info Overview
Name - What is Jasper Murfi’s full name?

Jasper Murfi

Other names - What other aliases does Jasper Murfi go by?

Leilson, Captain

Role - What is Jasper Murfi’s role in your story?

Supporting character

Age - How old is Jasper Murfi?


Gender - What is Jasper Murfi’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jasper Murfi have?


Hair Style - How does Jasper Murfi style their hair?

Messy, longish (about 2-3 inches below ears)

Hair Color - What color is Jasper Murfi’s hair?

Raven black

Height - How tall is Jasper Murfi?

6'2", maybe 6'3"

Weight - How much does Jasper Murfi weigh?

180 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jasper Murfi have?

Nick in left eyebrow, scars on his hands from fights

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Jasper Murfi’s race?


Eye Color - What is Jasper Murfi’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Jasper Murfi have?

Can be arrogant, stubborn, willful, doesn't like being told what to do

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jasper Murfi have?

Confident to the point of arrogance, bit of a jokester, loves a good fight

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jasper Murfi have?

Thinks all merchants are fat, overweight lazies, even his own father

Talents - What talents does Jasper Murfi have?

Fist-fighting, joking,

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jasper Murfi have?


Personality type - What personality type is Jasper Murfi?

Confident to the point of arrogance; gentle to his friends, though he's not above a friendly fight or punch; sees the best in situations; cheerful; makes jokes even in the most inappropriate times;

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jasper Murfi’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Jasper Murfi’s favorite weapon?

Vorun, large war-axe

Favorite possession - What is Jasper Murfi’s favorite possession?

His battleaxe

Favorite food - What is Jasper Murfi’s favorite food?

Jarsho: A type of food from his father's homeland, spicy, with meat and spices all mixed together and served hot.

Occupation - What is Jasper Murfi’s occupation?

In training to be a merchant like his father, though he doesn't want to be one

Politics - What politics does Jasper Murfi have?


Religion - What religion does Jasper Murfi practice?


Favorite animal - What is Jasper Murfi’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Jasper Murfi’s birthday?

January 21, 1825

Background - What is Jasper Murfi’s background?

Jasper was born in Toathe (Toe-ath), and his mother died in childbirth. When he was 11, his father, Askar Murfi, a wealthy, very well-known merchant, moved them to Darvi, in order to be closer to the center of everything. All his life, Jasper had gone out on the street and picked fights, thinking them the only thing in his life he can choose. He has large hands and feet, and never fought with the grace some did, choosing instead blunt, brute force. After one of these fights, he met Buck Sanderson, and they soon became friends. Jasper, not wanting Buck to know who he was, told Buck his name was Leilson, after a storybook hero from long ago. While Buck was not a fist-fighter, and preferred the sword, they taught each other their different fighting styles, sparring occasionally. Jasper found that he much preferred, when he had to have a weapon, an axe, one of the large ones designed for fighting, rather than a sword. When Ravenna came, Jasper went with his father, who as a merchant was not considered a threat, and left alone. The only thing Buck asked of him was to look after Thaerissa, Buck's cousin. Jasper did so, as much as he could, and he waited for Buck to escape prison, for he knew he would. He also got his father to track down Varis, as his father used to be an adventurer, and his father did manage it. Leilson is keeping Varis, planning to give it to Buck when Buck comes back.

Education - What is Jasper Murfi’s level of education?

Jasper has had the best education possible, though he detested every moment of it.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jasper Murfi have?

Dog named Jiff

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
whatshot Magic
comment Quotes/Poems/Etc
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