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Name - What is the name of The Night's River?

The Night's River

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edit Notes

The Night's River (rough translation) are one of many nomadic groups that wander The Scorched Flats. They make most of their living escorting people from Firebend to other parts of Estana, exchanging their services for whatever the various people can afford to give them and bartering with Firebend and other cities for things they find in the desert that others wouldn't even know to look for.

They are, however, a little on the strict side with the rules they are expected to follow. Any variation from this tradition unless strictly necessary for the survival of the clan or the individual usually results in expulsion - the individual that violates these rules without good reason is usually then outcast, and they lose any connection to friends, family, and help the clan might give them. That's usually enough to keep them in line, but not always....

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