Min Jihae
Main Singer
Main Dancer
Units: ΦΡΙ You
light tan, cold undertones, acne prone
109 lbs.
deep brown, basically black
constantly changing
black, upturned
Korean (human)
toned but still "feminine"
scars/scrapes/bruises all over legs from trying dance stunts, prescription contacts, clean cut cheekbones and jawline, piercing eyes
"Nobody's actually THAT nice."
analyzing and manipulating people (highly intelligent), dancing
dancing dancing dancing dancing danci-
"Magician", realistic, competitive but not showy, cold and logical but genuinely cares, doesn't get angry because she'll cry
observing everything from a distance, breaks into dance out of nowhere so it looks like she's showing off but she's NOT
the need to be admired and to achieve ultimate success: to be the top K-Pop group worldwide
being cold to others even when she loves them, a little closed minded sometimes, easily frustrated
trying to survive High School help
May 21st
relatively well-off and slightly overbearing family, was rejected during first audition
Once lost a friend because they didn't know she cared and has been haunted by it every since. Minso's been trying to help make her less cold, and it's sort of working? She's working on it... Slightly judgmental and very self-sufficient.
What is freedom? "Being able to do whatever you want whenever you want, without hurting anyone. Freedom is dangerous…"
Philosophy: "Keep your enemies close and your friends closer."
people who are overly nice or rude for no reason, small dogs and rodents, sharp things (“my eyes are NOT like knives!”), fake people and patronizing, laziness
Biggest fear: having people give up on her pushing them away
hard work leading to success, friends that know when to leave her alone, the comforts of INDOORS, stupid memes, Rubik's cubes and Sudoku and crosswords and stuff
healthy stuff idk... allergic to some nuts
likes carbonated water, sake in small amounts
the lack thereof (minimalist)
large birds, ravens and eagles and stuff
Atheist but respectful
Singer and Dancer