info Overview
Name - What is Lillith Melbourne’s full name?

Lillith Melbourne

Age - How old is Lillith Melbourne?


Gender - What is Lillith Melbourne’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lillith Melbourne go by?

Lilly(most people call her this). Her friends occasionally and jokingly call her 'shorty'. Other people do call her names like that but in a rude way unlike her friends. Sometimes Grant will call her 'Flower' or 'A flower' when she is acting over dramatic or extremely emotional. She'll only ever let him call her that.

Role - What is Lillith Melbourne’s role in your story?

Protagonist (1-6)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Lillith Melbourne’s eye color?

Emerald green.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lillith Melbourne have?


Hair Style - How does Lillith Melbourne style their hair?

Usually down, it is short about shoulder length. She has bangs that end at around her eyebrows. Occasionally she'll braid it or put it in pigtails. When she braids it they are usually on both sides and they brush the top of her shoulders. The pigtails are either high on her head or low by her ears.

Hair Color - What color is Lillith Melbourne’s hair?

Light beige blonde

Height - How tall is Lillith Melbourne?


Weight - How much does Lillith Melbourne weigh?

91 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lillith Melbourne have?

Bruises, scratches, some scars here and there. She tries to hide them as much as possible because they make her feel less beautiful. She wishes she never had them and is ashamed of them.

Body Type

Small, thin. Not very curvy and a pretty small chest.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Lillith Melbourne’s race?

White, Caucasian

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Lillith Melbourne have?

She likes to paint anything. She does it a lot when shes bored or has a lot on her mind. She is pretty good at singing and tends to sing soft and quiet songs that mean a lot to her and her friends. Writing in her pocket sized journal about everything. She'll write about her thoughts, feelings, secrets, what she thinks about certain people; anything really.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lillith Melbourne have?

She stutters when she talks to people she doesn't know or is not comfortable around. Other than that, she acts sweet and kind to other people and tries to be as understandable as possible. Lilly sometimes holds her hands behind her back or in front of her when she is standing or walking. When she is scared or somewhere that makes her uncomfortable, she touches the four beaded bracelet on her left wrist.

Motivations - What motivates Lillith Melbourne most?

Not being alone. Loneliness terrifies. That is all she had ever known as a young child and now that she has friends, she know what it feels like to not be lonely. She never wants to feel like that ever again. She also wants to be able to just live a ordinary life and do ordinary things like a ordinary person. Because she is so small, the way her family treats her, and her living conditions, she feels like she is doing anything but that.

Flaws - What flaws does Lillith Melbourne have?

She is a bit of a crybaby but really tries her best not to get emotional though she fails most of the time. She tends to put others needs before hers which can be both a good and bad thing because she usually forgets to do things for herself like shower, eat, etc. She is a bit depressed, has lots of anxiety, and very self conscious because of all her bruises and scratches. She keeps a lot of things secret about her life because she doesn't want to burden anyone with any knowledge about her life. She acts very shy to people she hasn't been around much and often tries to stay away from
them . She is occasionally stubborn and a bit naive and gullible. She hates being alone and anything that involves exactly that. Her anxiety gets very bad when she is alone and she gets afraid. Lillith is constantly on edge too and very nervous even if she hasn't done anything wrong and flinches when someone makes fast movements, especially men. She is sometimes dependent on her friends, more mentally than physically, and her anxiety often gets the best of her which is the reason why she is so dependent on her friends. After the real her comes out, she can be almost too adventurous.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lillith Melbourne have?

She assumes that all guys except her close friends are jerks and not able to be trusted or are not loyal because every other guy she knows are that way.

Talents - What talents does Lillith Melbourne have?

Super good at math and English so her friends make her do their math for them. She is extremely empathetic of her friends. A good artists and actually good at singing, though she'd never admit to it.

Personality type - What personality type is Lillith Melbourne?

