info Overview
Name - What is Grant Mendel’s full name?

Grant Mendel

Age - How old is Grant Mendel?


Gender - What is Grant Mendel’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Grant Mendel go by?

"The Fire Child" by the gods in another universe, sometimes his friends will jokingly call him 'Dad' because of how protective he is.

Role - What is Grant Mendel’s role in your story?

Protagonist (2-6)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Grant Mendel’s eye color?

Almond brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Grant Mendel have?


Hair Style - How does Grant Mendel style their hair?

It is usually down and messy all over his head. It isn't long, ends about 1/3 down his neck.

Hair Color - What color is Grant Mendel’s hair?

Dirty Blonde but leans more on the brown side.

Height - How tall is Grant Mendel?


Weight - How much does Grant Mendel weigh?

160 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Grant Mendel have?

He has a bit of freckles on his shoulders and arms, but they aren't noticeable unless you look closely.
(tbh he looks kinda like Max Barczak)

Body Type

Slim but a bit muscular

Skin Tone

Tan- a bit lighter than olive.

Race - What is Grant Mendel’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Grant Mendel have?

Grant's hobbies include video gaming and being an over-protective friend and big brother to his younger one. Because of his protectiveness, his brother hates him and thinks he treats him like a child. And cooking, and playing the guitar.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Grant Mendel have?

Runs his fingers through his hair when he feels awkward or has nothing to do with them. Sighs a lot. Slumps occasionally when he walks around. Usually rests most of his weight on his right leg when standing and often folds his arms. Whenever he sees a mirror he makes faces at himself. Wiggles eyebrows to make others laugh. Says "Fight me" way too much.

Motivations - What motivates Grant Mendel most?

Protecting his friends and family, being the best he can be, and not letting other people down.

Flaws - What flaws does Grant Mendel have?

Grant has a short temper with most people. He got his short temper from feeling so responsible for everything. He is basically the protective mamma (its a flaw because sometimes he can be a little too much of a mom) friend in their group. He is constantly worrying over everyone and this worrying causes him to have anxiety. Grant is really stubborn, often reckless when it comes to himself, but its mostly because he doesn't think before he acts, and very doubtful of himself. He tries to be funny and make jokes but they usually end up being terrible and making everyone sigh. Grant also hates failing, that is on of his biggest fears.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Grant Mendel have?

His parents did argue a lot when he was younger, so he believes that most all parents act like towards each other when they have young children.

Talents - What talents does Grant Mendel have?

He is strangely good at baking and cooking though he hates doing both. Because of this, his mother makes him help her with cooking meals every night. He can also very charming when he wants to be. He always somehow knows if one of his friends are feeling sad; being empathetic. Its just the mom in him. He is pretty good at playing the guitar. Before his dad left, he taught Grant a couple songs on his guitar and Grant thought it would make his dad happy if he kept learning new songs.

Personality type - What personality type is Grant Mendel?

Short tempered, anxious and very motherly and stubborn. Is all and all a good friend either way. 99% chance he'll fight you. He still cares about everyone no matter what. Very humorous and is always trying to make jokes and make others laugh, he can't stand to see people sad; its the mother in him lol.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Grant Mendel’s favorite animal?

He loves all animals from rain forests.

Favorite weapon - What is Grant Mendel’s favorite weapon?

His fire powers that he gained when he and his friends were thrown through a portal to a different universe and blessed by the fire god. When he doesn't use his powers, he has two swords he fights with and some pretty sick fighting skills.

Favorite possession - What is Grant Mendel’s favorite possession?

He likes a lot of his possessions. He doesn't really have a favorite. If he HAD to choose, he'd probably say his gaming consoles.

Favorite food - What is Grant Mendel’s favorite food?

French fries and milk chocolate. He hates vegetables.

Favorite color - What is Grant Mendel’s favorite color?

Light green and yellow

Occupation - What is Grant Mendel’s occupation?

High school student.

Politics - What politics does Grant Mendel have?

Basic equality.

Religion - What religion does Grant Mendel practice?

Not a specific religion, he believes their is a god, or a 'higher power' in their world.

info History
Birthday - When is Grant Mendel’s birthday?

August 13th

Background - What is Grant Mendel’s background?

Grant grew up in a nice house with parents that were very kind to him and his brother. His parents did argue a lot with each other which he never understood exactly why because he was so young, but he doesn't remember much of it now, only that he never liked it. He always had things to do like play with toys, he even had a tree house in his backyard that he and his friends constantly played in. When he was about three or four, Grants mother gave birth to his younger brother, Brandon, and he constantly annoyed Grant with his whining and crying. In first grade, he became 'one of the cool kids' and met his friends Payton, Michael, Matthew, and Trinity. When he was seven, he met a small girl named Lillith, or Lilly, when she was being teased by a group of kids. He knew that was not right so he told them to leave her a lone and that they should be disappointing in themselves. They laughed it off and walked away. The two of them then became best friends. When Grant was about 11, his mother and father decided to get a divorce which left a huge impact on him and he then became 'the man of the house' which put a lot of pressure and responsibility on him. He grew up living with his mother in the same town. As he got older, the responsibility became almost too hard for him to bear which led him to have a short temper and anxiety. That is also one of the reasons he feels so protective of his friends because that is how he was with his brother and mother. He still is friends with Trinity, Payton, Micheal, Matthew, and Lilly; though Lilly and Payton are his best friends.

Education - What is Grant Mendel’s level of education?

Sophomore in high school. Or 10th grade.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Grant Mendel have?

None D:

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Hadlee Marshall on

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