account_circle Overview
Name - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s full name?

Briana (Bree) Hiresh

Gender - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s gender?




Name Meaning

Briana- Irish/English origin, means strong/strength

Hiresh- Indian origin, king of gems

Age - How old is Briana (Bree) Hiresh?



Zone: Earth: powerful Mineriatic

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s hair?


Weight - How much does Briana (Bree) Hiresh weigh?


Height - How tall is Briana (Bree) Hiresh?


Body Type

Like Nina Zenik

Skin Tone


Race - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s race?


Eye Color - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?


Hair Style - How does Briana (Bree) Hiresh style their hair?

Long, wavy, goes to lower back

accessibility Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Briana (Bree) Hiresh?

ESFP- playful,enthusiastic, friendly, spontaneous, tactful, flexible

Hobbies - What hobbies does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?

Making things (mainly metal)
Having fun

Talents - What talents does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?

Acting, flirting

Prejudices - What prejudices does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?

Doesn't like her family and hates the gov because of the discrimination against Freaks


Has relationship problems- due to her family and them abandoning her

Flaws - What flaws does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?

Doesn't admit when she is wrong, can take things too far, isn't easy to forgive others

Motivations - What motivates Briana (Bree) Hiresh most?

Mainly her own ideas, but also the overall good of Freaks

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?

Bold, blunt, speaks her mind, sarcastic

local_hospital Health
account_balance History
Birthday - When is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s birthday?

August 14th

Background - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s background?

Started as a Lowly before becoming a Freak
Came from a bad family who ended up giving her up in order to get money

Education - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s level of education?

Lower Education- 10 years
Went to a school for Freaks until age 15

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Briana (Bree) Hiresh have?


Favorite color - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Briana (Bree) Hiresh’s favorite weapon?

Something that she made

device_hub Family
work Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Has almost no relationship with her family, due to the fact that they were the ones who volunteered her to be a Freak (reason why she was so bitter in the past and the reason why she is still bitter)
Had several younger siblings

hourglass_empty Timeline

Years 4-7- starts a Lowly school
Years 8-10- goes to a Lowly elementary school
Year 10- is found out as a Freak because of her parents
Year 10-16- goes to a special school for those who fail their first testing (she goes regularly for Years 10-14 and then slowly stops going altogether)
Age 12- starts getting involved with the Colony
Age 15- meets Vega for the first time, but is skeptical of her after hearing Ev and Mica's stories of the damage she caused, is also skeptical because of Vega's background (she is jealous of Vega's past)
Age 15- stops going to school all together

airline_seat_flat Death
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This character was created by Kylie on

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