info Overview
Name - What is Raeka’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Raeka go by?

Phoenix (they thought she died ages ago but she came back somehow, covered in burn scars)

Role - What is Raeka’s role in your story?

Protector of the Banished

Age - How old is Raeka?


Gender - What is Raeka’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Raeka have?


Hair Style - How does Raeka style their hair?

Twin braid with short cute fringe

Hair Color - What color is Raeka’s hair?

Slate grey

Height - How tall is Raeka?


Weight - How much does Raeka weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Raeka have?

Burn scars covering most of her body, 2nd to 3rd degree especially along her arms.
She managed to save her face, but she has rough scarred skin along most of her body

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Raeka’s race?


Eye Color - What is Raeka’s eye color?

Light purple with green inner ring

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Raeka have?

She's quick to react, snarky, quick to judge and hard to change the opinion of


She has a limp on her left ankle due to an older injury, it barely slows her down

She struggles with PTSD (DO RESEARCH) at points, episodes coming at times that she hasn't figured out yet (caused by fires blowing in the wind, as well as being surrounded for too long)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Raeka have?

Tends to stare into the distance, watching for things
Always has fabric wrapped around her arm to fidget with
Calls anyone older than her by 2 years "crusty" or "old" (other than matriarch, she has high respect)

Motivations - What motivates Raeka most?

Wants to protect her people
Wants to make a better future for the kids she's saved
Wants a peaceful life

Prejudices - What prejudices does Raeka have?

  • Royalty makes her upset, however she is less likely to say anything outright

  • She is against delicate females in power (women that won't take advantage of their power and sit by to let things happen)

Talents - What talents does Raeka have?

Tree climbing
Parkour/Free running

Hobbies - What hobbies does Raeka have?


Personality type - What personality type is Raeka?

Sassy, sarcastic, powerful, unsure of herself,

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Raeka’s favorite color?

Dark red

Favorite possession - What is Raeka’s favorite possession?

A pendant necklace from a friend of hers before she had to leave the village

Favorite food - What is Raeka’s favorite food?

Soft cheese

Occupation - What is Raeka’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Raeka have?

Eat the Rich

Religion - What religion does Raeka practice?

"The goddess made me in her image to bring the destruction she can't"

Job - What job does Raeka have?

Defender of the banished

Favorite animal - What is Raeka’s favorite animal?

Red fox

Favorite weapon - What is Raeka’s favorite weapon?

Curved blade knife

info History
Education - What is Raeka’s level of education?

Two languages, native and sign language, knows short hand writing as well.

Background - What is Raeka’s background?

She lived in the village, a lower class family doing just well enough. She had a few friends she hung around consistently. After a bit, she started to develop magic abilities but she knew enough to hide them. She only used them occasionally to try and practice to make sure she had better control. At 10 years old she got found. She decided to run and escaped the guards once she got past the wall. She saw her friend follow her to the gate, but she stayed behind before running back to her parents. Once she got into the woods she hunkered down, scared and unsure of what to do. Eventually some people from the banished found her and took her in. She spent most of her time learning her magic and how to fight.
At 17 (later in the year) she went missing, she doesn't remember much of it, just that she was scared and wanted to go back home, and that people in armor had her. she eventually escaped with bad burns that were unhealed and festering, and she got back to the camp a few days before her birthday. She collapsed once she arrived and for 2 days she didn't wake up. Once she did she was catatonic for over a week more before she started to move and speak again. She refuses to acknowledge this time of her life.

Birthday - When is Raeka’s birthday?

October 26th (Scorpio)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Athena331 on

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