account_circle Overview
Name - What is Jia Clarimonde’s full name?

Jia Clarimonde

Gender - What is Jia Clarimonde’s gender?


Role - What is Jia Clarimonde’s role in your story?

Metis and Vega's mom



Name Meaning

Jia- Chinease origin, means- good, beautiful, family, and home

Age - How old is Jia Clarimonde?




face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Jia Clarimonde’s hair?

Dark brown

Race - What is Jia Clarimonde’s race?

Half Asian

Eye Color - What is Jia Clarimonde’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jia Clarimonde have?


Hair Style - How does Jia Clarimonde style their hair?

Long hair

accessibility Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Jia Clarimonde?

Strongwilled, protective
ESFP- enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexible, strong common sense, likes helping people

Motivations - What motivates Jia Clarimonde most?

Equality, doing what's right, her family

local_hospital Health
account_balance History
Background - What is Jia Clarimonde’s background?

Was an Upper (barely), but married into being a Regular

Education - What is Jia Clarimonde’s level of education?

Upper education, went to a college for two years (like community college)

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Jia Clarimonde have?

Rebel supporter

work Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Doesn't have a good relationship with Metis, but still sees and talks to Vega

hourglass_empty Timeline

Years 4-18- basic Upper schooling
Years 19-20- simple Upper college
Age 21- meets Atlas
Age 24- gets married
Age 26- gives birth to Metis
Age 30- gives birth to Vega

airline_seat_flat Death
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Jia Clarimonde

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Jia Clarimonde

This character was created by Kylie on

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