info Overview
Name - What is Calyx’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Calyx go by?

Doc, Grey

Role - What is Calyx’s role in your story?

Medic and teacher to MC

Age - How old is Calyx?


Gender - What is Calyx’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Calyx have?

Scruff, patches white majority black

Hair Style - How does Calyx style their hair?

Short on the sides and back with longer top tied back in a man bun

Hair Color - What color is Calyx’s hair?

Black with streaks of white (Vitiligo)

Height - How tall is Calyx?


Weight - How much does Calyx weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Calyx have?

Vitiligo: Spots along the right side of his face, to his scalp and lip and around his eye, causing white eyebrow, eyelashes, and hair streaks on his right side. More spots along his torso, arms, hands, neck, and legs.
Scars: puckered scarring along his left knee and up his thigh, burn and slashing scars along his back inhibiting movement, scattered scarring along his arm twisting around it and going up to his elbow from the top of his hand

Body Type

Very well built, strong, heavy built

Skin Tone

Medium with cool undertones

-Has vitiligo, Non-segmental Generalized
Vitiligo is along the right side of his face, spreading to his scalp and lips, spots along his arms and hands and down his torso, as well as splotches down his legs.

Race - What is Calyx’s race?


Eye Color - What is Calyx’s eye color?

Cornflower blue with center heterochromia of brown around the pupil

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Calyx have?

Tries to help everyone no matter what
Struggles with failure
Blames himself for any problems arising
Struggles to make friends out of fear
Tries to plan for every outcome, obsessive


Weak knee due to injuries that never healed right, has to rely on a cane for assistance walking at points
Severe pain in his back due to injuries that healed wrong and burn scars. Most often is wearing a brace that prevents movement in his back to keep the pain at a minimum

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Calyx have?

Soft spoken, friendly once you get familiar with him, very work driven. Constantly preparing new things for the medical ward, almost overly cautious, still has flashbacks and nightmares

Motivations - What motivates Calyx most?

He wants nobody to have to suffer from a bad injury like his brother or he did

Prejudices - What prejudices does Calyx have?

He struggles to see royalty as good, and hates the guard in general

Talents - What talents does Calyx have?

Memory, creating medicine, anything medical, story telling,

Hobbies - What hobbies does Calyx have?

Story telling, sketching

Personality type - What personality type is Calyx?

Golden retriever energy but traumatized

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Calyx’s favorite color?

Deep blue

Favorite possession - What is Calyx’s favorite possession?

Handmade notebook with replaceable pages made by his brother. Made of leather

Favorite food - What is Calyx’s favorite food?

Lemon grass bread

Occupation - What is Calyx’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Calyx practice?

Ideals of the Goddess

Job - What job does Calyx have?

Medic for the banishes

Favorite animal - What is Calyx’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Calyx’s favorite weapon?

When he has to use one, he prefers and blunt staff

info History
Education - What is Calyx’s level of education?

Two languages in full, politics, medical training, and self taught medicine and first aid

Background - What is Calyx’s background?

Was a former guard member for the royal family, no magic abilities in the beginning but his younger brother ended up showing abilities and was chased. He ended up dying due to a poorly treated wound. He was abandoned by his fellow guard members saying “if your brother is one of those, then you are too, we can’t trust you” and they left him injured in the woods. Was found by another left in the woods and he’s been trying to be the best at taking care of people since. He refuses to take up a blade unless forced due to his past. He was in the guard from 16-20, left at 20 and has been with the banished since then.

Birthday - When is Calyx’s birthday?

January 6th (Capricorn Sign)

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This character was created by Athena331 on

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