account_circle Overview
Name - What is L Galen’s full name?

L Galen

Gender - What is L Galen’s gender?




Name Meaning

Galen- Greek origin, means calm and healer

Age - How old is L Galen?



Zone: Body: Mediciac

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is L Galen’s hair?

Dirty Blond

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does L Galen have?

A Lily tattoo on the back of his hand and arm- sees it whenever he heals someone

Weight - How much does L Galen weigh?

170 lbs

Height - How tall is L Galen?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is L Galen’s race?


Eye Color - What is L Galen’s eye color?

Forest green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does L Galen have?


Hair Style - How does L Galen style their hair?


accessibility Nature
Personality type - What personality type is L Galen?

ISFJ- warm, considerate, gentle, responsible, loyal, pragmatic, thorough, caring
Is heroic, but unlike Vega, it is more of a natural talent-2nd most heroic besides Vega

Hobbies - What hobbies does L Galen have?

Being outside, talking

Talents - What talents does L Galen have?

helping others, listening

Prejudices - What prejudices does L Galen have?

doesn't like extremely selfish people (a reason he is against the gov)


is still upset about Lily's death and feels the need to help everyone he can

Flaws - What flaws does L Galen have?

can be a bleeding heart or be taken advantage of because of his kindness

Motivations - What motivates L Galen most?

peace and helping others

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does L Galen have?

chivalrous, jumps to help others

local_hospital Health
account_balance History
Birthday - When is L Galen’s birthday?

October 17

Background - What is L Galen’s background?

Grew up as an Upper, now a Freak

groups Social
Politics - What politics does L Galen have?


Favorite color - What is L Galen’s favorite color?

Yellow and Light Blue

Favorite possession - What is L Galen’s favorite possession?

Lily's bunny

device_hub Family
work Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

At one point he had a sister, Lily ended up dying from a seizure, despite being a Healer, he was too young and inexperienced to save her so he still feels bad about it

hourglass_empty Timeline

Years 4-7- Upper school
Years 8-10- Upper school
Age 13- (before the testing) Galen's sister, Lily, died from a seizure that he couldn't stop
Years 11-13- Upper Schooling
Age 13- fails testing and becomes a Freak

airline_seat_flat Death
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This character was created by Kylie on

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