vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Christian Jean White’s full name?

Christian Jean White

Role - What is Christian Jean White’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Christian Jean White?


Gender - What is Christian Jean White’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Christian Jean White go by?

  1. Though his first name is Christian, he goes by Jean. He first changed his name July 14, 2005, when he was 10 years old, when he met his friend, Anubis. He realized he didn't want to be seen as a Christian in both senses of the matter, so as he introduced himself to Anubis, he called himself Jean. After that, he decided to be known as Jean White.

  2. GG (Given to him by his friend Anubis, mostly a friendly tease at his name)

  3. Alias: Daniel Phillips. He came up with this name several years ago when he and Anubis were at the store, and Jean didn't want to pay for Anubis's movie as a joke, so when Anubis told the cash register he was "with Jean", Jean came up with a general name on the spot and said "My name is Daniel Phillips." he name stuck with him when he created an online profile, and he presumed Anubis wouldn't remember.

palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Christian Jean White’s eye color?

Ocean blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Christian Jean White have?

A scruff/5 o'clock shadow

Hair Style - How does Christian Jean White style their hair?

Long, down to upper chest, but he's never seen without his hair in a bun.

The reason he always kept it in a bun was in order to keep it out of his face. He kept his hair long because he grew up hearing the Bible story about Samson, who got his strength from his hair. Jean liked the idea and used that as an excuse to have long hair. Unfortunately, his family used his long hair as another target and pulled his hair, thus why he decided to put his hair up. Now, he feels vulnerable with it down, which is why he only takes it down when he showers and sleeps.

Hair Color - What color is Christian Jean White’s hair?

Jet Black

Height - How tall is Christian Jean White?

179.8 cm


Deep and low, with a slight rasp. For reference, the singer's voice in this song is comparable to what Jean sounds like.


Sometimes, Jean will reek of alcohol, but obviously that's only when he's drunk.
Other times he smells faintly of cigarettes and/or marijuana, which has a skunk-like scent to it, but after a shower and when using cologne, Jean uses Old Spice's products, preferably Bearglove.

Jean also enjoys the smell of spices and coffee.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Christian Jean White have?

A tattoo on his lower back of the cat shown in his gallery

Body Type

Mesomorph- He's muscular and he's sort of got that build at around puberty because that's how his family is shaped (appears moderately muscular, but isn't as such until they actually utilize and train.), his weight seems even distributed, but there seems to be more weight around the chest. However, he doesn't start exercising and actually developing those muscles until his last year of high school

Skin Tone

Dark-ish tan

Race - What is Christian Jean White’s race?

Indian/European Mix

Weight - How much does Christian Jean White weigh?

165 lbs.
74.8 kg

extension Nature

Jean experiences PTSD through triggers but doesn't allow others to notice. He internalizes his panic until he's alone. If drugs and alcohol fail, he resorts to crying and screaming until his throat gives out.

Jean's triggers consist of people yelling, any hint of physical violence occurring, and witnessing physical abuse. Additionally, he retreats from any bystanders when he feels anger welling up inside of him. The one time he decided to get involved in someone else's business and try to stop whatever fight was about to happen, he ended up losing control and killing someone. To avoid reckless (and unpaid) murder, Jean removes himself from the situation.

Jean also struggles with depression; he only seeks instant gratification because he doesn't find pleasure in any other forms. He struggles with getting out of bed and, to an extent, even hates himself (which stemmed from the abuse he experienced in his younger years). Though the depression is situational since Jean continues drinking alcohol, the depression stays.

Though he was never clinically diagnosed with it, Jean considered that he might have sociopathic tendencies. He broke into fights often as a teen, and didn't appear to have much care for himself or others around him. Though he lied often, he didn't care whether he was good at lying. His family manipulated him so deeply, that he struggled to understand the concept of healthy love. He believes that love doesn't really exist; instead, people are tricked into loving the people that are useful to them. Jean believed that his family only used him to complete the "perfect family" illusion.

Personality type - What personality type is Christian Jean White?

