info Overview
Name - What is Andrew Hayes ’s full name?

Andrew Hayes

Other names - What other aliases does Andrew Hayes go by?

Protectorate of Prince Albert, Servant of the King, Guardian of House Duran, Master of the Death Guard, Drake Slayer, Bandits Bane, Traveler of the Lost Roads, Seeker of Knowledge, Gate Opener, Half Blooded, Butcher of Akas, Cursed Immortal

Role - What is Andrew Hayes ’s role in your story?

Lord Knight of Dunecrest and House Duron

Age - How old is Andrew Hayes ?

~1600 or so years old

Gender - What is Andrew Hayes ’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andrew Hayes have?


Hair Style - How does Andrew Hayes style their hair?

a bit long, but maintained

Hair Color - What color is Andrew Hayes ’s hair?


Height - How tall is Andrew Hayes ?


Weight - How much does Andrew Hayes weigh?

130 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andrew Hayes have?


Skin Tone

very lightly tanned

Race - What is Andrew Hayes ’s race?

Nmerian, Atlanian

Eye Color - What is Andrew Hayes ’s eye color?

Green, with a ring of red around the pupil

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Andrew Hayes have?

Does not trust Valarnans, hates gnolls,

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Andrew Hayes have?

Angry, rude, fair

Motivations - What motivates Andrew Hayes most?

serving his prince, his lord, and his king

Flaws - What flaws does Andrew Hayes have?

Short temper, undiplomatic,

Talents - What talents does Andrew Hayes have?

Many learned over a long life

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andrew Hayes have?

Reading historical texts, making the other lords of Atlania very uncomfortable

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Andrew Hayes ’s favorite food?

Turkey legs

Favorite animal - What is Andrew Hayes ’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Andrew Hayes ’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Andrew Hayes ’s favorite possession?

An old knife his mother gave him

Favorite color - What is Andrew Hayes ’s favorite color?

Dark blue

Occupation - What is Andrew Hayes ’s occupation?

Hayes is an adventurer/lord/soldier

Politics - What politics does Andrew Hayes have?

Hayes tends to avoid having his own politics, towing they line of the LeTreis/Duron/Talakar houses, but delights in hampering all the other lords plans at any opportunity he gets.

Religion - What religion does Andrew Hayes practice?

Atlanian religion, Nmerian Ancestor worship

Job - What job does Andrew Hayes have?


info History
Birthday - When is Andrew Hayes ’s birthday?

sometime right before the rainy season

Background - What is Andrew Hayes ’s background?

Andrew Hayes was a commoner who worked his way up a local lords army. When the lord was slain in battle he was eventually assigned to the retinue of Prince Albert during the Okose war.

Education - What is Andrew Hayes ’s level of education?

Well educated

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Andrew Hayes have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Garth Campbell on

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