info Overview
Name - What is Sung Eunji’s full name?

Sung Eunji

Role - What is Sung Eunji’s role in your story?

Main Singer

Units: ΦΡΙ Smile and ΦΡΙ Voice

Other names - What other aliases does Sung Eunji go by?


Age - How old is Sung Eunji?


face Looks
Skin Tone

fair, cool undertones

Weight - How much does Sung Eunji weigh?

102 lbs.

Height - How tall is Sung Eunji?


Hair Color - What color is Sung Eunji’s hair?

black/dark brown

Hair Style - How does Sung Eunji style their hair?

long, straight, with varying bangs

Eye Color - What is Sung Eunji’s eye color?

black, perfect almond shape

Race - What is Sung Eunji’s race?

Korean (human)

Body Type

petite and slender

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sung Eunji have?

perfectly smooth skin, except for large scar on right knee

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sung Eunji have?

"Foreigners just don't understand."

Talents - What talents does Sung Eunji have?

high-pitched angelic singing voice, witty

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sung Eunji have?

drawing and painting, arTISE, video game neeeeerrrd, staying on top of fashion trends

Personality type - What personality type is Sung Eunji?

"Ruler", usually cute and sweet, but likes to take control of situations and keep things organized

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sung Eunji have?

bites lower lip and squints eyes when concentrating, will snap and boss people around when things start to get messy

Motivations - What motivates Sung Eunji most?

wanting to be comfortable in your own skin. knows she's basically a stereotype and wants to be something else

Flaws - What flaws does Sung Eunji have?

tendency to switch from calm to bossy in 0.2 seconds, easily ticked off when she's with her friends but would never get angry in public

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Sung Eunji’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Sung Eunji’s favorite food?

anything seafood tbh

Favorite possession - What is Sung Eunji’s favorite possession?

probably her iPad... it's good for anything: the internet, drawing, pictures, THE WORKS

Favorite animal - What is Sung Eunji’s favorite animal?

rabbits and raccoons

Religion - What religion does Sung Eunji practice?

technically Buddhist? but like... ??

Occupation - What is Sung Eunji’s occupation?

Singer and model.

info History
Education - What is Sung Eunji’s level of education?

completed High School while training

Birthday - When is Sung Eunji’s birthday?

February 4th

Background - What is Sung Eunji’s background?

small Seoul family with an older sister, pushed (gently but constantly) to be the best at everything as per tradition.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Physically beautiful and trained to be polite and kind, but actually a boss in sheep's clothing. Should get along with Jihae since they're both hard working and logical, but they have polar opposite ways of approaching the world. Will probably leave the group (after a few years) because she's tired of constantly being in the public eye.

What is freedom? "Being exactly who you want to be, away from prying eyes."
Philosophy: "Go along to get along, and conquer from within."

folder_open Preferences

recklessness, the "wild child" personality type, spiders HELP


cleanliness and organization, close friendship, fashion trends and styling, anything furry/fluffy

folder_open Relationships
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Sung Eunji

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Sung Eunji

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Sung Eunji

This character was created by Blu on

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