vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Prince’s full name?


Role - What is Prince’s role in your story?

Jean's (and anubis's) Catto!

Age - How old is Prince?

7 human years

Gender - What is Prince’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Prince go by?

If you try to call him literally anything else he Will pretend like you don't exist

palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Prince’s eye color?

Golden!!!! sun boi!

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Prince have?

yeah i guess he does have facial hair

Hair Style - How does Prince style their hair?

what a short haired babe uwu

Hair Color - What color is Prince’s hair?

soft and black!

Height - How tall is Prince?

10 inches tall! he's a tol boi!


This is Prince's voice and also Definitely a video that Anubis recorded


Prince smells like. cat. idk what u want me to tell you he cleans himself regularly

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Prince have?

his undenying beauty

Body Type


Skin Tone

Probably Pink

Race - What is Prince’s race?

i'm gonna use this to say he's a Bombay!

Weight - How much does Prince weigh?

ya boi is a healthy 8.2 lbs.

extension Nature

Attention Whore Syndrome

Personality type - What personality type is Prince?

You'd think he'd be antisocial when guests are in the house but instead Prince enjoys bragging about how gr8 and important he is by shoving his ass in Jean's face and looking at the guest as if to say "bet he won't let u do this>:)"
also v playful and nice but only to jean and anubis,,,,if ur a stranger and jean and anubis aren't around he might let u cuddle bc he loves attention anyway,,,,,but like,,,,his whole attitude is ungrateful about it. While Prince has grown to be quite a smart cat, he understands that Jean's schedule is unbelievably flexible and unreliable. However, he knows that Jean is always on time for feeding Prince everyday and that has taught him that Jean practically bows to Prince's needs. Does Prince use this to his advantage? Absolutely.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Prince have?

Bullies Anubis but when he's tired he's ready to cuddle uwu
when jean closes the door on him to shower, Prince's favorite hobby is to sit outside and proceed to S C R E A M until Jean lets him into the bathroom

Talents - What talents does Prince have?

Good at thinking he's stealthy
Somehow manages to get into the locked cabinet to get more food?
Know's Jean's schedule
Award for Most Thirsty for Attention

Prejudices - What prejudices does Prince have?

People that try to give him a nickname? no thank u

People that try to substitute jean or anubis? gross

People that aren't jean or anubis? it's a no from me

literally only Jean and/or Anubis? y e s

Flaws - What flaws does Prince have?

Prince Does Not Have Flaws. He is perfect.
(Loud and Clumsy but don't acknowledge his clumsiness he's very insecure about it)

Motivations - What motivates Prince most?

Make Anubis jealous that Jean loves him more than Anubis

do cats have motivations

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Prince have?

Prince often licks himself when bored or to actually clean himself, and when Other People are around him, he shows off his popularity between Jean and Anubis by standing next to or near them and immediately getting pets and affection by them. When Prince isn't getting the attention he believes he deserves, he will Sit Down and Meow So Loudly until you pet him. If you scratch behind his ear he will tilt his head in that direction. Prince barely licks strangers but he will not stop licking Anubis or Jean (unless Anubis tastes like motor oil or Jean smells like weed)

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Prince’s favorite color?




Job - What job does Prince have?

Keeping Anubis's mental health somewhat stable

Religion - What religion does Prince practice?


Politics - What politics does Prince have?

He is The Royalty

Occupation - What is Prince’s occupation?

being perfect
also anubis's therapist

Favorite food - What is Prince’s favorite food?

everything. jean has to keep him from overeating

Favorite possession - What is Prince’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Prince’s favorite weapon?

his claws

Favorite animal - What is Prince’s favorite animal?

what do you think

import_contacts History
Background - What is Prince’s background?

Prince was born in a gr8 ass litter with a rockin mom who could kill u with a look,,,,,but the old abandoned house that they were living under was going to be demolished, and Prince's mother knew this, so she helped her poor babies escape. However, somewhere along the road, Prince got separated from his family, and thus ran into Jean. and thus starts the blossoming friendship of two assholes

Education - What is Prince’s level of education?

better than u

Birthday - When is Prince’s birthday?

July 7, 2013


Marysville, Ohio

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Prince have?


Family Information

loved his brothers and kinda misses them

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
local_laundry_service Wardrobe
local_hospital Health
school Education
camera Color HTML Codes
language Trivia
format_quote Languages
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Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Prince

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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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