Virtuoso (ISTP-A)

Jean is a bit of a jerk and may seem to lack emotions, but he does have them. Jean tends to internalize most of his emotions, can think quickly in times of pressure, and seeks self-benefit. The energy that he emits is almost like a "too cool for you" vibe and he may even ignore people because he finds no benefit in talking to them. Essentially, Jean comes off as inconsiderate and tired and may seem to be mysterious, but that's more a matter of that is who he is. Jean is like a wall, seldom angry, but when he is angry, he is cold hardened anger. Jean is often too proud to cry in front of people, and because he internalizes his emotions, he might cry every few weeks alone, usually while smoking or drinking. Jean doesn't admit or reveal his positive emotions very often, but deep down he enjoys his time spent with his cat or his friend Anubis most. It is uncommon for Jean to portray domestic or affectionate behavior, but when he does, he still tries to come off as not caring. (ie. He'll take care of them or sacrifice little for their benefit. Basically, he'll rarely soften his heart and go against his self-benefiting lifestyle, but if he does, it means he truly does care for someone.) Either way, domestic Jean is rare but possible, and it would definitely mean something to someone who knows that Jean doesn't show affection lightly. While Jean is quiet, he is not shy, and often makes bold moves in order to get what he wants. Jean doesn't smile often, but he also doesn't cry often; he especially doesn't cry in front of others. Acquaintances of Jean might think they are constantly fighting to get Jean to open up to them but after a while, people realize that the mysterious and cold man standing before them is exactly who Jean is.

OP just realized she mostly talked about Jean's negative traits so here are some positive things about him!!!

Jean is more practical and prefers to learn through experience. He's relaxed under pressure but can think through his actions in order to come up with the right move. Jean may seem like a simple man, but he is often quite the conundrum. He knows how to be social, but he doesn't execute it well and prefers privacy. He's often challenging to predict, even to those that know him best. Jean seems to like to live in the moment, focusing less on the past or future and more on the here and now.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Christian Jean White have?

Jean has developed not only a habit but an addiction to smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. It's often surprising how he gets anything done, but he just barely manages to work through the addiction.
Thanks to Anubis's unsolicited reminders, Jean knows how unhealthy the addictions are for him. Regardless, Jean denies that it's doing anything to him, but when Anubis hangs out, Jean tries to be more careful about it; only smoking or drinking to avoid withdrawal.
After his family's death, Jean started going to the gym in hopes to counteract his destructive addictions. It started with once a week, as much as he could manage while still struggling with a few addictions. When the long-term benefits began to show, Jean increased the days in which he would go to the gym, slowly but gradually easing his addiction, though it was still there. He managed to increase his gym days to every other day. After a while, it became such a regular part of his schedule that it's almost weird if he misses a day.
Every so often, Jean will go to a cat cafe and hang out with a ton of cats as a healthy de-stressor. (Then he goes home and drinks)
Jean does favors for people he knows, as long as they pay him. From repairing their sinks to tailing a suspicious boyfriend, Jean will do almost anything as long as it directly benefits him in return.

Talents - What talents does Christian Jean White have?

He's sort of a Jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. Growing up, he didn't exactly need a job because his family was already so financially superior. However, his father wanted Jean to know as many life-skills as he could drill into Jean, like basic plumbing, electrical, and even some mild wood-working. It was thanks to his dad's teaching that Jean knew what to do when his friend set his house on fire. He's got basic knowledge and skill at almost everything, which is why people might ask him for favors so often. He's got a strangely incredible memory, more reliable than the average human's memory. He's a quick learner, but he's not artistically inclined. Jean can maintain basic knowledge for simple things, but he couldn't really come up with something of his own.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Christian Jean White have?

Will definitely treat you terribly if you're in debt to others. He advocates the idea "Don't make promises you can't keep." Even if it's a matter of life and death. He doesn't really care about the people themselves; only what they can give him and benefit him. Due to his father and older brother, Jean already had a general dislike for men in power/authority and men mistreating others, but after Jean got involved in the dark web, he realized just how disgusting most men are. However, Anubis is a strange exception. Since Jean grew up with him, Jean sees Anubis as more of an equal. Despite the fact that Anubis ended up being just as if not more violent than Jean's family, Jean somehow sees more justification in Anubis's actions than in his father's.

Flaws - What flaws does Christian Jean White have?

