info Overview
Name - What is Amy Glowlight’s full name?

Amy Glowlight

Gender - What is Amy Glowlight’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Amy Glowlight go by?

Amy, Ames

Role - What is Amy Glowlight’s role in your story?

Supporter of plans, lightener of mood, lover of Nara, friend of everyone, Amy of Glowlight

Age - How old is Amy Glowlight?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Amy Glowlight?


Hair Color - What color is Amy Glowlight’s hair?


Body Type

Fit, lithe, and slim

Skin Tone

A honey color from being in the sun a lot

Race - What is Amy Glowlight’s race?


Eye Color - What is Amy Glowlight’s eye color?

burnt sienna

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amy Glowlight have?

None, though she thinks growing a mustache would be funny

Hair Style - How does Amy Glowlight style their hair?

Down in cascading wavy lengths

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amy Glowlight have?

An infectious smile, a beauty mark under her chin and the Mark of The Diancecht

Weight - How much does Amy Glowlight weigh?

Around average, she doesn't have a scale so she doesn't know.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Amy Glowlight have?

Being friendly, helping people, dancing in rain, dancing with Nara, walking by the sea, breathing, being alive, laughing.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amy Glowlight have?

Twirling her hair around her finger, grinning, laughing too loud, and giving out a death glare worthy of Adrey

Motivations - What motivates Amy Glowlight most?

Having a happy life with Nara

Flaws - What flaws does Amy Glowlight have?

Easily depressed, frail, stubborn, sickly

Prejudices - What prejudices does Amy Glowlight have?

She tries to be as open minded as possible but CAN'T STAND WHEN PEOPLE HATE ON OTHERS

Talents - What talents does Amy Glowlight have?

Laughing no matter her mood, brightening up the air around her, sticking to a plan, being a mediator between opposing sides, seeing all views of a situation.

Personality type - What personality type is Amy Glowlight?

A Grade-A human bean, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Amy Glowlight’s favorite color?

Blue-green, the color of the sea and Nara's eyes.

Favorite animal - What is Amy Glowlight’s favorite animal?

She would say all of them. (Fish, especially colorful ones.)

Favorite weapon - What is Amy Glowlight’s favorite weapon?

Hugs or a fishing spear.

Favorite food - What is Amy Glowlight’s favorite food?

Barley in fish water. She gets properly judged for this.

Occupation - What is Amy Glowlight’s occupation?

She works in her father's store.

Politics - What politics does Amy Glowlight have?

Who cares politics are for people with hate in their hearts why can't everyone just love each other and make flower crowns.

Religion - What religion does Amy Glowlight practice?

Duin religion of the Trees

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Looks
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