info Overview
Name - What is Orlo’s full name?


Role - What is Orlo’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Orlo?


Gender - What is Orlo’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Orlo have?

Beard, short

Hair Style - How does Orlo style their hair?

Messy moptop

Hair Color - What color is Orlo’s hair?


Height - How tall is Orlo?


Weight - How much does Orlo weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Orlo have?

Faint raised scars all along his arms from barbed wire traps

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Skin Tone

Light tan

Race - What is Orlo’s race?


Eye Color - What is Orlo’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Orlo have?

Struggles to keep up with activity
Often in his own world
Has his own ideas of what to do, sometimes struggles to take directions


Tremors made worse by anxiety or stress

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Orlo have?

Almost constantly writing notes or talking to himself
Crosses his arms consistently to hide his tremors

Motivations - What motivates Orlo most?

Enjoys learning about everything, especially magic and how it works
Wants to make their world better
Wants a peaceful future

Prejudices - What prejudices does Orlo have?

Struggles with leaders
Doesn't like any royalty at first

Talents - What talents does Orlo have?

Pattern finding
Explaining to anyone about anything

Hobbies - What hobbies does Orlo have?

Story telling

Personality type - What personality type is Orlo?

Smart, Nerdy, friendly but withdrawn at points, can be quiet when he gets too much into his head

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Orlo’s favorite color?

Pale green

Favorite possession - What is Orlo’s favorite possession?


Favorite food - What is Orlo’s favorite food?

Teas (of most kinds)

Occupation - What is Orlo’s occupation?

Protector, knowledge keeper

Job - What job does Orlo have?

Protector, information gatherer

Favorite animal - What is Orlo’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Orlo’s favorite weapon?


info History
Background - What is Orlo’s background?

He was an academic for a long time with the kingdom. After a while things got tense and he noticed children getting hurt just because of things they couldn't control. He started to take issue with it as he had an interest in magic and it's uses as well as who it chooses. After enough of his arguments, they set books as a trap and he ends up ensnared in wire traps. He takes the books, does his best to cut his way out of the traps, and runs. This is how they have some magic history books. He joined them at age 23

Birthday - When is Orlo’s birthday?

March 10th (Pisces)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Athena331 on

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