red flannel

  • striped yellow and navy blue t-shirt

  • gray sweater

  • blueish,,,gray,,,,sweater,,hmm

  • black hoodie


  • black skinny jeans

  • light blue jeans

  • black joggers

  • that's it


  • maroon coat (optional)

  • white or maroon button-up

  • black or white tie

  • diamond studs

  • fbi outfit!


just some boxers man


  • diamond studs

  • small black triangle earrings

  • occasional watch

  • glasses (the ones,, you know haha) edit: apparently you don't know so never mind


idk probably jsut some black swim shorts or light blue

bubble_chart Color Palette
Hex Codes

hair: #EDDEAC
eye: #B3D9FF
skin: #F1E1D1
favorite colors/wardrobe colors: #850000 #E5BD59
common background: #5D4C78

fingerprint Fun Facts
Shower Preference

washing pattern - 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner then he soaps his whole left half and then the other right half and then his back and stuff ur welcome
he showers at night - right after exercising, or if he doesn't work out that day, it's right when he comes home from work

If They Were a Cup

Coffee cup - take out ones

Favorite Board Game

connect four. he will beat you every time.

Coffee Preference

americano bitch


only his sides though

If They Were a Teacher

Anubis would teach math. i forgot what personality teacher he is

something along the lines of. He's strict and inconsiderate - deadlines do matter and there is no excuse. He often goes off on tangents and stories, but he's a wonderful teacher and has the best lessons. People fear him, yet they always manage to learn in his class. Students usually compliment his teaching style, but say "I'd never be friends with him." If you look like Jean, he might be biased. If your name is Jean, he may call you GG as a joke. LOL

Brushing Teeth

2 times a day suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and flosses like twice a day too
uses that crazy healthy toothpaste or some shit

folder_open Q&A

Q - Does Anubis feel more comfortable with less clothing or more clothing?
A - He kind of needs a balance. Although he's fine with being shirtless at home and at Jean's, most of the time he'll be wearing at least a t-shirt. Anubis used to always wear long sleeve to hide the burns from his mom, but eventually she found out, so he stopped.

Q - What was Anubis's favorite toy as a child?
A - Not sure if these count as toys, but either fire or books. He did enjoy having hot wheels.

Q - In what situation was Anubis the most scared he's ever been?
A - Most likely the night of the incident. Despite his careful planning (which turned out to be not so careful), Jean ended up showing up, which terrified Anubis for plenty of reasons. Another equally scared moment would be the day he found out that his dad had been a psychopath.

Q - Is Anubis more likely to admire wisdom or ambition in others?
A - Although he's rather ambitious, he's more likely to admire wisdom. Anubis believes intelligence is hard to find, while anyone can be ambitious, not everyone can be wise.

Q - If something tragic or negative happens to Anubis, does he believe he may have caused or deserved it, or is he quick to blame others?
A - It depends on the situation. Normally he will see whoever is truly at fault and blames them.

Q - What does Anubis like/dislike in other people?
A - anubis likes jean and only jean and if that doesnt tell you what he likes than idk what will. he hates pushy people though. gotta be laiiiidbdbbacckckkk got my mind on my money and my money on my mind sipping on gin and juice im sorry

Q - Which does Anubis idealize most; happiness or success?
A - Anubis idolizes happiness more than success, but if he does get success, he'll take it as a confidence booster.

Q - How does Anubis behave around children?
A - Unnaturally normal, but this may be due to his little sister. He doesn't like kids, though.

Q - How does Anubis deal with confrontation?
A - well. this is a hard question. yeah he'll definitely confront you but he'll probably kill you first unless ur jean then he'll just confront you and maybe punch you maybe

Q - How quick or slow is Anubis to resort to physical violence in confrontation?
A - Anubis has only tried beating Jean up once, to prove a point (a stupid point might I say). Sometimes he'll hit Jean when he's small angry, but that's just as a tease and not hard enough to cause any damage. Otherwise, considering Jean's family's murder was technically confrontation, apparently he's quick to resort to physical violence HA

Q - How does Anubis behave around people he likes?
A - He is a lot more talkative, that's for sure. He'll tease and be more open and jumpy. He smiles with sincerity and is just easier to get along with if he likes you.

Q - How does Anubis behave around people he dislikes?
A - If Anubis specifically hates someone, he'll make more effort to be rude and dismissing. However, with mere strangers or people who are a bit neutral to him (which, he still dislikes everyone, but these people on a lesser extent), he'll be colder and try not to communicate with them. Anubis will be fake to someone if he deems it worthy.

Q - How does Anubis treat people in service jobs?
A - You'd meet him and think he's your average everyday person, customer service voice and everything. Anubis is quite the actor, so he treats people a little too well in service jobs, just to get promoted.

Q - Is Anubis's current socioeconomic status different than it was when he was growing up?
A - Yes. He grew up sort of middle class, leaning towards low, but not quite. Now, Anubis is a millionaire

Q - Is Anubis more preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
A - At this point, although Anubis does care about getting paid to the fullest extent, money is not his primary value because he has so much of it now. He cares more about Jean than anything.

Q - How quick is Anubis to trust someone else?
A - He literally trusts no one except Jean. Okay, well to an extent he trusts his roommates, but only because they're high or drunk half the time., and he knows they don't care about anything. Despite that, he still doesn't trust them fully.