One might call this man chaotic or true neutral. He'll watch fights breaking out without intervening to help. The only time he does help someone, he always expects something in return. (And he'll let you know that) He doesn't hold grudges, but he doesn't forget. He's not very expressive (unless it will directly benefit him). Probably has a list of people that owe him a favor.
Another flaw is that Jean is passively manipulative. Jean often lies, cheats, and uses charismatic strategies to get what he wants. He only learned this from Crystal, who was naturally manipulative and very good at it. However, he doesn't rely fully on manipulation; instead, he only does so if any other immediate option had a lower success rate. Because Jean isn't exactly the charismatic type, this strategy is definitely a last resort for him; he really doesn't pull it out unless absolutely necessary, and when he does, it's off character for him, so he prefers not to, especially because there isn't a high success rate, considering Jean doesn't really practice persuasive skills. Nevertheless, it's still an option in Jean's book.
Jean also has a tendency to bottle in his anger. He never addresses his problems or does anything to fix them. Instead, he'll allow stress and small inconveniences to pile up before he explodes and takes out his anger in violent ways. Due to bottling his emotions, some of his anger and frustrations come out through passive aggression. Since he dislikes confrontation, he'll simply be vague and irritated without fully expressing what's bothering him.

Motivations - What motivates Christian Jean White most?

Jean only seeks self-benefit and doesn't have any personal attachments. The only people that can stand Jean is his cat and his friend, Anubis. While Jean isn't one to show affection, he certainly doesn't push away Anubis as a friend. Jean's life may have very well been uneventful if Anubis was not in his life; Because of Anubis, Jean has a story to tell.

Going by the fact that Jean is a bit of an agnostic existentialist, he could almost have no reason for living, but because Jean doesn't believe in an afterlife, he seeks pleasure in the world (drugs, alcohol, financial, and sexual pleasures) while he still can. Jean's philosophy is Hellenistic Stoicism.

By doing so many favors and being an assassin, Jean has wracked up a lot of money. He knows that flaunting this money will warrant suspicion, but the fact that his family managed to be a bit more wealthy helped his case. Either way, he doesn't really know what else to do with the money. As someone who focuses on instant gratification, saving the money seemed pointless and investing it was even more useless to him. Instead, he either drinks or smokes his money away, or he uses it to spoil his cat.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Christian Jean White have?

Stoic and still, he's like a statue with the way he remains silent and still. When he moves, it's slow and steady, as if he's moving entire machinery. He doesn't even blink unless he's fully thought through and planned the action before-hand. He doesn't fiddle his thumbs, and he doesn't have any nervous habits. The closest to a nervous habit he's come is brushing his hand through his hair, but even that looks smooth as if he's fully aware of what he's doing.

Moral Alignment

True Neutral

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Christian Jean White’s favorite color?

Deep red bc he has a friend with that color shirt and ahaha ',:)


Though Jean's sexuality is never explicitly stated, he only shows sexual attraction to women.

Religion - What religion does Christian Jean White practice?

He grew up in a Christian home but after his family died he lost what little faith he had and became atheistic.

Politics - What politics does Christian Jean White have?

Literally hates the American government and hates the people in it (Essentially, he sees the weaker points of both Republicans and Democrats, and concluded that the American government is too faulty to deserve respect) but doesn't want to move because he knows he can still profit from everyone's stupidity and irrationality. Jean hates America because he disapproves of the people in power and disapproves of the citizens of America for allowing such corrupted leaders to rise to such power. However, since Jean has learned how blind the people of America often are, he realized how he could use them to his advantage.

Occupation - What is Christian Jean White’s occupation?

Freelancer as a front and assassin behind the curtain

In the sense of a freelancer, Jean knows the basics of a lot of simple skills. Whether it be repairing a leaky faucet or setting up a router, many people know to call Jean for something minor that needs to be done in their house. Often times he receives calls for work even less laborious like editing a college student's essay or maybe even taking care of someone's fish while they're gone on vacation, but Jean takes every opportunity possible as long as they pay him.

Being a mysterious and edgy kind of guy, Jean has received a few calls asking for him to repair something in their home only for the person to admit they'd rather pay with sex for whatever reason. Jean refuses and requests they pay him with money, even if they can't pay him now, they must pay him eventually.

Although this is true, Jean hasn't avoided one night stands, but only participates in such a thing when drugs or alcohol don't do the trick.

