info Overview
Name - What is Cade Warner’s full name?

Cade Warner

Role - What is Cade Warner’s role in your story?

Parental substitute/Private detective

Other names - What other aliases does Cade Warner go by?

Cadester (from Cory Warner)

Gender - What is Cade Warner’s gender?






Age - How old is Cade Warner?


Languages spoken



Family guy originally (turned main oc)

fingerprint Nature
Personality description

He's usually pretty stoic, especially around new people /// he only acts like a jerk or a flirt toward Bridger Moon /// truly wants to protect the people he loves /// he's shy about showing genuine emotions unless if it's backed with sarcasm and cockyness /// smokes a lot originally started because of the people around him influencing him and for his mother being killed infront of him /// acts like hes detached so people leave him alone but he in reality really cares /// always wants to solve any problems /// very protective over Cory Warner /// works to maintain a apartment for Bridger, Cory, and himself /// hates Millie for backstory when they met but they become sorta friends later on after he learns why she did what she did

Positive personality

Leadership, courage, chaming, intellegent,

Negative personality

Stoeic, jerk, antisocial, grumpy, pessimistic, Argumentative,

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cade Warner have?

He's against the police and thinks they are always incompetent especially when it helps with solving cases

Talents - What talents does Cade Warner have?


Motivations - What motivates Cade Warner most?

Finding why his mother was killed and to protect the people he cares for

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cade Warner have?

Reading, smoking,

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cade Warner have?

He fidgets with any jewelry he has on at the moment especially when he's nervous

Tv tropes

Private detective /// Parental substitute /// Ambiguously gay /// Mysterious past /// Will they or won't they /// Friends with Benefits /// Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other /// Belligerent Sexual Tension /// Mystery Magnet /// Must Have Nicotine /// Cigarette of Anxiety /// Gayngst /// The Stoic /// Deadpan Snarker /// Badass Longcoat /// Smoking Is Cool /// Private Eye Monologue /// Stoic Woobie /// Tall, Dark, and Handsome /// Sharp-Dressed Man ///

face Looks
Height - How tall is Cade Warner?


Hair Color - What color is Cade Warner’s hair?

Black with a bit of white in front

Hair Style - How does Cade Warner style their hair?

Spiky cut with the fringe down with some hair mimicking cat ears

Eye Color - What is Cade Warner’s eye color?


Race - What is Cade Warner’s race?

Half white, half mexican

Skin Tone


style Trivia

Guns, his powers

Favorite color - What is Cade Warner’s favorite color?

Black, white, and yellow

Favorite food - What is Cade Warner’s favorite food?

Cigarettes, sushi

Favorite animal - What is Cade Warner’s favorite animal?


stars Power
Name - What is Cade Warner’s full name?

Chain control

Description - Describe Cade Warner.

Makes him able to make and manipulate chains


His whole body can get sore especially if the chains he makes come out of him. Usual sore spots after using his chain manipulation are his hands, back, and shoulders.

Move 1 name

Chain spider

Move 1 description

Chains come out of his (or others) back like tentacles/spider legs allowing the ability to crawl anywhere or to hold/push/etc things

groups Social
Job - What job does Cade Warner have?

Private detective

Occupation - What is Cade Warner’s occupation?

Helping the rebellion organization

device_hub Family
timeline Backstory
Background - What is Cade Warner’s background?

His father was neglectful because he didn't want to deal with his family. His mother died when he was 10 due to her dealing with a curse placed on her when Cade was 3. After his mother died, he began to resent his father for not being around his mother when she was dying and for how he treated him throughout his life especially after his mothers passing. His father would often ignore him, try to make Cade be like him, be homophobic, etc.

Cade knew Bridger Moon from childhood from 5-10 they would hang out every summer due to Bridger Moon attending an institution located in Smoke shore. Cade's dad disapproved of how close they where and would often insult their relationship, and Bridger Moon making Cade extremely defensive of Bridger Moon. Cade's mother understood he liked him so she would try to protect Cade from his father and reassure Cade it was ok. Cade and Bridger Moon met at a playground when Cade saw Bridger Moon being picked on then defending him with his ability. Cade realized he had a crush on Bridger Moon when they went camping with Bridger Moon's aunts and snuck out of their tent to see a meteor shower when they where 7. They would hang out every day after Bridger Moon got out of the institution but often Cade would try to sneak into the institution through a window just to see him leading to him getting in trouble often. Any time Bridger Moon was sent to isolation Cade would go to the small window of the basement to comfort him by talking to him and holding his hand. On the last day of his institution Bridger Moon kissed Cade on his cheek as a goodbye confession making Cade fall in love with him and have that memory ingrained on his mind forever.

Cade met Bridger Moon in a coffee shop after not seeing him in 7 years. When Cade saw him he immediately regained his crush on Bridger Moon but this time it was more intense. Instead of acting like his usual stoic self he acted with others he instead adapted a flirty, and laid-back persona with him. After catching up with him he offered to let him live rent-free in his apartment after learning what happened to him (cus he's down bad).

Met Millie Leeds when she tried to kill him because she was hired to kill him by a leader in the "Big Bad's" (idk name yet) corporation who promised to let her free if she did it. She tried killing him by seducing him and acting like someone killed her husband when in reality she had killed him herself because he was becoming abusive. Her attempts at killing Cade didn't work because he's gay and he found out she was the one who killed her husband. They fought before Millie Leeds ran away. (Later he would find the truth on why she did it when they where assigned a mission together making Cade finally understand why she did what she did.)

First introduction

In the beginning when Cory sneaks into his office to hide from the "police" of his world because she accidentally breaks one of their hands while trying to get away from one of the "police" because he grabbed her arm for looking out of place (not looking like she was from there for not wearing attire from Insert name here ) he originally thinks she was just there to mess with him after he asks what her name is and their last names are the same thinking she made that name up in the spot while she looked around


In main group helping with missions

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cade Warner’s birthday?

June 21

Education - What is Cade Warner’s level of education?

Bachelor's degree in criminal justice

shopping_basket Inventory
Items (in backpack/purse/bag/etc)

Pockets: Wallet, cigarettes, gun, lighter
Wallet: Picture of Bridger Moon, Picture of the gang, and picture of Bridger Moon and Cory Warner together

audiotrack Playlist

Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl
Him and Cory Warner his part is the slower

Leonie by Frankie cosmos (him and Bridger Moon)

edit Notes

chain manipulation powers (inside rotary kiln)

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Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Cade Warner

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Character chevron_right Personality description link mentioned Cade Warner

Universe chevron_right Main group link linked Cade Warner

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This character was created by C.W on

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