info Overview
Name - What is Nara Ivylight’s full name?

Nara Ivylight

Gender - What is Nara Ivylight’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Nara Ivylight go by?


Role - What is Nara Ivylight’s role in your story?

A supporting character, but she's not that good at it.

Age - How old is Nara Ivylight?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Nara Ivylight?


Hair Color - What color is Nara Ivylight’s hair?

Dark brown

Body Type

Average weight but not evenly distributed as she is fairly flat chested and a bit bottom heavy.

Skin Tone

Pale and freckled, she burns easily.

Race - What is Nara Ivylight’s race?


Eye Color - What is Nara Ivylight’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Nara Ivylight style their hair?

Short choppy bob

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nara Ivylight have?

The Mark of the (insert here later because I forgot)

Weight - How much does Nara Ivylight weigh?

124 lbs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Nara Ivylight have?

Taking care of those she loves and joking around. She hates dancing but does it anyway for Amy.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nara Ivylight have?

Raising her eyebrow, being rude as a defense mechanism

Motivations - What motivates Nara Ivylight most?

Keeping Amy safe

Flaws - What flaws does Nara Ivylight have?

Skeptical, impetuous, haughty, overly protective

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nara Ivylight have?

Instant hate towards anyone skeptical of her relationship, or mean to Amy

Talents - What talents does Nara Ivylight have?

Eye rolling, debating, semantics, stalling, being adventurous, being protective

Personality type - What personality type is Nara Ivylight?

Looks like she could kill you and could actually kill you.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Nara Ivylight’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Nara Ivylight’s favorite animal?

Those weird birds that dance funny

Favorite weapon - What is Nara Ivylight’s favorite weapon?

Knife to the throat

Favorite food - What is Nara Ivylight’s favorite food?

Anything but barley in fish juice

Occupation - What is Nara Ivylight’s occupation?

She doesn't work yet because she grew up in a fairly priviliged family

Religion - What religion does Nara Ivylight practice?

The Duin religion of the Trees

info History
Education - What is Nara Ivylight’s level of education?


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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Looks
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This character was created by Beanz on

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