As an assassin, Jean finds jobs off the dark web and allows his prices to be negotiable, giving him room to trick the client into paying him more. Jean never puts in extra work if he's not getting paid to do so. In other words, if there is a witness, he would only kill them if the witness threatens to report Jean. Jean would usually go with blackmailing or threatening the witness first before he resorts to killing them.

Favorite food - What is Christian Jean White’s favorite food?

Spaghetti bc it's not hard to make and it's basically his depression meal and he has tons of leftovers in the fridge when he's hungover and can't make anything else.

His favorite flavor of popcorn is Jalapeño.
He prefers watermelon over pineapple because he can share watermelon with Prince, but pineapple is a bit risky for cats.
Jean's preferred chocolate type is dark.
His favorite soda is Diet Dr. Pepper
His favorite candy is peppermints (he does what he can to get the smell of alcohol off of him) but he also likes the taste of toffee
He takes his coffee black!

Favorite possession - What is Christian Jean White’s favorite possession?

His hair brush because he has a lot of hair and he just,,,,
His favorite movie is Gladiator!
He also enjoyed Breaking Bad

Favorite weapon - What is Christian Jean White’s favorite weapon?

.408 Cheyenne Tactical with a .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge for ranged attacks, usually when he needs to attack from a different building

Glock 17 with 10mm Auto cartridge for close-combat

Tactical knife for silent/personal/messier jobs. Jean would really need a reason if he were to use a knife.

Favorite animal - What is Christian Jean White’s favorite animal?

Jean owns a cat and since it's the only thing he's really cared about, cats are probably his favorite animal.
When Jean first found this cat, he was only a kitten, separated from his mother. Though lost and probably very hungry, the kitten seemed mildly unbothered by this. Jean thought that interesting but still couldn't bring himself to leave the kitten alone.
For the first few months, the kitten was just another of Jean's secrets he kept from his family. After a while, Jean formed an inevitable attachment to the cat, since the cat felt safe and comfortable with Jean, he reciprocated those feelings considering the rest of his house was hostile. Jean now has an unspoken bond with his cat; he refuses to say he loves his cat, but it's painfully obvious with how much he spoils him.

Pokemon Main


import_contacts History
Background - What is Christian Jean White’s background?

Early life:
Jean grew up in a family that claimed to be Christian. They went to church every Sunday and went through the motions, but this family was anything except Christian. Jean's parents were abusive towards his older siblings, even before Jean was born, which taught some unhealthy worldviews into Jean's older brother, Kristopher. After a few years, Kris started abusing Jean, physically and mentally. Jean and his two siblings were sent to church camp every Summer, but Jean tried his best to ignore his siblings. Instead, he made a friend who also wasn't nearly as interested in church camp as every other kid, and also had an affinity for fire.

Teenage years:
At around high school, Jean's sister, Crystal, turned to drugs and alcohol in order to escape from her family. Since she knew Jean was treated unfairly in the family, she offered drugs to him, and he quickly succumbed as well. However, Jean didn't make as much of an effort as Crystal to hide his drug habits, and his family quickly caught on to it. Though Jean got heavily abused for this habit, he did not quit because he quickly got addicted and could not stop. Jean complained about his family to his practically only friend, Anubis, who also had some mental issues. Anubis certainly isn't a qualified therapist, so he didn't offer the greatest advice, but Jean appreciated that he at least listened. Jean was manipulated by his family, and only had one friend who hung out at Jean's house. Jean barely left his own house despite having one of his own, which his family helped him with financially, but they only helped him so that Jean would depend on his family.

Adult years:
In 2017, Anubis made a bold move. Believing that this would help, Anubis entered Jean's family's home, being welcomed in as a family friend, and proceeded to kill Jean's family. Jean was getting high in his own house, which meant that he wasn't expecting Anubis. But Jean still planned on going to see his family that night, so Jean came out to see his family lying dead on the floor with Anubis standing over them. Jean was unable to react properly and instead stared at them, almost not comprehending what was going on. In a panic, Anubis started a fire in Jean's family's house and left, burning all the evidence. Since Anubis didn't stick around to see what Jean would do, he assumed Jean died in the fire as well. However, Jean's instincts kicked in, and he quickly ran downstairs to the basement to break a gas pipe so that the fire department would assume the fire was an accident. He'd had a gas leak in the past and his dad made him shadow the repairmen so he could make Jean fix it in the future. Regardless, Jean's hurried attempt was sloppy, and, though he managed to get the gas pipe loose and run, he still got some mild second-degree burns on his back shoulder.

