info Overview
Name - What is Albert’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Albert go by?


Role - What is Albert’s role in your story?

Prince of Atlania

Age - How old is Albert?


Gender - What is Albert’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Albert have?

clean shaven when he can manage it, but the Okose constant hit and run tactics mean it is not often feasable

Hair Style - How does Albert style their hair?

Growing unkempt because of being on campaign for so long

Hair Color - What color is Albert’s hair?


Height - How tall is Albert?


Weight - How much does Albert weigh?


Body Type

Tall warrior type

Skin Tone

Dark tanned skin

Linked Races

Race - What is Albert’s race?


Eye Color - What is Albert’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Albert have?

upper nobility



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Albert have?

Kindness, war weariness, Charismatic

Motivations - What motivates Albert most?

Peace, protecting his men, being a good king

Flaws - What flaws does Albert have?

indecisive on the battlefield,

Talents - What talents does Albert have?

Oration, wood carving

Hobbies - What hobbies does Albert have?

reading ancient texts, whittling

Magical abilities

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Albert’s favorite food?

Bread and honey

Favorite animal - What is Albert’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Albert’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Albert’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Albert’s occupation?

Heir apparent of house TBD

Politics - What politics does Albert have?

The loudest voice among the Atlanians pushing for peace with the Okose

Religion - What religion does Albert practice?

The Atlanian religion

info History
Background - What is Albert’s background?

The favored son of the Atlanian Monarchy during the Okose border wars, he was groomed by his father from a young age to take the throne. During the many skirmishes Albert worked his way to leading whole armies in the war, but his heart was never in it, if he had more support he would have pushed for peace and reconciliation with the Okose.

Education - What is Albert’s level of education?

Well educated on the subjects a leader needs to know

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history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Albert

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Albert

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Albert

This character was created by Garth Campbell on

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