Yu Shuren
Main Rapper
Sub Dancer
Units: ΦΡΙ Life and ΦΡΙ You
medium tan, warm undertones
98 lbs.
5 '3
why have one color?? like forever??
ruffled pixie cut
dark brown
Chinese (human)
rectangular, boyish?
high cheekbones, lil' dimples, beautiful eyes with long lashes, and.. are those..... FRECKLES??? barely..
"People who work too hard need to get their heads out of their butts."
making people happy, underrated dancer
Speaks: Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin
collecting little tchotchkes, listening to music 26/8
friendly but not overly bubbly, still fun-loving tho, just really cool??
waves hands around like crazy when talking, easily sh00k, mouth turns into a line when she's confused and has accepted it
Needing to show the world that making it to the top can be fun and more than just hard work.
easily distracted and slightly lax work ethic, sometimes gets so drawn into her own word she's not easily approachable
completed High School (barely)
November 17th
What is freedom? ""
Philosophy: ""
Song: DOPE - BTS
people who refuse to relax, as well as people who never do any work or ride other people's coattails
blues and black
GREENS like broccoli and lettuce n' shit
earthly possessions are for the weak.. but like,, music is nice so,,, headphones?
workhorses like Shires and Clydesdales