info Overview
Name - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s full name?

Felipe Alberto Moreno

Other names - What other aliases does Felipe Alberto Moreno go by?

Tricky (Stage name, as well as what literally everyone calls him)

Role - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s role in your story?

A rapper on the rise.

Age - How old is Felipe Alberto Moreno?


Gender - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s gender?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Felipe Alberto Moreno?


Weight - How much does Felipe Alberto Moreno weigh?

157 lbs.

Body Type

Kind of cat-like, lean with slight muscle definition and controlled with movements; he's got that leeway between a relaxed body and wound-up body.

Hair Color - What color is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s hair?

Black, dyed blond tips.

Hair Style - How does Felipe Alberto Moreno style their hair?

Mid fade with medium length dreads, often tied up.

Race - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s race?

Human; African-Latino-American.

Skin Tone

Light umber, cold undertones.

Eye Color - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Clean-shaven ALWAYS.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Strong eyebrows. Long fingers, prominent knuckles and joints ("spider-fingers" haha). Long nose, leaning towards pointy. Ears are pierced and usually he wears small gauges.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Loud laughter. Lots of companionable shoulder-slapping: in general has no qualms about physical affection and showing people he likes/appreciates them (though, if he feels that this makes the person uncomfortable, he will double-check with them verbally and lay off if need be).

Talks a lot and talks fast: doesn't mince words necessarily but goes off on a lot of tangents, brings in funny stories as he remembers them in the moment, very happy to talk your ear off. Will sometimes interrupt without realizing, but when he's finished he will promptly apologize and bid you to say whatever you were planning before.

Sits with his legs spread usually, leaning forward. Runs his fingers over his jawline when he's thinking, and his fingers start tapping together against each other when he's bordering onto nervous, though this doesn't happen often.

Motivations - What motivates Felipe Alberto Moreno most?

Money. Financial stability. Doing what he loves.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Has zero respect for people from old money families, or when someone complains about their "poor little white boy" problems.

Hates mayonnaise AND ketchup, he's Team Mustard.

Flaws - What flaws does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Kind of a chatterbox. Absolutely unforgiving once you've betrayed him. Has no trouble showing people the real him as soon as the first meeting, but this can inadvertently lead people on in thinking that they're much closer friends with Tricky than he considers them to be, despite him trying to be very clear on where they stand.
Can sometimes be deflective of criticism, as it can be hard to filter out the hate from actual, constructive advice. This can lead him to repeating mistakes for which he has to learn the hard way that he needs to stop/tone it down/switch it up.

Talents - What talents does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Acting like nothing is wrong when the situation is in fact very awkward. Rapping, great lyricist and great flow. Juggling, skipping stones, uni-cycling.
Can cook, really well in fact! When he was growing up he had to take care of his youngest sibling a lot, especially on vacation, so he had to learn the essentials.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Song-writing, board games, video games, shopping at thrift stores because "don't forget from whence you came" or whatever.

Personality type - What personality type is Felipe Alberto Moreno?

Has very natural charisma: he smiles at people and they immediately want to impress him. Has worked ever type of odd job so has quite a lot of work-experience. Is used to people trying to fuck him over and has thus built a barrier, as well as a tight-knit trust with his agent and manager, so you'd be hard-pressed to take advantage of him. LIVES for drama (as long as it doesn't concern him), thinks it's too funny and petty.

Introvert, but appreciates a good party and loves social events, especially with people he's familiar with. He's very suave and smooth, and he does not get anxious easily: he knows how to keep a cool head and relies on the fact that doing so has gotten him through many a bad situation in the past.

It's difficult to genuinely upset him, but trying to get in touch with him after doing so, even to apologize, is excruciatingly difficult: the last thing Tricky needs in his life is negativity from people he holds close. A betrayal from someone he trusted, or someone purposefully embarrassing him with the intent of hurting him, is generally what crosses the line and causes Tricky to cut someone off.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s occupation?

