info Overview
Name - What is Cory Warner’s full name?

Cory Warner

Role - What is Cory Warner’s role in your story?

Rebel Leader/Anti-hero

Other names - What other aliases does Cory Warner go by?

C.W, Charmy

Gender - What is Cory Warner’s gender?

Gender apathetic


Any pronouns


Lesbian and Demiaroace

Age - How old is Cory Warner?


Languages spoken

English and Spanish


Sometimes I redesign her as a fandom oc

fingerprint Nature
Personality description

Likes to explore and take risks /// likes living her life on the edge of death /// kinda apathetic /// only will defend his friends if they feel like it /// likes to live life like she wants /// after going to his world she doesn't want to go back to living a life she doesn't want

Positive personality

Creative, curious (even if it leads to bad things), leader, self-aware, funny, open, adventurous (even if the adventures are dangerous and put others at risk)

Negative personality

Rude, egotistical, paranoid, selfish, greedy, stubborn, annoying, impatient, mischievous, wry, loud, disrespectful

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cory Warner have?

Hates adults and doesn't trust them due to her parents and adults that used to be in her life

Talents - What talents does Cory Warner have?

Stealing, lying, arts and crafts

Motivations - What motivates Cory Warner most?

Want's to take over Insert name here

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cory Warner have?

Drawing, making stuff, playing video games

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cory Warner have?

Often copys the way people sound, what they say, what they do, etc /// if one of her hands touch something her other hand has to do it as well so it matches /// kinda acts like a cat

Tv tropes

Greed /// Lovable Rouge /// ambiguously gay /// Plucky Girl /// Jerkass Woobie /// Thrill Seeker /// Fastest Thing Alive /// Determinator /// Stock Shōnen Hero /// Inferiority Superiority Complex /// Genre Savvy /// Genki Girl /// White Gloves /// Mad Bomber /// Laughably Evil /// Evil Cannot Comprehend Good ///

face Looks
Height - How tall is Cory Warner?


Hair Color - What color is Cory Warner’s hair?

Jet black but dyed dark blue at the bottom

Hair Style - How does Cory Warner style their hair?

tomboyish sidetails

Eye Color - What is Cory Warner’s eye color?

Left dark blue and Right dark red black cat-like pupils

Race - What is Cory Warner’s race?

Human (Mexican)

Skin Tone

pale ivory

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cory Warner have?

Faint scar on her right eye she did herself when she got mad

style Trivia

Bow staff, bombs, ray guns

Favorite color - What is Cory Warner’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cory Warner’s favorite food?

Chicken tenders

Favorite animal - What is Cory Warner’s favorite animal?


stars Power
Name - What is Cory Warner’s full name?


Description - Describe Cory Warner.

Can move things with her mind


New to his powers so can't control them well /// if they use their powers too much their head can hurt too much ///

Move 1 name

Hazy shade of winter

Move 1 description

When in snowy parts she can control the snow to blind her opponent/s this move is named after her favorite song

device_hub Family

Unnamed mother


Unnamed father

timeline Backstory
Background - What is Cory Warner’s background?

Born on Earth but he ran away after killing their parents and found a portal to her world she knows it's his world because she had used her newfound powers to open his world by accident after destroying a forest in a rage of not knowing they would open their world

First introduction

When they step in he realized the world was already inhabited and ruled by an oppressive ruler so she had to take him down and prove to others it was her world by finding clues of her being a prophecy


In main group helping with missions

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cory Warner’s birthday?

April 19

Education - What is Cory Warner’s level of education?

up until 13 she went to school when she ran away

shopping_basket Inventory
Items (in backpack/purse/bag/etc)

Camaras, wallet, toys/figures, art supplies, sketchbook, Dual blade staff

audiotrack Playlist

Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl
Him (his part is the the thievin' part) and Cade Warner (his part is the faster part)

Talking to Myself by The Linda Lindas

edit Notes

Basically, a self-insert that I use to make OCs in other fandoms aside from my own world

Cory Warner appears in the following documents
Universe chevron_right Origin link mentioned Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Cory Warner

Universe chevron_right Main main group link linked Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Personality description link mentioned Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Items (in backpack/purse/bag/etc) link mentioned Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Other names link mentioned Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Songs link mentioned Cory Warner

Character chevron_right "Adopted" children link linked Cory Warner

Universe chevron_right Hidden groups link mentioned Cory Warner

Universe chevron_right Main group link linked Cory Warner

Universe chevron_right Main link linked Cory Warner

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Cory Warner

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Cory Warner

This character was created by C.W on

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