info Overview
Name - What is Erwin Bala’s full name?

Erwin Bala

Role - What is Erwin Bala’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Erwin Bala’s gender?


Age - How old is Erwin Bala?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Erwin Bala?


Weight - How much does Erwin Bala weigh?

194 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Erwin Bala’s birthday?

June 12th

Background - What is Erwin Bala’s background?

Erwin was born as part of The Night's River while they traveled through The Scorched Flats, and for the first part of his life he was content with that. The idea of a community, of a family, was appealing to him....until it wasn't. He wanted to go off and see more of the world than just the two towns they traveled between, he wanted the freedom to talk to people and hear their stories.

Not wanting to lose one of their own the tribe gave him an option; to run a shop known as The Wise Caravan. The owner at the time was elderly and needed an apprentice, and while it would still tie Erwin to the clan it would allow him the freedoms he wanted to a degree and seemed like the perfect compromise.

Of course, what they didn't tell him was that the shop was far more than it seemed at first. When the ownership was finally passed on to him Erwin learned first hand what they were keeping from him - that the shop was magically enchanted, and now that he owned it he could never leave. He assumed his predecessor was just too insular and in poor health to go anywhere, and he felt stupid for being so wrong.

Now he is bound to the shop, unable to leave. He spends his time doing what the clan wants by selling the items they find and trading for anything he can with those that come through, but he's also desperately seeking a way out of his situation. A few have already tried and failed to free him but Erwin won't give up.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
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