She is shy, kind, and always willing to help but once she knows you for a while and knows you are kind, her shyness fades away and the real Lilly comes out. Though she acts shy to strangers, shes really a big dork who loves her friends and always wants to go on adventures. She is awkward around other people but she is super school smart and oh so innocent. Her anxiety does often get the best of her and makes it tough to do things on her own, which is one of the reasons she is so dependent on her friends.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Lillith Melbourne’s favorite animal?

Her pet in her story, i'm unsure what it is atm, but i'll put it here when I create it.

Favorite weapon - What is Lillith Melbourne’s favorite weapon?

She mostly uses her water powers, but she uses her sword when she doesn't activate her magic. Her sword is magical, it will grow at her will but not much longer than 1 foot at a time. And her powers originated after she and her friends were thrown into a different universe and she was blessed by the water god.

Favorite possession - What is Lillith Melbourne’s favorite possession?

She secretly has a small bracelet that she found in her best friend Grants backyard when the two of them were younger. She carries it around under her gloves or in her pocket. She believes it is a good luck charm. It has about four of five sky blue beads on it with a gold piece of metal that she ties it together with. She also has a journal/diary type thing about the size of a wallet that she keeps with her at all times. It keeps her most secret secrets and things that she would rather die then tell people about.

Favorite food - What is Lillith Melbourne’s favorite food?

She likes any big meals, but especially likes chicken, any kind of chicken.

Favorite color - What is Lillith Melbourne’s favorite color?

Pastel purple and pastel pink.

Occupation - What is Lillith Melbourne’s occupation?

She goes to high school and does not work.

Politics - What politics does Lillith Melbourne have?

She doesn't like to talk about politics because she thinks all politicians are idiots. She thinks this because all she hears about them is that they are idiots.

Religion - What religion does Lillith Melbourne practice?

Believes there is a god in her world. After she met the gods and goddesses of the other universe, she is thoroughly convinced that someone or something in constantly watching over her like they were in the other universe.

info History
Birthday - When is Lillith Melbourne’s birthday?

April 1st

Background - What is Lillith Melbourne’s background?

She was born into a not so good family, her parents, mostly her father, were always drinking. Her father is always gone and when he is home, he tends to get drunk. When this happens, he would beat her if he got angry. Her mother has no control over what her father does when he is home and actually scares her as much as he scares Lillith. She is the only way that Lilly is able to live at home. She is the one that pays for Lilly's school fees and brings a bit of food home every day for her. Lilly is usually home by herself because her mother is working multiple jobs a day and often doesn't get back until midnight or later, and her father is gone somewhere she isn't sure. She was never allowed to go out while she was younger and so meeting Grant, her best friend, and being able to play with him at his house was a lucky thing for her. He is her best friend and she is always happy being with him.
Going to his house and being around his mother is the only reason she knows that what her father does is not what normal parents do. She was bullied in elementary and still is. This is how she met Grant. One day when the kids were picking on her in second grade, Grant saw what they were doing and told them to stop because it wasn't right. They just laughed it off and waked away. After that, Grant invited her to his house and after that day she hung out with him as much as possible! Later, in like 5th grade, he introduced her to other who are her current friends too. Trinity, her girl best friend, Payton, and the twins, Michael and Matthew. Occasionally, she is physically bullied along with being called names.

Education - What is Lillith Melbourne’s level of education?

She is a sophomore, or in 10th grade, in high school. Shes a straight A student and focuses hard on her school work. In the other universe, she and her friends occasionally go over things they learned in school so they don't forget anything. Sometimes they do have classes there to learn about the other worlds writing and metric system.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lillith Melbourne have?

Will add when he is made.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Clothes

She loves girly things like skirts, dresses, fluffy things, bows, anything!! She doesn't have much to wear at her house besides some big T-shirts to sleep in, her school outfit, and two pairs of skinny jeans and like three shirts. In the other universe, She wears a puffy purple skirt with ruffles and some designs on it. She wears white gloves that go to about her elbows and two ribbons in both sides of her hair. She wears leggings and boots. She has a gray shirt on that ends at about her elbows too and a ribbon that ties around her waist. When she brings her sword, she carries it on her side with a little pouch thingy where she also keeps her journal.

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This character was created by Hadlee Marshall on

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