Q - How quick is Anubis to suspect someone else? Does this change if he is close with that person?
A - Anubis is always suspecting someone. No one can be trusted. He even suspects Jean sometimes, but that might be due to his anxiety.

Q - What did Anubis dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
A - The closest thing to a job Anubis wanted to be was a king, and clearly that didn't come true, but he is one of the most skilled hackers, which is sort of a king in his eyes. Also he lowkey wanted to be a racecar driver, but that didn't really turn into anything.

Q - Is Anubis more concerned with defending his honor or protecting his status?
A - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i mean ? well hm

Q - Is Anubis more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove himself from a problem/threat?
A - Anubis will do whatever he thinks is logically best at the moment, but if removing the problem is the goal, then he will prioritize that.

Q - Does Anubis have recurring themes in his dreams/nightmares?
A - He doesn't remember his dreams.

Q - Does Anubis remember names or faces easier?
A - He can remember both equally well.

Q - What is Anubis's biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for him before?
A - Okay, considering he's only had one real relationship in his life, Anubis's biggest flaw would be his psychopathic tendencies and other mental disorders. This question is too complicated to answer right I'm sorry.

Q - In what way does Anubis compare himself to others? Does he do this for self-validation or self-criticism?
A - He compares himself to others in regards to his job and hobbies, usually for self-criticism.

Q - What does Anubis find repulsive or disgusting?
A - Jean's family.

Q - In the face of criticism, is Anubis defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
A - It depends on who the criticism comes from and what topic it's over. He can be any of those three.

Q - Is Anubis more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn't work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
A - If he knows the reason why a method didn't work, Anubis would attempt to retry that solution with various improvements. However, if it didn't work due to unchangeable circumstances, Anubis will try a different approach.

Q - Does Anubis feel that he deserves to have what he wants, whether it be material or abstract, or does he feel he must earn it first?
A - bruh idfk

Q - Has Anubis ever had a parental figure that was not related to him?
A - No.

Q - How easy or difficult is it for Anubis to say "I love you."? Can he say it without meaning it?
A - Anubis doesn't really say it seriously that often. He definitely says it more without meaning it (i.e. to his family, or fucking around with Jean).

Q - Describe a scenario in which Anubis feels most comfortable.

A - Playing piano, specifically showing Jean and Prince a song.

Q - Describe a scenario in which Anubis feels most uncomfortable.
A - Talking with his psychiatrist, specifically trying to keep up the facade that he's clinically insane. What made him uncomfortable was how much he didn't have to pretend. Anubis didn't like dealing with his mental issues, especially without fire.

Q - Has Anubis ever been bitten by an animal? How was he affected/unaffected?
A - Prince probably bit him and that's about it. He probably just 'oh. ok prissy bitch no treats for u smh.'

Anubis Answers

I - "Why didn't you save Jean that night? You killed his family so he could live again, so why did you let him 'die?'"

A - "I... I don't know. I panicked. My brain just overloaded and I didn't think twice about it. I think I was scared that if I saved him, he'd push me away, so it'd be the same as him being dead anyways. That's part of the reason I didn't kill myself during those four years, because I thought, well even if he was alive I think I'd still be alone. But... I guess I thought wrong. I wish I did save him back. Deep down I knew he couldn't be dead."

Psychotherapy Sessions

"Olliver! How are you?"
His eyes fluttered up to meet hers. "How are you?" he reflected.
"Well, I'm doing okay, thank you for asking."
"Then I suppose I'm okay too." Anubis said.
"Are you?"
"So, tell me, what's the most important thing in your life right now, Olliver?"
Anubis shifted uncomfortable at the name, debating within himself whether or not to cooperate. He studied at his psychiatrist carefully.
"My, um, my friend."
"Yeah? What makes him important?"
"He makes me happy." The psychiatrist raised an eyebrow and smiled, staying silent. Anubis simply looked at them for a few moments, before deciding to continue. "He's the only person who could possibly understand me and, I guess, accept me or whatever."
"Why do you need acceptance?"
"Why does anyone need acceptance?"
"Well, you tell me."
"I-" Anubis averted his eyes. Suddenly, he no longer wanted to cooperate. Usually sessions last longer than this, but he felt wrong. He always felt wrong, but more wrong this time. "No."

"Olliver, how are you sleeping these days?"
Anubis shrugged. "My sleep schedule is near perfect. Like always."
"That's great! How about your diet?"
He leaned back in his chair. "As good as hospital food can be, I guess."
"Yeah, I wish we could have higher quality food as well. Shame they put you in such a low institution, Olliver. I believe you deserve more."
"Right," Anubis muttered sarcastically. "It's because I apparently committed a crime. I didn't. They're insane."
The psychiatrist shakes her head solemnly. "I know you believe that, but all evidence points to you. Of course, I don't blame you. You're mentally ill."
I'm not, Anubis wanted to say, but he couldn't bring himself to. Am I?

folder_open aloe?

So, you finally read through my page, huh? Got a little insight on who I am? For your silly little alternate universes of Jean and I, right? And the main story? I'm quite fucked up, but, something will change. One day.
Just know, I exist for you.

Oh, and P.S.? Jenny loves you a lot. Probably more than I love Jean and Prince and myself combined.

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This character was created by jenny on Notebook.ai.

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