info Overview
Name - What is Darya, Goddess’s full name?

Darya, Goddess

Age - How old is Darya, Goddess?

Millions and Millions of years, it is not exactly known for sure. She was one of the youngest deities during her time she was the caretaker.
She takes appearance of a female in her late 20s, early 30s.

Gender - What is Darya, Goddess’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Darya, Goddess go by?

Darya, Goddess of the Sea. This was her name before she turned against all the deities.
Darya, the Exiled or, The Witch of Deceiving. This is her current name the deities call her if they ever speak of her.

Role - What is Darya, Goddess’s role in your story?

Main Antagonist/Villain

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Darya, Goddess’s eye color?

A deep blue, almost a black shade.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Darya, Goddess have?


Hair Style - How does Darya, Goddess style their hair?

Its very wavy and long, it reaches the middle of her thighs.

Hair Color - What color is Darya, Goddess’s hair?

Dark Mocha brown

Height - How tall is Darya, Goddess?


Weight - How much does Darya, Goddess weigh?

180 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Darya, Goddess have?

All up both of her legs she has marks that gods and goddesses get when they become a god or goddess. They are like swirls and dots the whole way up. At one point, before she was exiled, they were a ocean blue that glowed and sparkled slightly like sunlight catching the waves. Once she was exiled, they turned a deep blue, almost black, like the color of her eyes and they no longer glow nor sparkle.

Body Type

Very long and curvy, like the ocean ;)

Skin Tone

Tan (almost like freaking Beyonce but a little lighter lol)

Race - What is Darya, Goddess’s race?

The gods and goddesses are considered to have no specific race to not offend their people.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Darya, Goddess have?

She can still travel around like a normal human so often she loves to go look at the ocean and remember what it was like when she was the care taker from her spot where she lives.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Darya, Goddess have?

Often raises one eyebrow when she listens to someone talk and thinks they are full of themselves or thinks she is better than them. She folds her arms a lot. She also hovers, not really flying. Its like about 1 foot of the ground. She can walk but she just chooses to show off and hover instead.

Motivations - What motivates Darya, Goddess most?

Trying to convince the other gods and goddesses to let her become the care taker. She does slightly regret what she did but when she gets that feeling she dismisses it. She is also jealous of the new care taker of the ocean so she wants him to be removed from the spot. She tries to sabotage the New God and wants to destroy all connections he has with the Main characters because they are the ones who can defeat her and stop her.

Flaws - What flaws does Darya, Goddess have?

VERY deceiving and manipulative, could probably convince you you were a cat if she wanted to. It is a good thing for her on her part, but not for everyone else who is trying to stop her. She tends to act innocent and pretend she is the good guy and the others are the bad guys. She can act egotistical, selfish and self centered sometimes if she starts to dislike you. She also lies, A LOT!

Prejudices - What prejudices does Darya, Goddess have?

She believes that she is better than everyone and that she deserves to be the care taker of the ocean, not her new replacement.

Talents - What talents does Darya, Goddess have?

Hovering. Being manipulative. She actually was a really good care taker of the ocean, but once she turned against the other gods and goddesses, they had to exile her.

Personality type - What personality type is Darya, Goddess?

She really is very caring about the ocean and everything in it, except the New care taker. She is also very passionate about what she does and the things she believes in. She can be very deceiving to try and convince you that whatever she is being passionate about or telling you is true. Sometimes she does think of herself as 'too good for you' and dismisses you like you are a fly.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Darya, Goddess’s favorite animal?

Sea animals. Though she may not like the sea god now, she still loves all the animals she once watched over.

Favorite weapon - What is Darya, Goddess’s favorite weapon?

He favorite weapon is her Amulet. She can summon any weapon of her choosing whenever she'd like through her Amulet and she loves it much.

Favorite possession - What is Darya, Goddess’s favorite possession?