Jean struggled emotionally and mentally because he was unable to properly and genuinely mourn his family. Instead of mourning, he turned to hating himself for not mourning and returning to his own home to get more high.

Jean, already fit, went back to training his body. Training his body started as a defense mechanism against the withdrawal symptoms he would experience from attempting to quit drugs in order to increase the performance of his job. However, he never successfully quit drugs but managed to reach sobriety more often than he used to. One day, he hears some commotion going on near him and notices a strange lady being harassed by some man. Jean turns and asks the guy to leave her alone, but the man doesn't listen. Jean then warns the man, threatening him if he doesn't go away, and a fight quickly ensues. Jean's internal anger and frustrations kicked in, and the fight ended in death. As soon as Jean realizes his mistake, he begins apologizing profusely and confessing that he doesn't want to go to jail. The girl, who's questionable morals quickly show, quietly pulls out a handful of cash and offers it to Jean. She tells him that the man was her ex and she wanted him dead anyway, and suggests that he do this for a living. Taken back, Jean assures the lady that he can't take money for killing a man, to which she responds saying that she'll report him to the police otherwise. Already struggling financially, Jean takes the money and covers his first murder. For the first week, Jean is lethargic, still trying to process that day. He thought often about his own family's death and his inability to feel for them, and wonders why he didn't feel guilty for killing the man. After he comes to terms with the fact that he wasn't against killing again, Jean takes to the dark web to find another job, but under a fake name.

After a year of being an assassin, Jean is offered a partner job. He considers refusing at first, but the pay is too much for him to turn down. After he accepts the job, he notices the name of his partner; Anubis.
(That's where his story starts; which goes on here: https://www.notebook.ai/forum/roleplaying/dis-private-yo )

Education - What is Christian Jean White’s level of education?

IQ- 119

Birthday - When is Christian Jean White’s birthday?

January 14, 1995


St. Vincent Hospital Evansville 3700 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN 47714

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Christian Jean White have?

On September 23, 2011, On the way home from an after school event, Jean discovered a stray kitten. His fur is completely black and his eyes a golden yellow. After searching the neighborhood for his mother, Jean returned home with a new little friend, naming him Prince and treating him like royalty.
Prince is Jean's strongest attachment (sorry Anubis but Prince didn't kill Jean's family) but since most hostile people trying to go after Jean don't know about his cat, or think that his cat isn't that important to him, Prince has never really been in any danger. (but if you even think abt threatening Jean through Prince you won't even finish your sentence before you get a bullet through ur head)

Family Information

Jean respected his father's work ethic, but in every other aspect, Jean despised his father. His father disrespected everyone and often started fights for stupid reasons; Jean hated that his father often won those fights, too. Including the physical ones. He treated his family terribly, often getting into stupid arguments with his wife, which often turned physical.

The thing about Jean's mother is that she fought back. She wouldn't allow herself to let her husband senselessly attack her, so she fought back; but this developed in defending and justifying herself in every way. She would treat her children unfairly and then tell them that she's always in the right.

Kristopher was often treated unfairly, but because he started to become part of the cycle of abuse, he started to become favored by the parents, and thus got away with abusing his brother. He barely ever hit Crystal, but that didn't stop him from being inconsiderate and abusive toward her.

Crystal was often the main target of mental and emotional abuse, as well as being objectified. Because of this, she usually escaped by going to clubs and getting high, but sometimes she'd take out her frustrations on the one person in the family that wouldn't fight back; Jean. She verbally abused him, but the two still got along more than anyone else in the family. Crystal also offered Jean some of the drugs that she was using. When Jean refused at first, she told him that he'll never get better, so he should at least enjoy a trip.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Comparable Characters (Popular Characters with similar personalities)

Agathe Albans (Patriot)
Agathe is strangely still and stoic, and often appears unphased by anything that happens to her. Much like this, Jean is unresponsive and does not express many reactions, as well as finds no need in unnecessary movements.

Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad)
Mike appears to be a brick wall, almost like he's both the unstoppable force and the immovable object, he does not connect emotionally as easily and has only shown to seek self-benefit, and he's good at it too. Jean also has the tendency to sit back and only intervene when it benefits him.

Aizawa Shouta (My Hero Academia)
Aizawa seems to be always tired and grumpy, a man of a cold personality with little patience socially. In the same way, Jean doesn't often express many positive emotions, even if he is happy.

assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.

This bed of rocks is my loudest whisper
Dear Liberty, I happen to miss her
Tonight, tonight, it was all so bright
You fight, we fight, but there is no light

I suppose we could have danced in hell
I doubt that you could see me telling
You to twist up your bones
You are mist in the road

You are the devil and there's no turning back
You are an angel and you're dressed in black
Your very lips will speak the song to end
Take my eyes, my lungs and even my skin

Drunk again, I fell into the clouds
Jesus, why is it so loud?
The voices, are they in my head?
Or is it me, I'm high, in bed

You were homeless, but you sat in your house
You were confident, but you're just a mouse

So when I am dead
You'll be in my head
Rolling back and forth
In search of the night
You took my life

local_laundry_service Wardrobe

Black button-up and red tie


Bluish-gray sweatshirt and black pants

Casual 2

Bluish-gray sweatshirt and BROWN pants


Sweatpants and no shirt, also his hair is down

local_hospital Health

Refuses to admit that he needs therapy. Probably has PTSD from his family's tragedy as well as other mental issues from his family and wow his family is problematic this is why he kills people for a living.

For PTSD: Often times he'll have nightmares but Jean is a Professional Emotion Bottler so no one really knows about it. When he starts to experience conscious PTSD, like flashes of memory or maybe dizziness when something he sees reminds him of the day his family died, he'll often retreat to get high or drunk (usually drunk, but he still does drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms.)


I mean he's been drinking and smoking so it's probably not looking good

school Education
High School

World History (Passed)
Earth and Environmental (Passed)
English 1 Honors (Excelled)
French 2 (Excelled)
Geometry Honors (Failed)
Guitar 1 (Passed)
Photography (Passed)
Strength and Conditioning 1 (Excelled)
Power Weights (Passed)

English 2 Honors (Passed)
Geometry Honors (Passed)
Biology (Passed)
A.P. Gov (Excelled)
Journalism (Failed)
Business Management (Passed)
Adventure Experience 1 (Passed)
Strength and Conditioning 2 (Excelled)
Personal Finance (Passed)
Art Experience 1 (Passed)

A.P. Language (Passed)
Algebra 2 Trigonometry (Passed)
Chemistry (Excelled)
Human Anatomy & Physiology (Passed)
Economics (Passed)
Introduction to Law (Passed)
A.P. Macroeconomics (Passed)
Healthy Decisions (Failed)
Photography 2 (Passed)

A.P. Literature (Passed)
Trigonometry/Pre Calculus (Passed)
Strength and Conditioning 2 (Passed)
Contemporary World Issues (Excelled)
Sociology (Passed)
Psychology (Passed)

camera Color HTML Codes
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

Hair: #191C1E
Eyes: #38388D
Shirt: #52657C

language Trivia
Fun Facts

Jean brushes his teeth a little aggressively and changes his toothbrush monthly. He rinses the toothbrush before putting on toothpaste, but not after. He uses mouthwash, too. Jean also takes hot showers and washes from top left to bottom right.

Jean prefers spicy foods; and by spicy I mean spicy.

Jean never texts; he always calls. He'll call you to say "Ok." That's how not texting he is. When he does answer the phone, he usually responds with a deadpan voice saying, "What."

