account_circle Overview
Name - What is Vega Clarimonde’s full name?

Vega Clarimonde

Gender - What is Vega Clarimonde’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Vega Clarimonde go by?

Guardian Angel

Role - What is Vega Clarimonde’s role in your story?




Name Meaning

Vega-star in the Lyra constellation, 2nd brightest in northern hemisphere, also means "meadow" and "the falling/swooping eagle"

Clarimonde- German origin, means the brilliant protectress

Age - How old is Vega Clarimonde?



Guardian of Air Zone- technically an aviator

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Vega Clarimonde’s hair?

Dark Brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vega Clarimonde have?

Strong, feathered tawny wings, 10 ft wingspan (hence, Guardian Angel)

Weight - How much does Vega Clarimonde weigh?

Around 130 lbs

Height - How tall is Vega Clarimonde?


Body Type

Slim, slightly muscular

Skin Tone


Race - What is Vega Clarimonde’s race?

1/4 Asian

Eye Color - What is Vega Clarimonde’s eye color?

Gray (very light blue)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vega Clarimonde have?


Hair Style - How does Vega Clarimonde style their hair?

Wavy, short, stops just above her shoulders

accessibility Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Vega Clarimonde?

Protective- of her own secrets and of other's well-being
INTJ- innovative, independent, strategic, logical, reserved, insightful, original, driven to achieve improvements

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vega Clarimonde have?

Flying-Vega uses flying as a way to escape from her job as a guardian and the pressures of being a hero; in the sky she doesn't have to force herself to be strong for others and she can be herself
Learning- especially about new technologies that she might find useful
Solving brain teasers/puzzles
Exploring and designing FaceScreens FaceScreen

Talents - What talents does Vega Clarimonde have?

Problem solving

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vega Clarimonde have?

Little Prejudice
Those higher in society are corrupted- learns not all of them are


PTSD, Imposter sydrome

Flaws - What flaws does Vega Clarimonde have?

Can easily forget her own needs in order to help others, selfless to the point of low self esteem, can feel very guilty- even if she wasn't responsible,

Motivations - What motivates Vega Clarimonde most?

The need for a better society, OTHERS

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vega Clarimonde have?

Not a morning person, grammar/fact Nazi (like a grammar Nazi but for people who wrongly phrase quotes, if someone says and incorrect fact, etc.), day dreamer, prefers to fight for others instead of herself,

local_hospital Health
account_balance History
Background - What is Vega Clarimonde’s background?

Comes from a Regular family, but was a rising star expected to become an Excellent or Aristocrat before testing revealed her status as a Freak. Besides having her Regular parents as her legal guardians, she was practically an Upper, due to the fact that she went to an advanced Upper school and lived by herself (for a year)

Education - What is Vega Clarimonde’s level of education?

Very advanced/intelligent (For her age, despite only going to school til 14)

groups Social
Job - What job does Vega Clarimonde have?

Guardian Angel- due to how powerful and versatile she is, she doesn't have a specific job, but does lots of odd jobs in addition to her duties as one of the colony's leaders

Politics - What politics does Vega Clarimonde have?


Favorite color - What is Vega Clarimonde’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Vega Clarimonde’s favorite weapon?

Her own powers and skills

Favorite animal - What is Vega Clarimonde’s favorite animal?

dogs- they love people no matter what and are loyal

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Vega Clarimonde have?

a family dog at her parent's house

work Inventory
Personal Belongings

Her ____screen

history Changelog
edit Notes

Due to the fact that she is Guardian of the Air Zone, she can not only fly, but control air movements and levitate objects

hourglass_empty Timeline

Year 4- starts school (pre school through 2nd)
Year 8- starts "elementary"(3rd through 5th)- starts to show her smarts and skips a grade because they didn't want to move her to a different class school yet (she starts to takes her classes at a Regular "middle school"
Year 10- takes her first test and shows some signs of being a Freak, but not enough to make it official (they were less harsh because of her intelligence and her potential)
Years 11-13- is moved to a new Upper school where she takes advanced classes
Year 12- is reported for Freak tendencies by a classmate- is brushed off
Year 13- takes advanced and "high school" level classes at the "middle school"
Year 13- is officially discovered as a Freak- is covered up
Year 14- is moved to highly advanced Upper school and lives only under guard
Age 14- can't suppress her powers or personality anymore so she runs away
Age 14- while escaping to the Lowly district, Vega is chased by a guard and releases her suppressed powers and makes her first kill (a cause of her PTSD)
Age 14- Micah and Ev find her sitting in the same room with the mutilated guard and take her back to the Colony to recover and train (she meets Bree even though Bree isn't fully a Colony member and is skeptical of Vega)
Age 15- is officially accepted as a Guardian (she also starts to accept her new self and her powers)
Age 16- the name Guardian Angel slowly starts to stick
Age 17- Vega has mostly become who she is now- the Guardian Angel, a true leader of the Colony, a warrior, and a revolutionary
Age 19- finds M and the story starts off

airline_seat_flat Death
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This character was created by Kylie on

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