info Overview
Name - What is Marabel’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Marabel go by?

Teacher, Flower, Doe, Sis

Role - What is Marabel’s role in your story?

Teacher and Child Caretaker

Age - How old is Marabel?


Gender - What is Marabel’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Marabel have?


Hair Style - How does Marabel style their hair?

Long french braid

Hair Color - What color is Marabel’s hair?

Dusty Blond

Height - How tall is Marabel?


Weight - How much does Marabel weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Marabel have?

Jagged scar down the left side of her face over her eye, causing partial blindness in her left eye, starting at her forehead and ending at her cheekbone

No left arm, severed at the shoulder (this is due to infection setting in quickly with the floating bone shards)

Body Type


Skin Tone

cool toned pale

Race - What is Marabel’s race?


Eye Color - What is Marabel’s eye color?

One hazel, one clouded white

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Marabel have?

Is slow to distrust and wants everyone to be good
Struggles with memory
Reluctant to ask for help


Missing her left arm, blind in her left eye,

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Marabel have?

Pick at her hair all the time, uses her magic as a secondary arm and uses that to goof around sometimes as she uses wind most often, having a basis in weather

Motivations - What motivates Marabel most?

Wants to feel safe and live with kids in an environment that leads to happy and comfortable lives

Talents - What talents does Marabel have?

Teaching, dancing, story telling, working with children

Hobbies - What hobbies does Marabel have?

dancing, painting, helping with baking

Personality type - What personality type is Marabel?

Gentle, sweet, caring to everyone

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Marabel’s favorite color?

Light pale purple

Favorite possession - What is Marabel’s favorite possession?

Her sign language book (this is how most of the group knows sign language)

Favorite food - What is Marabel’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Marabel’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Marabel practice?

The Ideals of the Goddess

Job - What job does Marabel have?

Teaching children and everybody

Favorite animal - What is Marabel’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Marabel’s favorite weapon?


info History
Education - What is Marabel’s level of education?

Multiple languages, survival, animal caretaking

Background - What is Marabel’s background?

Was a school teacher from about 15 till 17, when a young girl she taught showed abilities with magic. She encouraged the girl to only use it with her, saying people were scared of it. The girl got discovered and they followed her to confirm that the teacher knew about it. The girl displayed her magic and teach smiled, then people burst in aiming a gun at the young girl. Teach screamed and grabbed the girl, turning to run only to get slashed at, a claw like serrated blade from a soldiers hand running down the left side of her face and causing blindness in her eye. She falls, clutching the girl to her chest in a desperate attempt to protect her and tries to push her way back up. One soldier slashes as hard as he can, ending up cutting her left arm from her body. The young girl tumbles from her grip and in a split second the soldiers shoot the girl. Teach gets taken to the outskirts of town and thrown into the woods, the expectation that she'd be eaten by animals or killed by other people. She gets found and taken in

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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