Jean's password to his computer is cutecats123


mr. dumbass jean on his first kill:
He only burned the body. He went to a forest some hundred miles away from where he lives, along with some coal, gasoline, and matches, and he burned the body. it took. several hours. while it was burning, he was digging a grave. the grave itself was approximately 5-6 feet deep. he was exhausted. he went home and was very traumatized. he still had to clean his car, shower several times, clean his car again bc can he still smell it?? then cleaned his ca-

Mr. ok maybe i should be more effective jean on his next couple of kills:
He drained the body of the fluids then he burns the body's hands and feet to avoid fingerprints! then he takes it to a new forest every time (he travels a lot he doesn't rlly care he's got tons of money anyway so gas money doesn't matter and he could easily get a new car) and burns the body (he burns the hands and feet before hand for two reasons: if the body is discovered, there are no fingerprints and two: he believes it'll burn even more so while the rest of the body is burning, making it impossible to recover the fingerprints) and while it's burning he digs a 6 foot grave

Mr. Getting More Professional About This
He drains the fluids, then destroys teeth, finger and toeprints, and any attainable DNA (basically he burns the body) then drives it to another forest, with a pre-dug grave (up to 10 feet, but it varies between 7-10) and dumps the burnt body there. then he tosses a dead animal (most commonly it's roadkill) at about 5-6 feet above the body to turn up as a false positive if any nosy (hah) dogs sniff up the grave!

By the time he teams up with Anubis, Jean's default method of disposing of the body is the Third one i described. However! If his client specifies they want the body disposed a different way, (and if they agree to bump up the payment), then that's what Jean will do.

format_quote Languages




help Additional Questions

Q: On an average day, what can be found in Jean's pockets?
A: A pack of cigarettes, his wallet, a lighter, and a pocket knife.

Q: Does Jean feel more comfortable with less clothing or more clothing?
A: Jean is more a private kind of guy, so in public he's not one to take off his shirt to show off. However, he isn't uncomfortable with his shirt off in front of his friend Anubis and his family.


Q: Describe a scenario in which Jean feels most comfortable.
A: On his back porch smoking a cigarette at night with Prince, his cat, in his lap.

Q: Describe a scenario in which Jean feels most uncomfortable.
A: With Anubis on the anniversary of his family's death.

Q: Has Jean ever been bitten by an animal? How was he affected/unaffected?
A: Jean has most definitely been bitten by Prince. He did not retaliate against Prince and merely went to rinse off and disinfect his hand.


Q: Does Jean have recurring themes in his dreams/nightmares?
A: For nightmares, yes. His nightmares always involve fire, and often involve his family's death. For his dreams, it's usually a combination of the previous day and whatever thoughts he had.

Q: Does Jean remember names or faces easier?
A: Jean is more likely to remember a face than he would a name.

Q: What is Jean's biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for him before?
A: Jean does not like to express emotional attachment; he views it as a sort of weakness. Regardless, when Anubis disappeared, Jean struggled to deal with this and caused a certain event to occur due to unchecked frustrations. Additionally, Jean has forced a relationship with a girlfriend because of his own insecurities and self-hatred. When she didn't fulfill his unspoken needs, he left her.

Q: In what way does Jean compare himself to others? Does he do this for self-validation or self-criticism?
A: Jean doesn't compare himself to others often, but he would more likely do so for self-validation.

Q: What does Jean find repulsive or disgusting?
A: Jean is disgusted by men with harmful and/or disgusting sexual fantasies that involve degrading the other person without their consent.

Q: In the face of criticism, is Jean defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
A: Compulsively, Jean would defend himself against criticism.

Q: Is Jean more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn't work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
A: Considering Jean is addicted to drugs, he's attempted getting high as a solution countless times.

Q: Does Jean feel that he deserves to have what he wants, whether it be material or abstract, or does he feel he must earn it first?
A: Jean understands he has earned what he has because after the death of his family, nothing was handed to him and he soon learned he had to fight for what he wants.

Q: Has Jean ever had a parental figure that was not related to him?
A: Sort of. Jean went to church and church camp several times in his childhood, and may have opened up a little bit to one of the leaders, but the connection never lasted long enough for them to be considered a parental figure.

Q: How easy or difficult is it for Jean to say "I love you."? Can he say it without meaning it?
A: While Jean can say "I love you" without meaning it, it's not a common occurrence for him, so it would still take a bit out of him to force it.

Q: What does Jean believe will happen to him after he dies? Does this belief scare him?
A: Jean believes that death is the end of man and soul. He wouldn't admit that this belief scares him, but he definitely avoids death, indicating that he does not want to die.


