info Overview
Name - What is Olava Kuget’s full name?

Olava Kuget

Role - What is Olava Kuget’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Olava Kuget’s gender?


Age - How old is Olava Kuget?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Olava Kuget?


Weight - How much does Olava Kuget weigh?

212 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Olava Kuget’s birthday?

October 11th

Background - What is Olava Kuget’s background?

Olava was born a few years after Erwin Bala, sharing the same mother but different fathers. Still they grew up siblings, close as anyone would expect. Erwin looked after her, protected her, and in turn she always had his back.

When The Night's River tricked Erwin into running the shop in Firebend Olava was furious. She didn't dare defy the clan, however, and instead began to go off on her own more often than not. Away from prying eyes where she could ask questions, get answers, and find a way to free her brother.

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