Min Hyuna
Sub Duo (Singer + Rapper)
Units: ΦΡΙ Smile
Changes every 2 seconds it seems
"No matter how much I try, nothing I do will ever be enough. People need to stop patronizing me and tell me what I'm doing wrong."
Occasionally trying to better her dancing before getting frustrated and giving up, just in general practicing her skills, working out EVER. SINGLE. DAY. But also organizing girls' nights out and mixing heavenly cocktails.
Extremely self-critical and more than a little superficial, and she's either a workhorse or a lazy bum, there's no in between. She acknowledges her flaws but thinks they're too big to be able to fix, so she just kind of lets them simmer.
Completed high school in a rush just before her debut.
Like Eunji, her beauty was the made most important thing growing up. Her upbringing had her believing it was her most important character trait, the only one worth mentioning. When she was 15, she was scouted and admitted to an entertainment agency that quickly discovered she could sing and rap just as well as the next idol, a talent that had been undiscovered until then. She is in fact VERY gifted in these fields, but she refuses to acknowledge her accomplishments and often labels herself as the "pretty face" of the group, as if her status as visual is the only thing she's good for. She's beautiful, but as far as artistry goes, she's just "good enough".
Either really bright neons or really light pastels. Mostly different shades of green though.
Anything with noodles