info Overview
Name - What is Trinity Connell’s full name?

Trinity Connell

Age - How old is Trinity Connell?


Gender - What is Trinity Connell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Trinity Connell go by?

T, Usually only her friends call her this, Trin. She introduces herself by her actual name and people just kinda give her these nicknames over time

Role - What is Trinity Connell’s role in your story?

Protagonist (3-6)

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Trinity Connell’s eye color?

A light turquoise

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Trinity Connell have?


Hair Style - How does Trinity Connell style their hair?

When it is in a ponytail, it usually falls to her middle back When she wears it down, it is wavy ends under her waist

Hair Color - What color is Trinity Connell’s hair?

A dark brunette

Height - How tall is Trinity Connell?


Weight - How much does Trinity Connell weigh?

125 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Trinity Connell have?

She has a inch long scar on her ankle from getting it caught on a barbed wire fence when she was running in a field while playing tag with her friends.

Body Type

Curvy and tall.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Trinity Connell’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Trinity Connell have?

Archery, pulling small but harmless pranks on others.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Trinity Connell have?

Trinity will play with her hair when she is bored or nervous. She likes to have something to chew on when she is thinking or doing anything that requires concentration; like chewing gum or candy. She gets stressed out easily so when she does she rubs her earlobe to calm her down. She talk pretty clearly to all the people she trusts and likes, but if she doesn't trust you, she often mumbles when she talks. Can't do small talk.

Motivations - What motivates Trinity Connell most?

Her brother that died when she was about 8 in a car crash; she fights for him. Not being taken advantage of. Its happened so many times, that is what she tries to avoid.

Flaws - What flaws does Trinity Connell have?

She is very distrusting of others. This is because so many relationships and friendships in her life have usually been to get 'popular' and they always just take advantage of her and her good looks and kind nature. She very cautious around other people for the exact same reason. She always makes assumptions about other people and objects because she guesses that their intentions for her aren't friendly. She can also occasionally be snoopy and nosy and even slightly paranoid. Trinity is also stubborn, like a lot. She is mischievous and always teasing her friends and other people.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Trinity Connell have?

Believes that all her relationships will be fake or are fake because she had been taken advantage of multiple times.

Talents - What talents does Trinity Connell have?

Shes always been good at archery ever since she was little. Her father would take her out and let her shoot his bow. She also knows hot to do a back flip on her trampoline.

Personality type - What personality type is Trinity Connell?

She is always wary of others and things but tries not to show it because she doesn't want to seem rude. Trinity is also pretty straightforward when she talks about subjects except her own life, it makes her uncomfortable. She is kind and has a hard time saying no to others, but once shes made her mind up, there is no changing it! She is a bit snoopy and if she wants to know something, she do whatever it takes to find it out. She is mischievous and loves to tease others, though she doesn't mean any harm.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Trinity Connell’s favorite animal?

She thinks all snakes are pretty cool.

Favorite weapon - What is Trinity Connell’s favorite weapon?

Bow and arrow. The one at her house is a normal, everyday bow that someone would hunt with except it is very old. It is a dark brown and has a carved design on the side of it with her name on it. She also has magic powers. She is able to grow plants and herbs out of the ground and collect them, then turn them into healing things. So she is able to heal things such as scratches, and bruises as long as they aren't deadly.

Favorite possession - What is Trinity Connell’s favorite possession?

Her bow her older brother gave to her when she was little and first started liking archery.

Favorite food - What is Trinity Connell’s favorite food?

Any kind of pizza that doesn't have mushrooms or pineapple.

Favorite color - What is Trinity Connell’s favorite color?

Grey and light shades of blue

Occupation - What is Trinity Connell’s occupation?

High School student

Politics - What politics does Trinity Connell have?

She often thinks most of the thinks today's politicians say is bull crap. If she is watching the news or something like that, she will argue back at the t.v. that what they are saying is wrong.

Religion - What religion does Trinity Connell practice?

Believes there is a god in their world

info History
Birthday - When is Trinity Connell’s birthday?

May 5th (Taurus)

Background - What is Trinity Connell’s background?

Trinity grew up in a decent family in a decent house. She always had friends to play with along with an older brother who never minded going outside every once in a while and playing games with her. When she was still very young, around five or six, her father took her out while he was practicing archery and let her shoot around with his bow. After that, she grew a love for bows and became very good at it when her brother gave her one for her birthday. At about 8 years old her brother who was 11 at the time left with his friend's family and never came home. Trinity and her family had thought he just slept over at his friends house and didn't call to tell. The next morning, they called the house and no one answered, worried, they called his friends parents and even went looking for all of them when no one picked up. Eventually after they couldn't find them, they called the police and sent out a search patrol to go looking for them. In a couple of hours, they found him, his friend, and his parents had crash off the side of the road into a small ditch from what they assumed was trying to dodge another car. They found that they all died except his friends father. She never really hated him for living, she just wishes it was her brother that lived instead. This had effected Trinity majorly and she is now absolutely terrified of cars and motorized vehicles because of this. She continued on her life trying to forget her brother and what happened, but it was very hard for her and even harder as she got older and older. She had always been friends with a boy named Payton. They played together and she tried to teach him how to shoot a bow and arrow but he almost shot Trinity on accident so she gave up. Grant, another of her friends, introduce her to a small girl named Lilly and the two of them instantly fell in love with each other (in a friend kind of way) and became the best of friends.
She had almost always been friends with the twins, Michael and Matthew, almost as long as she had been with Payton.
In 8th grade, she had gone out to a party with one of her, at the time, very close friends who was about two grades above her. She had not known there would be alcohol and drugs involved so she wanted to leave as soon as she got there; uncomfortable with it and being around a lot of guys. Her friend managed to convinced her to stay with him for a hour. She doesn't remember much what happened at the party, only that somehow, she had gotten into the alcohol and got drunk. She realized it was about time for her to go home, so she asked her friend to walk home with her, he agreed. He took her most of the way in the right direction, then he took a wrong turn and Trinity didn't quite realize; he led her to this old, broken down warehouse. Confused and worried, Trinity asked him what they were doing there and he gave no explanation. Instead, he undressed her and raped her in the warehouse, then he left her there by herself over night. She went home the next day confuse, scared, and angry with a huge headache and almost got lost on her way back. She has never told anyone about this and avoids her old friend at all costs.
When she got into high school, a lot of people, both guys and girls, thought she was very beautiful and this made her very popular.
Many of the relationships and friendships she had had advantage of her or because of her looks or even to become popular with the boys or just popular period. This makes her very cautious of others because she believes they will do the same thing everyone else did.

Education - What is Trinity Connell’s level of education?

High school student

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Trinity Connell have?

A small dog her family got a few years ago and called her princess.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Clothes

She doesn't really care what she wears. She could wear her pajamas everywhere if she really wanted to. Sometimes she likes to wear skirts and high heels while other times she'll wear a suit and tie if her parents will let her. She doesn't necessarily stick to her specific genders style though she is and does identify as female. She does occasionally wear specifically male clothes and specifically female clothes but usually she'll stick to T-shirts, sweat shirts, sweat pants, skinny jeans, and sneakers. She doesn't think people should define her based on what she wears but on who she really is inside. In the story she wears a flower crown and a flower bracelet. She has a long shirt-dress type thing on that pulls up the sides with flowers so the front part hangs down and so does the back. She wears another shirt under that and spandex type shorts under it all.

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This character was created by Hadlee Marshall on

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