Currently, her favorite possession is her Amulet type thing that constantly hangs around her neck, she never takes it off. She likes it so much because it is the way the gods and goddesses summon their weapons. She has no clue why the others didn't take it back when they exiled her, but she's glad she didn't because that is the only way she can defend herself at the beginning of the story.

Favorite food - What is Darya, Goddess’s favorite food?

She doesn't need to eat, so she hasn't ever been one for 'eating food.'

Favorite color - What is Darya, Goddess’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Darya, Goddess’s occupation?

Exiled Goddess. Now, The Witch of Deceiving.

Politics - What politics does Darya, Goddess have?

Eh she is also kinda her own politics and doesn't follow any rules idk

Religion - What religion does Darya, Goddess practice?

?? she is kinda her own religion I guess lol

info History
Birthday - When is Darya, Goddess’s birthday?

She can't exactly remember the date, but she knows she is millions and millions of eons old.

Background - What is Darya, Goddess’s background?

Darya was born as a normal person on the planet of Endera into a normal family. She had a younger brother, named Flynn, who was diagnosed with a very rare disease that left him paralyzed from the waist down when he was about six and she was ten. She loved her parents very much and had a great relationship with them. She was always left with her brother at home while her parents when to work or were out shopping at the markets. Sometimes while they were gone, she would often take Flynn to a nearby beach and let him sit in the water and play. She loved the ocean and it always reminded her of her brother every time someone would mention it. When she was about 14 she was sitting near the ocean with her brother. He had fallen asleep and she sat him by a lone tree away from the water so he wouldn't roll in. Suddenly, the ground started to shake violently, it was an earthquake but she didn't know that. After a moment it stopped and she was so confused and terrified. She stood up to get her brother and take him home, but huge waves came up and splashed onto the shore and Darya couldn't see them coming because her back was turned. Suddenly, they swept her into the water and pulled her down. She was never good at swimming because every time she went to the ocean she had to stay and watch her brother. Sadly, she had drowned and died. When she opened her eyes, she was standing in a dark place which was the ocean. A tall man, who was the fire god, told her that because she loved the ocean so much, she could watch over all the creatures in it and everything around it. She was ecstatic, but a little confused, and agreed quickly. He gave her her amulet and explained a few things then left her on her own. That is how she became the Goddess of the ocean. Now you're probably wondering how she became exiled. Well, after being a goddess for millions and millions of years, she had realized that her family was dead and tried to get over it the best she could, but was still a little touchy when the subject was mentioned. She often talked to the Fire God, Abiz, about her family and life before and eventually he grew on her. She began to develop feelings for him and one day confronted him about it. Abiz rejected her, not because he didn't like her but because love between two opposite Elemental deities was forbidden. She was angry and completely done with all the dieties
She was able to hold her anger in for a while, until she learned that one of the other gods had killed her brother when he was about 18, so he didn't get to live his full life like she wanted. That broke her heart and she raged against the others, attacking parts of their kingdoms and accidentally killing hundreds of innocent people and land creatures. The other gods and goddesses did not approve of this sudden change in behavior and extreme extermination. They told her if she did not stop she would be exiled. She didn't stop. So the others had to exile and replace her with another fallen person in love with the ocean. That is who the current caretaker of the ocean is.

Education - What is Darya, Goddess’s level of education?

Before she was exiled, she knew almost everything there was to know, that came with the title of 'Goddess.' Once she was exiled, the other gods and goddesses took that knowledge away, so she has about the knowledge of a 10th grader in high school. But, she acts like she knows everything.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Darya, Goddess have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Clothes

She wears a very long and flowing dress. when it gets to about her feet, it slowly 'dissolves' or becomes transparent. It also a blue gradient. It used to start at a pastel blue and turn into a navy blue at the bottom and sparkled, but now that she is exiled, it is completely navy blue and turns almost a black color where it starts to become transparent. She wears very high black high heels. She has a cover up over the top of her dress that ends at about her waist. Her amulet is turquoise and hangs loosely around her neck.

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This character was created by Hadlee Marshall on

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