info Overview
Name - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s full name?

Professor Tanya Nightlake

Other names - What other aliases does Professor Tanya Nightlake go by?

Nightlake, Professor Nightlake,

Role - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s role in your story?

Founding member of the Order of the Greykeep, Wandering professor of the sciences, Archaeologist

Gender - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?


Hair Style - How does Professor Tanya Nightlake style their hair?

long and straint

Hair Color - What color is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s hair?

Black as pitch

Height - How tall is Professor Tanya Nightlake?


Weight - How much does Professor Tanya Nightlake weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?

Short stature and red eyes

Body Type


Skin Tone


Linked Races

Race - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s race?


Eye Color - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?

Speaks with an academic, disinterested tone, also tends to lounge even during classes, protective

Motivations - What motivates Professor Tanya Nightlake most?

in the past she was motivated by her desire to help her friends, now she is mostly motivated by her desire to learn new thingss

Flaws - What flaws does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?

Is a know it all, has a napoleon complex

Talents - What talents does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?

Is a master of all magic, a competent fighter,

Hobbies - What hobbies does Professor Tanya Nightlake have?

Exploring, reading, teaching,

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s favorite animal?

Toy Moa as raised by the thief king

Favorite weapon - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s favorite possession?

Her first and only host's bone necklace

Favorite color - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s occupation?

A traveling professor

Religion - What religion does Professor Tanya Nightlake practice?

Follows the Dityalumi creation beliefs but also follows the Stanzgarian Goddess Bozz

info History
Background - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s background?

Nightlake is a vampire who received a vision from the goddess Bozz to go to the mainland and aid Bozz's new champion Arthur Greykeep, before that she was a familiar less vampire on her island home

Education - What is Professor Tanya Nightlake’s level of education?

Is a professor

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Professor Tanya Nightlake

This character was created by Garth Campbell on

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