info Overview
Name - What is Marvyn Portlight’s full name?

Marvyn Portlight

Gender - What is Marvyn Portlight’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Marvyn Portlight go by?


Role - What is Marvyn Portlight’s role in your story?

Main character.

Age - How old is Marvyn Portlight?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Marvyn Portlight?


Hair Color - What color is Marvyn Portlight’s hair?


Body Type

Thin and athletic from working on a boat

Skin Tone

Medium, tan

Race - What is Marvyn Portlight’s race?


Eye Color - What is Marvyn Portlight’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marvyn Portlight have?

light stubble that his father takes off with a razor periodically

Hair Style - How does Marvyn Portlight style their hair?

choppy because he cuts it himself using water as a mirror (Duins believe mirrors capture souls

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marvyn Portlight have?

The mark of the Niamh

Weight - How much does Marvyn Portlight weigh?

132 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Marvyn Portlight have?

Dreaming and wishing and loving, looking out at the ocean, talking.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marvyn Portlight have?

Rubbing his neck, clicking his tongue, grinning

Motivations - What motivates Marvyn Portlight most?

Hope. The moon will come out, the sun will stop beating harshly, the world will keep spinning, and there will be another dawn, another, better day.

Flaws - What flaws does Marvyn Portlight have?

He is quite soft on the inside but refuses to show it, instead opting for humor as a sort of shield against emotional contact. He isn't used to touchy feely stuff being open and okay so he mostly stays closed off to the people around him, showing nothing but a grin, even when he's breaking.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Marvyn Portlight have?

He tries not to have any, but people who are prejudiced with pride make his blood boil.

Talents - What talents does Marvyn Portlight have?

Singing, sweet talking, joking, being friendly.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Marvyn Portlight’s favorite color?

Green, blue, yellow, the color of Fauna's eyes.

Favorite animal - What is Marvyn Portlight’s favorite animal?

Dolphin, otter, snake.

Favorite weapon - What is Marvyn Portlight’s favorite weapon?

The sword and shield.

Favorite food - What is Marvyn Portlight’s favorite food?

Tuna with lime and potato

Occupation - What is Marvyn Portlight’s occupation?

A shipman's son

Politics - What politics does Marvyn Portlight have?

Equal rights and rebellion are what he beleives in.

Religion - What religion does Marvyn Portlight practice?

The Gaelachan Religion of the Moon, even though he's Duin

info History
Birthday - When is Marvyn Portlight’s birthday?

July 19th

Background - What is Marvyn Portlight’s background?

His mother died when he was born, leaving an overprotective father. He grew up homeschooled, learning from the sailors that would visit the port and his father and his friends. He learned about the sea and how she works, about manning a ship, about working hard for what you want, about how whining and feeling gets you nowhere, and everything that has to do with being a sailor. He was always fascinated by war however, and wanted to leave his father and become a sailor when he turned 16. He grew up with unusual foods coming in from ports all around the world. His father wants him to get married at 16, but he would rather play matchmaker for his best friend Amy and her girlfriend Nara, until he meets Fauna.

Education - What is Marvyn Portlight’s level of education?


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