Artist, rapper. He takes a lot of inspiration from Latin pop and Reggaeton, as well as early hip-hop legends like Biggie and Tupac.

A large portion of his audience is Latin American, with how some of his lyrics, even entire songs he produces, are in Spanish. Globally his huge popularity is quite recent, and appeals largely to teenagers, young adults and ethnic minorities.

Politics - What politics does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Has dealt with the backlash of being black, latino and gay basically his entire life, and this often bleeds into his music. Really believes the way to improving societal relations, of any kind, is awareness, something he prompts through his lyrics. This also includes holding people accountable for their actions as well as their words, making it clear to a person that what they did or said was wrong, and that they can't just sweep that under the rug and hope it won't come to bite them in the ass later. It will.

Religion - What religion does Felipe Alberto Moreno practice?

Raised in a catholic household; his own opinion on it is that yes, there might be something or someone up there somewhere, but he's been doing fine without their help so, leaves the worshiping to other people.

Favorite food - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s favorite food?

Salad with balsamic vinegar. Pizza with every type of meat on it.

Favorite color - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s favorite color?

Red and green.

Favorite animal - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s favorite animal?

Frogs! Cute and slippery little guys. Likes reptiles in general.

Favorite weapon - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s favorite weapon?

Bars, disses, words. Seriously piss him of and he will RIP YOU APART, and with a straight face no less.

info History
Birthday - When is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s birthday?

May 6. Taurus.

Education - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s level of education?

Two years of community college

Background - What is Felipe Alberto Moreno’s background?

Grew up in Chicago, South Side. Wholesome and close-knit family, two parents, two sisters and a brother. His family was always a little financially unstable, and it was often a source of shame and embarrassment for Tricky: his friends would go to spend the day at the frozen yogurt place or skate park or Disneyland, while he'd be stuck working double shifts at the Dollar Store or else his family would be eating McDonalds for every meal again that week.

Nowadays he's just so happy to have any sort of free time, and despite not really having a day off he's still the boss of his own schedule and there's nothing better than that in his book.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Felipe Alberto Moreno have?

Two lizards!! Tricky calls them his "Lesbian Lizards" because they really seem to get along; two bearded dragons named Lizzie and Jennie. Also a snake, a lady ball python named Gadget.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

A recurring theme in lots of Tricky's music videos is him low-key flirting with the male artists he's collaborated with, on-screen, and his fans drink it up.

audiotrack Music
Theme song(s)

I Do by Cardi B ft. SZA
DNA by Kendrick Lamar
Corner Store by Macklemore ft. Dave B & Travis Thompson

favorite Attraction

Gay (openly)

beach_access Clothes

  • Big jean-jackets, decorated with pins that he collects

  • Has a ton of those colorful shitty friendship bracelets (that his younger cousins made for him and keep making for him ohmygod) and piles them on all at once so he's nearly elbow deep in them.

  • Tennis shoes, any pants with pockets, often resorts back to regular jeans with a colorful Hawaiian shirt and some bead necklaces.

all_inclusive Important Relationships
At the start of the story-line:

  • Maxon: She's been in the business longer than him, and they've produced several hits together. He looks up to her more than he considers her a friend, but they do like to get drinks outside of work together sometimes.Maxon

  • Yams: Tricky is aware of being Gabriel's only friend, possibly in the whole world. But he's always done well under pressure, and he has a specific type of patience when it come to Gabriel and his outbursts, his ignorance, his flaws. They laugh a lot together, and there's a genuine connection there, but they fight a lot, too. All in all, the last few months have shown progress on Gabriel's side, with his behavior as well as his abuse of drugs, and many believe Tricky to be the benevolent cause. Gabriel Brewer

  • Zac: Tricky immediately took Zac under his wing when he saw how pure and unscarred he was, and has been the one showing him the ropes, inviting him to parties, just being an overall cool peer and even mentor. They're currently working on a song together. Zac

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