info Overview
Name - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s full name?

Adramalech Coldmoon

Gender - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Adramalech Coldmoon go by?

Adramalech, Adrey, Seanchailach, Cold hearted witch

Role - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s role in your story?

Bryce's grandmother, part of the OG Council

Age - How old is Adramalech Coldmoon?

300 years old and still going strong, immortal until son dies

face Looks
Height - How tall is Adramalech Coldmoon?

8.5 ft

Hair Color - What color is Adramalech Coldmoon’s hair?

Pitch black.

Body Type

Thick waist, not curvy, rectangular, with a very angular face and visible bones on arms, chest, neck, legs, wings, and back, long wingspan.

Skin Tone

Stone Gray

Race - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s race?


Eye Color - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s eye color?

Steel grey

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

the slight beginnings of an old lady mustache

Hair Style - How does Adramalech Coldmoon style their hair?

Up, tight, and usually covered by a wimple or a simple piece of cloth.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

Piercing eyes and mark of the Aine (a silver heart design on her collar bone), short and pointy orange horns, delicate bat-like wings with a few tears from aging.

Weight - How much does Adramalech Coldmoon weigh?

200 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

Being alone, interior design, planting kumquats. Nothing else. Just kumquats.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

She's trained herself to not have any, but sometimes she allows herself a sly half-smile

Motivations - What motivates Adramalech Coldmoon most?

Her past

Flaws - What flaws does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

She has trouble focusing on the here and now, can't hurt the ones she loves even if it's for their own good, believes that in order to be obeyed she must make herself heartless

Prejudices - What prejudices does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

She dislikes many Grianites, and also poor and stupid people. She does not think a man should be with a man, but doesn't mind a woman being with a woman.

Talents - What talents does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

Storytelling, keeping a straight face, loyalty.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s favorite color?

Orange like a kumquat.

Favorite animal - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s favorite animal?

The mighty wolf.

Favorite weapon - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s favorite weapon?

My wit. I mean hers. She does not fight, rather she delegates.

Favorite possession - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s favorite possession?

She is quite fond of her kumquat garden. Also her dead sister's riding shawl but let's not focus on that, children.

Favorite food - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s occupation?

An eccentric recluse. A grandmother. A kumquat grower. Former teacher.

Politics - What politics does Adramalech Coldmoon have?

None anymore, but she does want the council to come back.

Religion - What religion does Adramalech Coldmoon practice?

Nothing really, she believes in the gods but doesn't follow their rules.

info History
Birthday - When is Adramalech Coldmoon’s birthday?

You think I.... mean she would remember something like that after 300 years of life?

Background - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s background?

.... I don't like to dwell, and three hundred years is a lot to cover. SHE. She, of course.

Education - What is Adramalech Coldmoon’s level of education?

A bit of everything, home school, self taught, tutoring, the private school system, the public school system, and of course life is the greatest teacher.

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