Q: Is Jean's current socioeconomic status different than it was when he was growing up?
A: Not exactly. Jean relied on his family's financial aid for a long while, which is why he was still attached to them even after he grew up and moved out. After they died, for awhile Jean struggled financially, but managed to find a job (assassin) to hold himself up. However, he does not flaunt his money or buy expensive items for the sake of them being expensive; he hides a significant majority of his money to avoid suspicion from the government.

Q: Is Jean more preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
A: Jean is more concerned with money to such a point that one can't pay Jean with sex.

Q: How quick is Jean to trust someone else?
A: Not quick at all. He only trusts Anubis in his house and he trusts the Cat Cafe shop owner. (Cat Cafe shop owner has a lesser extent of trust from Jean, but he trusts her more than he does other people).

Q: How quick is Jean to suspect someone else? Does this change if he is close with that person?
A: Jean's suspicion is a variable. If someone rats him out, he's more likely to suspect people he knows less. Especially considering the only person alive who could truly rat out Jean is Anubis, who he knows wouldn't do such a thing. However, Anubis has caused tragedy in Jean's life, and while Jean wouldn't be surprised if Anubis caused more, Jean is not likely to suspect Anubis.

Q: What did Jean dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
A: Jean respected his father's work ethic, and only dreamed of being a hardworking man. In a sense, the dream did come true, but Jean didn't have any specific dream jobs.

Q: Is Jean more concerned with defending his honor or protecting his status?
A: Jean doesn't really have an honor to defend. He's more likely to protect his status of being that cold and calm dude with RBF

Q: Is Jean more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove himself from a problem/threat?
A: Jean is more likely to remove the problem/threat, but if he recognizes he cannot remove the threat, he will remove himself. He might have a tendency to overestimate himself, so he might not recognize his in-capabilities often.


Q: What was Jean's favorite toy as a child?
A: Jean had an old soccerball that he messed around with a lot outside. He preferred being outside as the yelling and abuse was muffled.

Q: In what situation was Jean the most scared he's ever been?
A: When Jean killed for the first time, he felt fear of being caught; but also fear of himself, for he realized he did not feel sympathy for those who have died. Jean often feels paranoia and suspicion, but his childhood was much too traumatizing for him to feel much fear of other people/concrete things. After years of abuse, Jean learned that he could live through physical abuses. His pain threshold has increased over the years, but Jean learned there were other consequences to his actions, and does everything he can to cover his tracks. The last thing Jean wants is to go to jail.

Q: Is Jean more likely to admire wisdom or ambition in others?
A: Jean has dealt with ambition in his friend Anubis, but has made attempts to apply wisdom in Anubis's behavior.

Q: If something tragic or negative happens to Jean, does he believe he may have caused or deserved it, or is he quick to blame others?
A: Jean goes through a cycle of blaming, including blaming himself, but the process doesn't normally end on blaming himself.

Q: What does Jean like/dislike in other people?
A: Likes-Professionalism, formality, balanced. Dislikes- Immaturity, emotional indulgence, obnoxious.

Q: Which does Jean idealize most; happiness or success?
A: Jean associates success with fame which is something he resents. He fully understands that many celebrities don't like being famous, and he doesn't like the feeling of being watched, his entire life being in the public eye. He would much rather seek happiness. Or, in his case, instant gratification.

Q: How does Jean behave around children?
A: He avoids them.

Q: How does Jean deal with confrontation?
A: He doesn't.
Jean avoids all problems involving other people. He copes unhealthily and refuses to cry in front of others. When asked about certain things, most of the time, he'll lie.

Q: How quick or slow is Jean to resort to physical violence in confrontation?
A: Depends on the subject. Usually not quick at all, but occasionally he has surprised the other person with a physical fight because of what they brought up.

Q: How does Jean behave around people he likes?
A: Around people he likes, Jean seems less tense and stiff. He's more relaxed and open, and more often to smile genuinely rather than a mere gentle grin that he most likely forced.

Q: How does Jean behave around people he dislikes?
A: Around people he dislikes, Jean is cold and isolating. He ignores everything they have to say and disregards their emotions and personal conveniences.

Q: How does Jean treat people in service jobs?
A: Jean knows how to throw on a fake smile for the camera and pretend to be a good person. While he's not the most charismatic kind of guy, he'll do what he can to get the job done right.

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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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